Set in a Neo-Victorian Wild West, The Archduke welcomes you to the Utopian city of Bliss, a city built by steam-powered automatons. The promise of a carefree life awaits. Or does it? Claw your way through the dark secrets lying under the surface in this isometric alternate history RPG adventure.
Minden értékelés:
3 felhasználói értékelés - Pontszám generálásához több felhasználói értékelés szükséges
Megjelenés dátuma:
2022. jún. 3.

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A Magyar nyelv nem támogatott.

Ez a termék nem támogatja a nálad beállított nyelvet. Kérjük, vásárlás előtt tekintsd át a támogatott nyelvek listáját.

EMPYRE: Dukes of the Far Frontier vásárlása

HK$ 89.00

A játékról

Rising out of the desert in Monument Valley is a city unlike any other ever made. Perched atop massive pillars too impossible to be designed by human hands but built by strange robots called Mekanikals.

It is a refuge from the disasters plaguing the rest of the country. The coasts are flooded, and the land is overrun by devilish plant-like monstrosities. Life for humankind is nearly impossible and nature has taken complete control. Only the desert remains free from threat.

Sitting on a train to this city of wonders, you have a first class ticket to the easy life. But this utopian city holds dark secrets and getting inside in one piece will not be as easy as it seems.

Once you enter, riding high on the winds of change, will the city ever be the same again? Will you drag its mysteries into the light? What will become of the city if the truth is unleashed? Your journey to the far frontier will decide the fate of the last traces of humanity; are you prepared to change the world?


Cowboys, Robots and …
Retro-Futuristic City: Explore a city unlike any other
Robot Battles: See robots duke it out for the top prize
New Character Creation System: Make your own character with selected skills and perks
Customizable Professions: Create your own custom professions for your character
Expanded character options: More solutions to solve challenges
Evolved combat system: Controlling the battle is now more fluid
Improved Arsenal: New special weapons added
Party Inventory system: Easily share equipment between party members


    • Op. rendszer *: Windows 7 SP1 or Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 (64bit versions)
    • Processzor: Intel i3 3240 @ 3.4 GHz or AMD FX-4300 @ 3.8 GHz
    • Memória: 4 GB RAM
    • Grafika: nVidia GeForce GTX 650 (1024 MB VRAM) or AMD Radeon R7 200 (1024MB VRAM)
    • DirectX: Verzió: 10
    • Tárhely: 10 GB szabad hely
    • Hangkártya: DirectX Compatible Sound Card with latest drivers
* 2024. január 1-jétől a Steam kliens csak a Windows 10 és újabb verziókat fogja támogatni.

A(z) EMPYRE: Dukes of the Far Frontier vásárlói értékelései




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