Triple Take is a fast 2D precision platformer where the stage evolves as you complete it! Run, wall jump, climb and swim through increasing difficult levels in vibrant colored worlds!
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Positive (41) - 90 % av 41 brukeranmeldelser for dette spillet er positive.
6. okt. 2022

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Se hele Bonus Stage Publishing-samlingen på Steam

Kjøp Triple Take

Kjøp Precision Platformer Bundle PAKKE (?)

Inkluderer 5 produkt: Will You Snail?, N++, Levelhead, Sunblaze, Triple Take

HK$ 275.80


“What the fluff? Are we hackers now, or what? Not at all, but it’s all part of the gameplay.”
Vulgar Knight

“As a pure platformer, it’s really good, and I recommend it to anyone looking for a game to flex their platforming muscles.”
Super Jump Magazine

“In short, Triple Take is outstanding. I have had a blast with this challenging and creative game that tests my muscle memory and grit by daring me to try just one more time.”
Game Chronicles

Om spillet

When you start any level for the first time, it might seem to be almost too easy to beat, but the levels evolve when you play further. Every time you beat any level, the level changes somehow and you need to play it again.

Three times. Triple Take. Ok, you got it.

This makes completing levels… difficult. Jumps become more difficult, new threats reveal themselves, and new pathways open up! Difficult.

Main features

  • Three variations of each level
  • 5 worlds and over 50+ levels
  • Boss fights!
  • Different worlds are shaded a different color
  • Includes an amazing OST by Tobias Roberts

“Triple Take introduces some really surprising game design ideas that left us stunned at first sight”, an anonymous person from Bonus Stage Publishing states, and continues: “Oh, and I need to add that speedrunning this game will be absolutely hilarious to watch.”

Discover the real truth of the game. But be careful, it might not be happy to be discovered. Oh, and this is also a horror game. I almost forgot to mention that.


    • OS: Windows 10
    • Prosessor: 1.8GHz Dual-Core CPU
    • Minne: 4 GB RAM
    • Grafikk: Integrated graphics
    • Lagring: 1 GB tilgjengelig plass

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