Experience the world of Ancaria in its full glory with Sacred 2: Gold Edition. Containing Sacred 2 Fallen Angel and the awesome add-on Ice and Blood. Defeat countless dangerous enemies; capture powerful weapons and valuable treasures. Prepare yourself for the ultimate battle and become a legend.
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Blandede (18) - 61 % av de 18 brukeranmeldelsene fra de siste 30 dagene er positive.
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Stort sett positive (2,408) - 77 % av 2,408 brukeranmeldelser for dette spillet er positive.
21. des. 2012

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Om spillet

Experience the world of Ancaria in its full glory with Sacred 2: Gold Edition. Containing Sacred 2 Fallen Angel and the awesome add-on Ice and Blood. Defeat countless dangerous enemies; capture powerful weapons and valuable treasures. Prepare yourself for the ultimate battle and become a legend.

Sacred 2 Fallen Angel

Poised on the brink of destruction and threatened by overwhelming chaos, a mysterious energy source is spreading across the world of Ancaria. Leaving mutation and terror in its wake, this living energy has become the razors edge on which all else is balanced. The powers of Light and Shadow are destined to collide in an ill fated battle that could tear apart the fabric of life itself.

Sacred 2 Ice & Blood

Expanding the world of Ancaria, Ice & Blood features two new regions, a new playable character and tons of new items, enemy’s, weapons and missions.

Key Features

  • An immense, seamless fantasy world with gorgeous and detailed dungeons
  • The light and shadow campaign allows you do be a hero or a destroyer
  • Configure and develop one of seven characters
  • Collect thousands of weapons and pieces of armour
  • Call your carrier imp whenever you want and let him carry your treasures
  • Charge into battle on your mount
  • More than 500 Quests are waiting for you


    • OS *:Microsoft® Windows XP (32 / 64 Bit) with Service Pack 3 / Vista (32 / 64 Bit) with Service Pack 1
    • Processor:2,4 GHz Processor
    • Memory:1 GB RAM
    • Graphics:Graphics card 256 MB RAM, DirectX® 9.0c compatible, with Pixel Shader 2.0 support (from nVidia® GeForce™ 6800 or ATI® Radeon® X800)
    • Hard Drive:20 GB HD space
    • Sound:DirectX compatible sound card
    * Fra og med den 1. januar 2024 kommer Steam-klienten kun til å støtte Windows 10 og nyere versjoner.

    Kundeanmeldelser for Sacred 2 Gold




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