A rhythm game where you swipe between two lanes to the beat. Form your own flow and unleash your greatest swiping performance.
모든 평가
매우 긍정적 (649) - 이 게임에 대한 사용자 평가 649개 중 85%가 긍정적입니다.
2022년 12월 20일

로그인하셔서 게임을 찜 목록에 추가하거나, 팔로우하거나 또는 제외하기로 표시하세요.

앞서 해보기 게임

지금 바로 플레이할 수 있습니다. 게임이 개발되는 과정에 참여하세요.

참고: 앞서 해보기 게임은 완성된 게임이 아니며 개발이 진행됨에 따라 크게 바뀔 수 있습니다. 게임의 현재 상태가 흥미롭지 않게 느껴진다면, 개발이 더 진행될 때까지 기다려 보세요. 앞서 해보기에 대해 자세히 알아보세요.

개발자의 한마디:

왜 앞서 해보기를 하나요?

“MuseSwipr is intended to be community-driven, with players able to create their own maps and skins. As such, we invite all community members to get involved in map and skin creation while we finish up the features leading to the full release of the game. Development will be focused on providing more features, customisability, and adding quality of life changes based on player feedback.”

이 게임의 앞서 해보기 기간은 얼마인가요?

“MuseSwipr will stay in Early Access for at least 4 months, potentially longer, as we work on community feedback.”

정식 버전은 앞서 해보기 버전과 어떻게 달라지나요?

“While we polish the game and editor based on player feedback, we plan to introduce a proper performance system, more comprehensive translation, more mods, and more mechanics. During and after this time, the game will continue to feature an ever-increasing number of maps and skins provided by the community and developers.”

지금 앞서 해보기 버전은 어떤 상태인가요?

“The game itself is fully playable including calibration and a tutorial. There are currently at least 8 built-in songs (33 maps of varying difficulties) with many more planned, and at least 340+ developer approved maps submitted by the community on the Steam workshop (with more being added every day). MuseSwipr has 3 default skin variations (diamond, circle, bar) and has more community-made skins available.

Downloading maps and skins into the game is as easy as subscribing to them on Steam Workshop, which can be done within the game. The game features map-specific global leaderboards with a replay system and Steam stats tracking.

Players are able to create maps using their own music through the in-game level editor, and share it on Steam Workshop within the editor.

Players are able to create skins using the in-game skin editor. Players are able to modify the visuals of all gameplay elements by dragging image files into the editor, including animating elements using sprite sheets (e.g., modding the game’s swipe animation). Skins can also be shared on the Steam Workshop within the editor.

An in-game chat system along with customisable in-game chat profile allows players to chat with each other, recommend maps, and see what maps others are playing. Unlock new avatars and profile titles through getting certain Steam achievements.”

앞서 해보기 동안과 앞서 해보기 이후의 게임 가격이 다르게 매겨지나요?

“MuseSwipr is, and will always remain, free-to-play and non-commercial.”

개발 과정에 어떻게 커뮤니티를 참여시킬 계획이신가요?

“We are always eager to hear your feedback and are super appreciative of your contribution to MuseSwipr. The community’s interest will always be prioritised and any changes and ideas you may have are openly discussed between the community and developers. Please reach out to us on our official Discord or Twitter and help guide us in creating an awesome rhythm game experience. Thanks so much!”
더 읽어보기

MuseSwipr 플레이

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버그를 신고하고 게임 토론에 피드백을 남기세요.

게임 정보

If a left beat comes down, swipe anywhere on the left half of the screen.
If a right beat comes down, swipe anywhere on the right half of the screen.

Great cursor flow feels good and leads to better performance. Master your own approach toward swiping specific patterns.

Create your own beatmaps and skins using the in-game editor. Share your creations and download the creations of other players with one click through Steam Workshop.

시스템 요구 사항

    • 운영 체제 *: Windows 7+
    • 프로세서: Intel Pentium III / AMD Duron 2.0GHz
    • 메모리: 2 GB RAM
    • 그래픽: AMD Radeon 7000 64mb or NVIDIA GeForce 6500
    • 저장공간: 1 GB 사용 가능 공간
* 2024년 1월 1일부터 Steam 클라이언트는 Windows 10 이상 버전만 지원합니다.

MuseSwipr에 대한 고객 평가

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