Explore a vast home in the late 1970's, while being hunted by a mysterious fiend. First-person exploration with no HUD for a more immersive experience.
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Om spillet

You don't know where you are or why, but it feels like it could be home. This woman; you know her, don't you? But wait, who are you? Everything feels so familiar, but none of it makes sense. And still, there's something wrong here, like a low hum of warning, droning beneath the eerie silence of this place. Maybe you should leave.

Sometime in the late 1970's a small, isolated town is plagued by a masked lunatic. You find yourself at the door of a vast home nestled in the mountainous outskirts of the lonely forest surrounding the town. Experiencing a bizarre lapse in understanding, you are left to your own wits to find an answer to a question you don't even know to ask. Meanwhile, you are being hunted, and perhaps a narrow escape is as good an answer as you are going to find.

  • Immersive first-person exploration
  • No HUD
  • "Implied" inventory that manages itself without needing to sift through clunky menus (simply interact with things of note)
  • Claustrophobic hallways and tight corners
  • Panic room with sealable door for guaranteed safety
  • All original assets and soundtrack, including 4 tracks produced in the style of classic 70's rock

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Contains graphic scenes of gory violence, excessive blood, and references to child abuse.


    • Lagring: 2 GB tilgjengelig plass
    • OS: Windows 10
    • Prosessor: Core i5
    • Minne: 16 MB RAM
    • Grafikk: GTX 1070ti
    • DirectX: Versjon 11
    • Lagring: 2 GB tilgjengelig plass
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