這是 1980 年的德克薩斯州。沃爾頓市已因殭屍爆發事件而淪陷。請您領導一班絕望邊緣的倖存者四處逃難,過程中搜刮、製作和戰鬥,只求為了生存而奮鬥。請明智規劃、團結一心,更重要的是不可停歇──如果想要活著脫困的話。
2025 第 2 季




備註:處於搶先體驗狀態的遊戲尚未開發完成,且內容可能會有所變動。如果目前的開發進度未使您產生興趣, 建議您等待本遊戲開發至下一階段時再決定是否購買。了解更多



「We’re creating Into the Dead: Our Darkest Days with a clear vision for a challenging, heart-pounding survival horror experience which pushes the genre in bold new directions.
Early Access lets us share our world with players sooner, welcoming your feedback to fine-tune the systems and content. We want to make sure that every scavenging run, every survivor rescued, every encounter with the undead, and every step towards salvation feels intense and memorable. By inviting the community in at Early Access, we can craft a game that truly represents the gritty, desperate struggle for survival we’ve imagined.」


「We’re planning for at least a year of active Early Access development. However, the exact timeline may shift as we learn from player feedback, balance the gameplay loops, and add and polish new features and content. We want to make Into the Dead: Our Darkest Days the best it can be, and we won’t rush out of Early Access until we’re confident we can deliver a truly compelling survival horror experience.」


「Our full vision for Into the Dead: Our Darkest Days is ambitious, and while we believe the existing Early Access version of the game is a fun and compelling slice of the intended final game, there are a lot of features, systems, and content still to build.

Over the course of Early Access and in the full version of the game you’ll see more depth, breadth, and polish across everything from gameplay, to narrative, to art, and audio design.

We'll be putting out a roadmap with more details on what's to come in Early Access. Make sure you stay tuned to our ongoing updates as new features and content are added, and submit your feedback on these updates and additions as they happen.」


「The Early Access version of the game has a significant amount of content and features. This includes multiple characters, threats, weapons, locations, and crafting options. We believe it's a solid foundation for building towards our long-term vision.

There are still a lot of features, systems, and content to develop and integrate into the game, as well as balancing and polishing of all features and content, before we arrive at our fully fleshed out intended experience. We plan to make frequent updates as we develop the game, using your valuable feedback.」


「We plan to increase the pricing of the game when it moves from Early Access to full launch. Early Access pricing may also increase over time as we add more features and content. We'll be sure to give players advance warning before any base pricing changes happen. We’ll also be keeping an eye on participating in seasonal discounts, Steam sales, and bundles during Early Access and beyond.」


「Our community means everything to us, and we want to hear from you! We’ll not only keep you updated with regular patch notes and developer news, but actively seek your feedback through community surveys, Steam forums, and our social media channels.

Transparency is key for us. We’ll regularly talk about new features, bug fixes, and upcoming plans so you can see exactly what’s changing.

Your voice matters, too. We’ll review community discussions, player bug reports, and run ongoing surveys on features, content, balancing tweaks, and gameplay ideas to let you help us make our development choices.

You will be able to connect with fellow survivors, share tips, report issues, and propose ideas on Steam, Discord, and other channels. Our development team are actively looking at these channels to collect and act on your feedback.

Join us in Into the Dead: Our Darkest Days Early Access, where every bullet, every choice, and every day counts. Your feedback will help shape the defining chapters of this apocalyptic saga. We can’t wait to see what we’ll build together!」
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下載 勇闖死人谷: 暗黑之日 試玩版

此遊戲尚未在 Steam 上發售

預計發行日期: 2025 第 2 季




《Into the Dead: Our Darkest Days》是橫向卷軸避難生存遊戲,賦予您使命,在殭屍大災難之下,領導一批艱辛的倖存者到達安全的境地。其中需要製造武器、搜刮資源、平衡團隊需求,盡力讓每個人脫險。

這是 1980 年的德克薩斯州。不斷擴張的濱海都會沃爾頓市正遭受熱浪襲擊,又逢經濟危機,不料再加上殭屍災難爆發後變得一發不可收拾,延伸至美國的海岸邊,只見一切都經過徹底的大翻轉。沃爾頓市很快就被大批殭屍佔領,僅剩的少數倖存者也被孤立,切斷接受外援的管道。這些一般民眾不得已只好聚集起來,設法去到市外據說尚且安全的地帶,這也是他們唯一生存的機會。

  • 將殭屍突然肆虐所居住的城市,還驚魂未定的一批老百姓召集起來,成為一個團隊。
  • 設立可升級的避難所,讓倖存者住下,保護他們免受殭屍威脅──但請牢記,任何屏障都無法長久讓人置身事外。
  • 在難民營之間遷徙,以先一步避開蜂擁而來的殭屍群。隨著數量增長,沃爾頓市會更難搜刮,甚至完全無法居住。
  • 讓隊伍成員的生理與心理需求達到平衡,並且在懼怕和恐慌爆發時嘗試維持秩序。

  • 對沃爾頓市殘餘的部分進行地毯式的搜索,以挖掘珍貴資源,倖存者遭遇殭屍與人類威脅時也只好出生入死。關鍵在於不可聲張──只要發出一個聲響,即可能驚擾整群殭屍,吞噬而來。
  • 抉擇是否動手來一場殘酷搏鬥,還是逃命。並非人人都是天生的鬥士,不過逼急了的話,人總會不顧一切求生。
  • 說動他人加入您的隊伍,智取其補給品,或是加以斷絕,把資源佔為己有。

  • 考驗您的人性,忍痛決定誰死誰生,和將誰拋下。
  • 入住沃爾頓市富有且氣氛佳的市區,這座曾經繁華的都會現已成為殭屍四處出沒的怪異廢墟。
  • 製造工具、武器和為避難所升級,讓您帶領的倖存者有更好的條件能繼續奮鬥,或是提供休憩的片刻,並有機會熟悉危險的新狀況。
  • 動態性地面臨都市環境,這些地方會隨著時間過去而改變,因此每次玩都充滿新鮮感。



This Game may contain content not appropriate for all ages, or may not be appropriate for viewing at work: Frequent Violence or Gore, General Mature Content


    • 作業系統: Windows 10
    • 處理器: Intel i5-4460 / AMD FX-8350
    • 記憶體: 8 GB 記憶體
    • 顯示卡: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 2GB / AMD Radeon R9 280 3GB
    • DirectX: 版本:11
    • 作業系統: Windows 10
    • 處理器: Intel i5-8400 / AMD Ryzen 5 1500X
    • 記憶體: 8 GB 記憶體
    • 顯示卡: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 / AMD RX 5700
    • DirectX: 版本:12
