UNSURE is an asymmetric horror game where players take on the role of survivor or demon. Survivors, trapped in an asylum, must evade one of many possible killers whilst searching for keys hidden on the map. The keys provide their freedom, but one of the keys is faulty, a trap set by the cultists.
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Brevemente em Acesso Antecipado

Os developers deste jogo pretendem lançá-lo como um projeto ainda em desenvolvimento, que evoluirá de acordo com o feedback dos jogadores.

Atenção: Jogos de Acesso Antecipado não estão completos e não é garantido que sejam alterados no futuro. Se não estás confiante neste jogo no estado atual, recomendamos que esperes até que o desenvolvimento avance mais um pouco Fica a saber mais

O que os criadores do jogo têm a dizer:

Porquê Acesso Antecipado?

"We understand that in a game where there is a lot of player interations, bugs can happen a lot. Early Access allows us to playtest for longer and release a more polished game in the future."

Aproximadamente durante quanto tempo vai este produto estar em Acesso Antecipado?

"The Early Access will last roughly half a year. Once available for early access, it will be released with 1 Map, and our main Killer Nox. During this early access, we hope to release another summoned killer and another map before the final release."

Qual vai ser a diferença entre a versão final e a versão de Acesso Antecipado?

"Much more content! Our early access state will be released with our first and main killer Nox, along with our first map Asylum. Once the game is fully released, we intend to have at least 2 maps and 3 playable killers."

Qual é o estado atual da versão de Acesso Antecipado?

"Early Access release has 1 Killer, 4 Survivors to choose from, and the first Map Asylum"

O jogo vai ter preços diferentes durante e depois do Acesso Antecipado?

"For our early access we will have our game priced cheaper than the release due to lack of content. Once the game is fully released we will make a more executive decision on our pricing."

Como estão a planear incluir a comunidade durante o processo de desenvolvimento?

"We run a public discord where all the developers are active in. Along with a ticket support system, and QA team, our goal is to find as many bugs as possible. While we are play testing and in early access, this is your moment to be heard. Nothing is set in stone during this phase and if you have a great idea for the future of the game, we will hear you and we may implement it!"
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Data de lançamento planeada: Por anunciar

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Acerca deste jogo

Unsure is an immersive, first-person, asymmetric horror game where players take on the role of cult survivor or demon. Four to six survivors, trapped in an abandoned asylum by a satanic cult, have been offered as sacrifices, and the demon must be sated. Once the cultists have summoned their demon, one of the game’s many possible killers, the hunt begins. To escape, survivors must evade the demon while searching the labyrinthine asylum for one of the hidden keys that will unlock an exit. For each survivor, there is one key and one exit. Upon finding a key, survivors must determine which one of the doors the key unlocks. When a survivor escapes, that exit is permanently locked behind them. The trick? One of the hidden keys is faulty, meaning that in each game, at least one door will not open, and at least one survivor will be sacrificed.

Descrição de conteúdo adulto

Descrição do conteúdo fornecida pelos developers:

Game has horror elements, including jumpscares, blood, and gore

Requisitos do Sistema

    • Requer um sistema operativo e processador de 64 bits
    • Sistema Operativo *: Windows 7
    • Processador: Ryzen 5 1600
    • Memória: 8 GB de RAM
    • Placa gráfica: GTX 960
    • Espaço no disco: Requer 40 GB de espaço livre
    • Requer um sistema operativo e processador de 64 bits
* A partir de 1 de janeiro de 2024, a aplicação Steam irá apenas funcionar no Windows 10 e em versões mais recentes.
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