Dette innholdet krever hovedspillet Dominion på Steam for å kunne spilles.

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18. des. 2022

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Om dette innholdet

Another giant expansion, revisiting Seaside's Duration cards theme and Prosperity's Treasures theme, plus combining them into Treasure-Durations. Loot is a pile of random high-value Treasures that some cards can produce. Traits modify how a card works for the whole game. Events return.

Traits are landscape cards, dealt similarly to Events. A Trait is attached to a random Action or Treasure Kingdom card pile. There can only be one Trait per pile. Traits modify the pile somehow for the game.

Durations stay in play as long as they have something left to do. This set leans into Durations that trigger on future events, so these may stay in play across many turns. There is a Duration card in this set that never leaves play.

Loot cards form a non-supply pile; they can't be bought and must be gained through other means. Each Loot card is a Treasure, and there are two of every unique Loot card in the pile.


Across the sea, they have so much stuff. And it’s so much better than your stuff. Finer craftsmanship. Better quality materials. Shinier. They have crowns, tiaras, and diadems – and that’s just the hats. It’s time to get some of that stuff. You want an easy life, and you’re prepared to work hard for it. So you’ve rounded up some old salty dogs, plus a sourpuss and a bitter goldfish. And set sail. The sea is a harsh mistress, but a good cook, at least if you like everything really salty. There are red skies tonight, so they’ll be making a batch of Sailor’s Delight, which you understand to have tuna fish in it. And soon you’ll be attacking merchant ships and taking their treasure. But the real treasure is the happy memories you’ll be making.
-- Donald X. Vaccarino


  • 85 Unique cards - large sized expansion
  • 40 Kingdom cards
  • 19 Durations
  • 14 Treasures
  • 15 Loots
  • 15 Traits
  • 15 Events
  • Medium complexity


    • OS *: Windows 7 or higher
    • Prosessor: Intel Core i3 2.00 GHz or AMD equivalent
    • Minne: 512 MB RAM
    • Lagring: 750 MB tilgjengelig plass
* Fra og med den 1. januar 2024 kommer Steam-klienten kun til å støtte Windows 10 og nyere versjoner.

Kundeanmeldelser for Dominion - Plunder




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