I mixed a classic turn-based strategy game (Heroes of Might and Magic 3) with deck building game like Slay the Spire. Also added a lot of reptiles :) Immerse yourself in a rich fantasy world. Develop your town and armies. Collect cards to create new crazy strategies.
Všechny recenze:
Kladné (30) - 86 % z 30 uživatelů ohodnotilo tuto hru kladně.
Datum vydání:
20. lis. 2024

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Poznámka: Hry s předběžným přístupem nejsou dokončené a během vývoje se mohou, ale nemusí změnit. Pokud Vás tedy tato hra nyní nezaujala, zkuste počkat, než se dostane do další fáze vývoje. Více informací zde

Zpráva od vývojářů:

Proč předběžný přístup?

„Early Access is a great way to gather feedback and make the game better prepared for the final release. I'm solo dev and direct contact with players is very important for me. I hope thanks to early access I could create a game that players will enjoy.“

Přibližně jak dlouho bude tato hra v předběžném přístupu?

„I think I need around 0.5 - 1 year to finish it.“

Jak se bude plná verze lišit od předběžného přístupu?

„It really depends on players' feedback but the most important things are: more content (I want to add additional enemies, factions, items, cards, etc), fewer bugs, QoL changes, additional language versions, and multiplayer.“

V jaké fázi vývoje se hra nachází?

„The current version is playable but it needs polish and more content. All features in the "About This game" section are already implemented. Check it for more details.“

Změní se cena hry po skončení předběžného přístupu?

„After early access, I want to rise the price a little. I hope the game will be much better and it's reasonable.“

Jak plánujete zapojit komunitu do vývoje této hry?

„Right now I have a discord channel where every player could present his ideas and problems. Also, the game has a built-in system to send feedback directly to me.“
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Informace o hře

Demiurges is a strategic roguelike game. Your task will be to keep the world from extinction. To achieve this, you will have to create a deck of cards that will define your strategy, and then direct the actions of your heroes to defeat your enemies.


The player can move around the map with all of his heroes. While exploring, they can find new items, resources, objects with unique abilities, and enemies who will be valuable sources of experience. As you defeat the guard, a new area of ​​the map unlocks with new challenges. After the player captures the game, the entire map changes to the next level.


One of the most important things to success is creating the right deck. You can create it before each skirmish from previously unlocked cards. Cards are dropped from packs you can buy with gems earned during the game. To use a card, you need resources that you can produce or obtain on the map. Be careful, some cards require sacrifices to be used.


When you meet an opponent on your way, you can attack him. The battles take place in a turn-based system on a board divided into hexes. Units move depending on the initiative they have. Units have different passive and active abilities, so you must think about each move to make the best use of their skills.


Each faction has its own town. With cards, you can expand them to support your plans. You can build new buildings, recruit units, create special constructions and produce resources.


You start each game with one Demiurge, but you can recruit more by map events or using cards. Demiurges are powerful units that can cast spells and use powerful artifacts. By defeating new enemies and gaining experience, the demiurge is able to learn new abilities and become even more powerful. In addition, he gathers an army that supports him in the fight against opponents.

Systémové požadavky

    • Vyžaduje 64bitový procesor a operační systém
    • OS *: Windows 7
    • Procesor: Dual-core 2Ghz CPU
    • Paměť: 1 GB RAM
    • Grafická karta: AMD Radeon HD 6250
    • Pevný disk: 350 MB volného místa
    • Vyžaduje 64bitový procesor a operační systém
* Od 1. ledna 2024 podporuje klient služby Steam pouze systém Windows 10 a novější.

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