Scramble: Battle of Britain is a tactical dogfighting game set in 1940, featuring intense aerial battles in a 3D airspace. Take control of a squadron of fighters, planning maneuvers, witnessing real-time simulations, and analyzing battle damage with detailed camera tools.
Останні рецензії:
дуже схвальні (13) - 92% з 13 рецензій за останні 30 дн. є позитивними.
Усі рецензії:
дуже схвальні (140) - 92% з 140 рецензій на цю гру є позитивними.
Дата виходу:
30 жовт. 2024

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Чому дочасний доступ?

«Thanks to the feedback we received from beta and demo users, we are now ready to release the Early Access version of Scramble: Battle of Britain. This version features a single-player game mode where players can manage a core set of pilot traits and lead their squadron in battle, preparing for the full Battle of Britain campaign coming in the next major release of Scramble.

We are launching Early Access because Scramble introduces a highly innovative gameplay system, and we believe that it will benefit massively from player feedback. This approach will allow us to refine the game through continuous iteration and upgrades, ensuring we deliver a truly engaging and polished experience for the full release.»

Як довго гра буде у дочасному доступі?

«1 year»

Чим повна версія гри буде відрізнятися від версії для дочасного доступу?

«Between the Early Access launch and the full release, we plan to introduce several major updates. These will include a full campaign that will take players into the 1940 summer skies to fight the iconic Battle of Britain, additional pilot traits, more airplanes, and enhanced AI behaviors. We will also implement player-requested features, fine-tune the balance of squadron management, refine pilot traits, and introduce multiplayer mode, ensuring that the full release delivers a comprehensive and polished experience.»

Який поточний стан версії для дочасного доступу?

«The Early Access features of Scramble: Battle of Britain allow players to dive into the core single-player game mode taking on the role of an RAF squadron leader, and engage in strategic combat missions. A Skirmish Editor allows players to rapidly generate missions and fight as either the RAF or Luftwaffe. Powerful cinematic tools allow you to view the action from multiple angles and share your game replays. The Early Access build provides a fully functional foundation of the game, giving players a comprehensive and enjoyable experience, while also setting the stage for future updates and improvements.»

Чи буде відрізнятися ціна гри протягом дочасного доступу та після його завершення?

«We are not planning to change the price when we leave early access.»

Як ви плануєте залучати спільноту до розробки гри?

«As we move into Early Access, community feedback will play a crucial role in shaping the future of Scramble: Battle of Britain. We are committed to maintaining an open dialogue with our players, encouraging them to share their own content, thoughts and suggestions through dedicated feedback channels such as forums and Discord server. Regular updates will incorporate player-driven improvements, and we plan to host community playtests and livestreams to engage directly with players. This ongoing interaction will help us continuously refine the game, ensuring that the final version is shaped by the needs and desires of our valued community.»
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Про цю гру

Scramble: Battle of Britain is a tactical dogfighting game that thrusts players into the High-Octane chaos of the 1940 summer skies. Set in a dynamic 3D airspace, this simultaneous-turn-based game embraces the intricate details of aerodynamics and physics-based simulation unique to the piloting experience while minimizing time and reflex demands. Players lead their squadrons through intense aerial battles as Luftwaffe and RAF fighters clash over the English Channel. Through each gameplay phase—Planning, Simulation, and Review—players strategize and command aerial maneuvers, witness simulation outcomes in real-time, and rewind the action to analyze battle damage using detailed camera tools.

Turn-based Tactical Dogfighting

Scramble: Battle of Britain breaks the chaos of a dogfight into short, thrilling chunks of action.

Explore the heart-pounding tactical space of a dogfight within a digestible turn-based environment. Sight the enemy, identify threats and targets, then take control and command loops, rolls, and dives as you pilot each aircraft in a deadly fight for survival.

The planning phase of a Scramble turn grants players the situational awareness and control fidelity to execute textbook-quality fighter combat tactics and maneuvering. Zoom out to a diorama view of the sky and manipulate a suite of tools to understand how each plane and pilot fit into the wider battlespace.

The simulation phase of a Scramble turn resolves your tactics in a high speed hail of bullets and shredded aluminum, and the review phase allows you to scrub through the action frame-by-frame. Assess battle damage, identify pilots in need of escape, and celebrate the exhilarating action at your preferred pace, from your favorite angles.

Early Access features

Jump into the action with the Squadron Leader game mode and command an RAF squadron of twelve distinct pilots through thirty days of intense channel interceptions. Squadron pilots will have unique identities and each pilot will have a collection of traits characterizing their strengths and weaknesses in combat. Pilots will tire, injure, and die throughout the battle, and as leader you must balance the health and well being of your squadron with your total attrition rate. Squadron Leader is the proving ground for current and future mechanics that will form the foundation of the full Channel Defense Campaign.

Dogfight Generator pitches you straight into the action, letting you design and jump into missions instantly, choosing to fight for either the RAF or the Luftwaffe in furballs of up to twelve aircraft.

With saveable match replays and cinematic tools that allow you to capture the action from every angle, you can relive and share your greatest victories. This Early Access release delivers a feature-packed experience and sets the stage for thrilling updates ahead.

Simulation, Physics and Subsystems

In Scramble, aircraft are simulated down to the subcomponent level to offer an authentic World War II combat piloting experience. The best tacticians will explore the flight envelope of each airframe and master the trades in dive, climb, and turn performance.

Bullets will tear through fuel tanks, radiators, and engines, springing leaks and starting fires. Ailerons and elevators will rip off under stress, drastically altering aircraft aerodynamics. Pilots will fatigue and black out, and are as vulnerable to well placed shots as any mechanical component of their aircraft.

Nurse a sputtering engine, dash for land before that leak bleeds your fuel tanks dry, or bail out and hope for a rescue; aircraft and pilot vulnerability can shift the objectives of any battle from enemy destruction to mere survival.


Now available:

Royal Air Force Fighters

  • Supermarine Spitfire

  • Hawker Hurricane

Luftwaffe Fighters

  • Messerschmitt 109

  • Messerschmitt 110

Luftwaffe Bombers

  • Junkers 87 “Stuka”


  • Bristol Blenheim

  • Dornier 17

  • Junkers 88

  • Heinkel 111


Системні вимоги

    • ОС: Windows 10
    • Процесор: Intel Core i5
    • Оперативна пам’ять: 16 GB ОП
    • Відеокарта: GeForce GTX 960 - 4GB
    • Мережа: широкосмугове підключення до Інтернету
    • Місце на диску: 2 GB доступного місця
    • Звукова карта: DirectX compatible
    • Додаткові примітки: System requirements are provisional. Final specs will be confirmed closer to release.
    • ОС: Windows 11
    • Процесор: Intel Core i9 - 3.6Ghz
    • Оперативна пам’ять: 32 GB ОП
    • Відеокарта: GeForce RTX 2060 - 6GB
    • Мережа: широкосмугове підключення до Інтернету
    • Місце на диску: 4 GB доступного місця
    • Звукова карта: DirectX compatible
    • Додаткові примітки: System requirements are provisional. Final specs will be confirmed closer to release.

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