Make your voice heard in this isometric Action-RPG where quick thinking and patience guide the way to victory. In a hazy Hereafter that's not heaven or hell, fight bizarre demons, call your friends, and explore the deepest reaches of death.
Minden értékelés:
1 felhasználói értékelés - Pontszám generálásához több felhasználói értékelés szükséges
Megjelenés dátuma:
2025. jan. 13.

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Deadbeat Demo letöltése

Deadbeat vásárlása

HK$ 66.00

A játékról

What waits when the heartbeat stills? Paradise? Nightmares? Nothing?

Only the dead know.

Rumor speaks of headphones that transmit the voices of the dead. A curious youth, Singer, receives one of these 'Deadsets' and puts it on.

A noise reaches his ears. A noise that will never stop.


DEADBEAT is a kinetic Soulslike set in the Hereafter: a surreal, quirky afterlife that some will do anything to escape.

Take on the role of Singer, a hapless youth roped into a contract with Alto, a smirking Demon with more than a few skeletons in his closet. With his voice stolen and strange new powers at his fingertips, Singer is trapped in the Hereafter until Alto's demands are satisfied... and his rivals taken out of the picture.


  • Engage in quick and responsive stamina-based combat, where quick thinking and patience alike are vital to your success!

  • Wield useful Constructs to gain an edge against foes-- or call some friendly Demons for help on your Hellphone:tm:!

  • Empower yourself using demonic power, in a unique progression system partially inspired by the likes of Aria of Sorrow and Paper Mario!

  • Discover the Hereafter, and its grimmest secrets that hide just beneath the weary, sardonic surface.

The sea of noise awaits. Welcome to DEADBEAT.


    • Op. rendszer: Windows 10
    • Memória: 8 GB RAM

A(z) Deadbeat vásárlói értékelései




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