Fast Paced first person / third person platformer game where you try to beat each level as fast as possible. Unlock new skills on new chapters and try to find better scores on old levels with new skills as well.
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8 dec 2022

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Opmerking: Spellen in vroegtijdige toegang zijn nog niet voltooid en kunnen nog veranderen. Als je niet staat te springen om dit spel in de huidige staat te spelen, kun je beter afwachten hoe het spel zich verder ontwikkelt. Meer informatie

Wat de ontwikkelaars zeggen:

Waarom vroegtijdige toegang?

'For Hell Runner to be the best game it can be, we need to build it together with the community. Early Access is the perfect way for us to continue adding new content while making sure we are going in the right direction.'

Hoelang blijft dit spel ongeveer in vroegtijdige toegang?

'We expect it to be less than a year, including all the content outlined in the roadmap which can be seen below and more!'

Hoe gaat de volledige versie verschillen van de versie met vroegtijdige toegang?

'We plan to have 72 levels and 8 chapters to play for single player content plus custom map editor to play custom maps. Rather than level selection panel we plan to have a hub level that act like room for player where they can not only go to levels to play also a place where you can customize. We plan to character itself also become customizable for you and others to see. We plan to to add multiplayer only maps for racing again either random people or with your friends.'

Wat is de huidige staat van de versie met vroegtijdige toegang?

'2 out of 8 chapter is finished with 18 our of 72 level to play that can keep you entertained at least few hours. While waiting next chapter you can keep honing your skills to get better score.'

Zal het spel anders geprijsd worden tijdens en na vroegtijdige toegang?

'Yes, in fact each chapter added during Early Access will increase the price of the game so earlier you get it better for your wallet.'

Hoe zijn jullie van plan de community te betrekken bij het ontwikkelproces?

'Being in close communication with the community is a core development pillar for us. We are always online on Discord, always checking the Steam forums and will keep our eyes on youtube to see what kind of gameplay people having. So come and join us on Discord we'd love to have a chat! We need your feedbacks to make sure our game can become best version of it for you.'
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Bevat 2 items: Hell Runner, Hell Runner Soundtrack

HK$ 78.75
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Over dit spel

Hell Runner is a fast-paced first person /third person platformer game where you try to beat each level as fast as possible. Current early access has two chapters and 18 levels to play, and more is on the way!

Go through eight chapters to deliver the necklace to its rightful owner. Complete each level and try to beat it fast as you can.


Hell, Underground, Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Sky, Heaven. Each chapter will have nine levels for you to beat. Currently, Early Access contains Hell, Underground and recently added Spring. Also have Vanilla Rush mode and Chaotic Rush mode for late game.


Try to achieve the fastest time possible for each level and compete with others.

Challanging Gameplay

Increase your eye-hand coordination and reflex. Try to be as fast as possible

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Update 0.4.X

  • Chapter 4: Summer Chapter.
  • New Ability Double Jump.

Update 0.5.X

  • Chapter 5: Fall Chapter.
  • New Ability: Telekinesis

Update 0.6.X

  • Chapter 6: Winter Chapter.
  • New Mechanic: Rails to Glide

Update 0.7.X

  • Chapter 7: Sky Chapter.
  • New Ability: Fly

Update 0.8.X

  • Final Chapter 8: Heaven Chapter.

Update 0.9.X

  • Hub Level 
  • Removal of level select panel.

Release 1.0.0

  • Character customization.
  • Global Score System
  • Hub customization.

Post Release Multiplayer Update

  • Multiplayer Game Mod
  • Multiplayer levels to race with people that have interactive traps. 
  • Hub level also become a lobby to show off your customized home/room to others or chill with them.
  • Global Chat System on Hub


SteamOS + Linux
    • Vereist een 64-bitsprocessor en -besturingssysteem
    • Besturingssysteem *: Windows 7
    • Processor: Intel Core i5-2450m/ AMD A8-8600B
    • Geheugen: 2 GB RAM
    • Grafische kaart: GTX 670 / R9 280
    • DirectX: Versie 9.0
    • Opslagruimte: 2 GB beschikbare ruimte
    • Vereist een 64-bitsprocessor en -besturingssysteem
    • Besturingssysteem: Windows 10
    • Processor: Intel Core i5-7500 / AMD FX-8320
    • Geheugen: 4 GB RAM
    • Grafische kaart: GTX 960/ R9 390
    • DirectX: Versie 10
    • Opslagruimte: 2 GB beschikbare ruimte
* Vanaf 1 januari 2024 ondersteunt de Steam-client alleen Windows 10 en latere versies.
    • Besturingssysteem: Ubuntu 12.04
    • Processor: Intel Core i5-2450m/ AMD A8-8600B
    • Geheugen: 2 MB RAM
    • Grafische kaart: GTX 670 / R9 280
    • Opslagruimte: 2 GB beschikbare ruimte
    • Besturingssysteem: Ubuntu 12.04
    • Processor: Intel Core i5-7500 / AMD FX-8320
    • Geheugen: 4 MB RAM
    • Grafische kaart: GTX 960/ R9 390
    • Opslagruimte: 2 GB beschikbare ruimte

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