Eat your friends in 'SHARKS' a cross-platform (PC and VR) multiplayer hunting game. Hunt with groups of up to 10 people online. Eat whatever you can to survive and avoid the zombie sharks: last player standing wins.
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Tulossa pian Early Accessiin

Pelin kehittäjät julkaisevat sen kehitysvaiheessa ja jatkavat työstämistä pelaajien palautteen pohjalta.

Huomaa: Early Access -pelit ovat keskeneräisiä ja saattavat vielä muuttua. Jos et halua pelata peliä sen tämänhetkisessä tilassa, odota ja tarkista peli myöhemmin uudelleen. Lue lisää

Kehittäjien kertomaa:

Miksi Early Access?

As we continue to add content and features, being able to monitor community feedback is critical to ensure that the game ends up being as balanced, stable and fun as possible.

Miten kauan peli tulee arviolta olemaan Early Access -vaiheessa?

Roughly 6 months after the initial Early Access release: essentially as long as it takes for the game to have enough content and polish for us to consider the base game complete.

Millä tavoin lopullinen versio tulee eroamaan Early Access -versiosta?

The base game is already complete, but we have a lot of planned content to increase variety and replay value: more maps, edible marine creatures, powerups, game modes, cosmetic items and costumes, soundtracks, etc.

SHARKS will never considered 'finished': we plan to be continuously adding new seasonal content and events to keep it fresh and exciting for years to come.

Mikä on Early Access -version tila tällä hetkellä?

The Early Access version will have 5 maps, 3 game modes, 5 powerups, 30+ costumes, 50+ achievements, multiple stats, leaderboards and progression / level-up system in place.

Muuttuuko pelin hinta Early Access -vaiheen jälkeen?

We do not plan to change the price when we leave Early Access.

Miten yhteisö otetaan mukaan kehitysprosessiin?

With frequent development updates, an in-game feedback link and messages in the Discord server, we intend to include the community in every step of development.
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Lataa SHARKS Demo

Peli ei ole vielä saatavilla Steamissä

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Lisää toivelistallesi, niin saat ilmoituksen, kun peli on saatavilla.
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Ilmoita bugeista ja anna tälle pelille palautetta keskustelupalstalla

Tietoa pelistä

Download the free DEMO today: Zombie Mode and multiplayer fully functional! WISHLIST NOW!!

Eat your friends in 'SHARKS' a cross-platform (PC and VR) multiplayer hunting game. Hunt with groups of up to 10 people online. Eat whatever you can to survive and avoid the zombie sharks: last player standing wins.

The VR controls are super responsive (it feels like a human-shark mind meld): simply look where you want the shark to swim. Pull the trigger to move forward, press the grip button to chomp/eat things. You can also play on a flat-screen using mouse/keyboard or gamepad. Each game is a quick snack-sized round so it's perfect to just drop-in or drop-out whenever you've got a spare minute.

Customize your shark with a huge range of unlockable cosmetics. Mix and match items you've unlocked from your inventory to get the look you want. Who would have thought sharks could be so cute?

There's no pay-to-win so everyone is on equal terms....and if you get tired of eating each other, there are plenty of other things to chomp on.

What are you waiting for? Get your friends to download SHARKS for free and start eating each other today!

Aikuissisällön kuvaus

Kehittäjät ovat kuvailleet sisältöä seuraavasti:

The shark can attack and eat other sharks and sea creatures with depictions of blood and gore


    • Vaatii 64-bittisen suorittimen ja käyttöjärjestelmän
    • Käyttöjärjestelmä: Windows 10
    • Suoritin: Intel or AMD Dual Core CPU
    • Muisti: 4 GB RAM
    • Grafiikka: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 650
    • Verkko: Laajakaistayhteys
    • Tallennus: 500 MB kiintolevytilaa
    • VR-tuki: OpenXR, SteamVR
    • Lisätietoja: Virtual Reality supported (but not required)
    • Vaatii 64-bittisen suorittimen ja käyttöjärjestelmän
    • Käyttöjärjestelmä: Windows 10
    • Suoritin: Intel Core i5 or AMD Ryzen 5
    • Muisti: 4 GB RAM
    • Grafiikka: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1060
    • Verkko: Laajakaistayhteys
    • Tallennus: 500 MB kiintolevytilaa
    • VR-tuki: OpenXR, SteamVR
    • Lisätietoja: Virtual Reality supported (but not required)
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