Celebrate Christmas with Sakuya Izayoi from the Touhou Project in this cozy visual novel! Explore the colourful sights of the human village in Gensokyo as it hosts a one of a kind festival with several venues and gorgeous sights to see!
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Veldig positive (133) - 91 % av 133 brukeranmeldelser for dette spillet er positive.
21. des. 2021

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Om spillet

This is a unofficial fangame of the Touhou Project series. It is permitted under the Touhou Project Derivative Work Guidelines. Please support the official releases, some of which are available on Steam!


  • Beautiful artwork, several gorgeous and stunning scenes with colourful expressions throughout the game!
  • Engaging dialogue! Including several references to the official Touhou Project games print works and manga!
  • Casual visual novel gameplay to relax and unwind with!


The Hakurei Shrine Maiden had this brilliant idea to host a Christmas themed festival in the human village, and it immediately caught on! All of the residents of Gensokyo, human or youkai are invited to celebrate Christmas and have fun in any way they can!
You're out on a date with Sakuya and you're there to have fun with her as you explore the various sights and attractions going around in the festival!


    • OS *: Windows 7/8/10/11
    • Prosessor: Dual Core CPU
    • Grafikk: Integrated graphics card
    • Lagring: 300 MB tilgjengelig plass
* Fra og med den 1. januar 2024 kommer Steam-klienten kun til å støtte Windows 10 og nyere versjoner.

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