The revived original story of Nanoka Flanka, a budding inventor and crafter.
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Kladné (49) - 85 % z 49 uživatelů ohodnotilo tuto hru kladně.
Datum vydání:
20. led. 2023

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Stáhnout トリスティア:レガシー Demo

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Informace o hře

Product Overview

"Tristia: Legacy" is a remastered 2023 version of "Tristia of the Deep-blue Sea," a popular game released exclusively for Windows in 2002.
The attractive character design and worldview by E-i Komatsu and the challenging gameplay have been retained, while the graphics have been completely revised to support the latest environment.


The beautiful ocean city of Tristia. Nicknamed the "Jewel of the Sea," it has bustled with maritime trade since times of old...until recently. The dragon attacks 10 years ago stripped Tristia of its past beauty, and local efforts to revive it have yielded no results. The city has resigned itself to a fate of decay.

At his wit's end, Tristia's mayor calls upon legendary master craftsman Prospero Flanka, who is said to have revived many dying cities in his day. Yet, on the long-awaited day of Prospero's arrival, a lone girl disembarks at the harbor. It seems Prospero has sent his granddaughter, amateur crafter Nanoca Flanka, to restore Tristia in his stead.

Despite the locals' disappointment, Nanoca does not falter. Using the Prospero-style workshop techniques she has under her belt and guided by her innovation, she immerses herself in her work restoring the city. Will she be able to revitalize Tristia as it balances on the precipice of ruin? Can she raise the townspeople's spirits with her specialty inventions? Nanoca's restoration project has just begun!


Play as Crafter-inventor Nanoca, who must restore the city of Tristia within a year. Will Tristia become the vibrant city it once was, or will it fall into disrepair? Everything depends on your hard work, which guides Nanoca's success.

Crafter-inventor Nanoca works to restore the city of Tristia by inventing items to sell to shops. As shops prosper from selling these items to local customers, new stores will open and Tristia will experience rapid growth.


Planning & Production: KOGADO STUDIO, INC.

Character design: E-ji Komatsu
Scenario writer: Naoyuki Takeuchi
Director: Naoyuki Takeuchi / Noguchi Ryukei

Voice Cast

Nanoca Flanka: Ayako Kawasumi

Stuka: Jurota Kosugi
Faury Carat: Marina Ono
Nene Hampden: Sakura Nogawa
Reygurett Kutanie: Kanoko Hatamiya
Rafarew: Akane Tomonaga

Theme song "UP TO ME!! (overclocking ver.)"

Lyricist / Composer: Miwako Fujimura

Original Arrangement: Hiroaki Yamamoto
Composer: YOFFY (Psychic Lover)
Vocal: Sakura Nogawa

Systémové požadavky

    • Vyžaduje 64bitový procesor a operační systém
    • OS: Windows 10/11
    • Procesor: 2GHz or better
    • Paměť: 2 GB RAM
    • Pevný disk: 2 GB volného místa
    • Dodatečné poznámky: Mouse & Keyboard
    • Vyžaduje 64bitový procesor a operační systém

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