Blood Impact is a short metroidvania, with a strong 3D platformer component, combinated with combats. You will use your blood as your main tool to escape a mysterious lab, but don’t forget, blood is vital...
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Prossimamente in accesso anticipato

Gli sviluppatori di questo gioco intendono rilasciarlo come ancora in fase di sviluppo, in cui si tiene conto del feedback dei giocatori.

Nota: i giochi in accesso anticipato non sono completi e potrebbero subire modifiche in futuro, oppure rimanere incompleti. Se non vuoi giocare a questo gioco nel suo stato attuale, ti conviene aspettare per vedere se sarà sviluppato ulteriormente. Altre informazioni

Cosa dicono gli sviluppatori:

Perché l'accesso anticipato?

“Due to my professional experience, I’ve learned that feedback from the player community matters a lot, to reach the best quality for a video game. So, Early Access is the perfect opportunity for Blood Impact to get to its best version possible, by listening & gathering the players feedback.”

Per quanto tempo questo gioco rimarrà in accesso anticipato?

“The current plan for the Early Access is about 2-6 months, but depending on feedback and the time development remaining, the Early Access could be extended with more content.”

Quali saranno le differenze fra la versione completa e quella in accesso anticipato?

“The full version of the game will contain several rooms & floors in the lab, more different enemies & several bosses, but also new capacities for the player character. Moreover, there will be as well more polish on animations, sounds, gameplay feeling and more.”

Qual è lo stato attuale della versione in accesso anticipato?

“It will be in Pre-Alpha state, the player character will have all its platforming skills, and also a melee attack (Sword Blood) which can do short combos. For the lab content, there will be several rooms with one type of enemy.”

Il prezzo del gioco varierà durante e dopo l'accesso anticipato?

“During Early Access there will be small raises in price according to the release of the different big updates with a great addition in terms of content. And after the Early Access, there will be a significant raise, which will correspond to the “final'' update of the Early Access to go into full release status.”

Come pensi di coinvolgere la Comunità durante il processo di sviluppo?

All types of feedback from players will be taken into account, like feedback on gameplay, graphics, sounds, user interface, even options. But also, the bugs reported by the community will be also greatly appreciated, in order to improve the stability of the game.”
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Informazioni sul gioco

Wake up as a blood experiment subject in a complex strange lab. Fight for your life to escape!

As a blood experiment, you will be able to use your blood as your main tool, which will help you to defeat the threats on your path! However, don’t overuse it otherwise you will face… death!

Blood Impact is an action adventure game, inspired by the Metroidvania genre. Indeed, the focus is put on an interconnected world in a lab, where the character will face different enemies, and will evolve by discovering new items.

The main features of the game:

  • Exploration: wander in a mysterious lab with several floors, seeking for the exit, and face some 3D platforming situations, like jumping from wall to wall.
  • Metroidvania progression: as the genre dictates it, you will be free to go where you want... at least where you can… So, learn new capacities (attacks or platform abilities), in order to be able to discover new paths (floors or shortcuts).
  • Blood system: Use your blood as your main tool, in order to survive. Using blood, it involves also that it is your life too, so if you are not cautious… Death will wait for you… So, it is only up to you to manage well your blood level.
  • Graphics: Black and white visual style, inspired by dark comics and movies. And the only other color for your eyes will be your red blood.
  • Combats: Fights won't be easy but fair, you will have to dodge and strike at the right moment, if you want to survive & move forward.

Descrizione del contenuto per adulti

Ecco come gli sviluppatori descrivono questi contenuti:

The fights can be bloody

Requisiti di sistema

    • Richiede un processore e un sistema operativo a 64 bit
    • Sistema operativo: Windows 10
    • Processore: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4710HQ CPU @ 2.50GHz
    • Memoria: 8 GB di RAM
    • Scheda video: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 860M (4096 MB)
    • DirectX: Versione 11
    • Memoria: 500 MB di spazio disponibile
    • Richiede un processore e un sistema operativo a 64 bit
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