Try your hand as a global planner of a future society. Play with a wide range of technologies and policies spanning different fields and ideologies. Will you lead the world to ecological utopia or planetary ruin?
Évaluations récentes :
très positives (11) - 81 % des 11 évaluations des utilisateurs et utilisatrices de ces 30 derniers jours sont positives.
Toutes les éval. :
très positives (866) - 82 % des 866 évaluations des utilisateurs et utilisatrices pour ce jeu sont positives.
Date de parution :
19 juil. 2022
Édition :

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À propos de ce jeu

If you've enjoyed the book or the game Half-Earth Socialism, then join the HES discord server where you can chat with gamers, readers, and the authors. There you can chat about strategies for the game, organize with fellow ecosocialists, and learn more about history, theory, and utopia! To get an invitation to the channel email: [email protected]

SET THE PLANETARY PLAN: Half-Earth Socialism allows anyone to try their hand as a global planner of a future society. Starting in the year 2023, you must make decisions about what projects the world will pursue--new research like alternative energy sources, or massive infrastructure projects like mass electrification or space travel, or one of over one hundred other possibilities. Decide how energy and food is produced across the world. Should we immediately halt all fossil fuel usage, or should we swap to a "transition" fuel source first?

WORK WITH PARLIAMENT: At the same time you must juggle relationships with competing political factions in global parliament and improve the quality of life for everyone on the planet. Will you be able to guide the world into a better future amidst differing interests and visions?

IMPACT THE WORLD: Half-Earth Socialism features a simple model of the world: the impact of your decisions are simulated using the HECTOR climate model and a model of planetary production and demand. See how the world changes according to your actions--perhaps new culinary trends around eating invasive species, or the emergence of eco-terrorists if your plans fail to improve planetary health and human well-being.

This game, based on the book Half-Earth Socialism (Drew Pendergrass and Troy Vettese, Verso 2022), is the fruit of the labour of many designers, researchers, and artists (full credits below). Francis Tseng (Jain Family Institute) is the game developer and Son La Pham (TRUST) is the designer.

Concept: Arthur Röing Baer, Chiara Di Leone, Drew Pendergrass, Son La Pham, Francis Tseng, Gregory Vettese, Troy Vettese
Design: Son La Pham, Francis Tseng
Development: Francis Tseng, Son La Pham
Research and Writing: Lucy Chinen, Drew Pendergrass, Son La Pham, Spencer Roberts, Francis Tseng, Troy Vettese
Playtesting: Spencer Roberts, Dargan Frierson, Sean Raspet, Sarah Friend, Filip Mesko, Wassim Alsindi, Bradley K, Julia, Grace Van de Pas, Michael Vettese, Xinyue, Lukas Eigler-Harding, Adrian Dinh, Aural Ephem, Nick Houde, Simon Zhang, Paul Turberg, Jan Philipp Dapprich, Matt Goerzen, Neilson Koerner-Safrata, Kira Simon-Kennedy, Nicholas Carter

Configuration requise

SteamOS + Linux
    Minimale :
    • Système d'exploitation et processeur 64 bits nécessaires
    • Système d'exploitation  *: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 or later
    • Processeur : An Intel Pentium 4 processor or later that's SSE3 capable
    • Mémoire vive : 512 MB de mémoire
    • Espace disque : 300 MB d'espace disque disponible
    Recommandée :
    • Système d'exploitation et processeur 64 bits nécessaires
* À compter du 1ᵉʳ janvier 2024, le client Steam sera compatible uniquement avec Windows 10 et ses versions plus récentes.
    Minimale :
    • Système d'exploitation : OS X El Capitan 10.11 or later
    • Processeur : 64bit Intel processor
    • Mémoire vive : 512 MB de mémoire
    • Espace disque : 300 MB d'espace disque disponible
    Recommandée :
      Minimale :
      • Système d'exploitation : 64-bit Ubuntu 14.04+, Debian 8+, openSUSE 13.3+, or Fedora Linux 24+
      • Processeur : An Intel Pentium 4 processor or later that's SSE3 capable
      • Mémoire vive : 512 MB de mémoire
      • Espace disque : 300 MB d'espace disque disponible
      Recommandée :

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