Sharded World is a reversed bullet hell, rogue-lite, ARPG game combining simple gameplay and great rpg progression. Each level has its own unique features and challenges. Upgradable characters, weapons and orbs. Challenges, daily quests, and leaderboards. Fight, get stronger and defeat the Lich!
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Hovedsageligt positive (141) - 75% af de 141 brugeranmeldelser for dette spil er positive.
16. jan. 2023

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Hvad udviklerne har at sige:

Hvorfor tidlig adgang?

“We need early access in order to receive high-quality feedback about the project while developing new content and improving existing content.
We are making a game for people and for them to like it, it is important for us to hear their opinion. We are preparing a large amount of content and without high-quality mass feedback, it can get poor quality.”

Hvor lang tid vil dette spil være i tidlig adgang?

“Many features are planned. One of them is a multiplayer mode where you can compete with another player.

If in short. The main part will be ready in a year. If you develop at the current pace. But if the project gets good support. This can greatly speed up the development process.”

Hvorledes kommer den fulde version til at være anderledes end produktet i tidlig adgang?

“The full version will have more characters, stages, weapons, items for crafting and RPG elements, more actions and characters in guild and new major features - campaign and multiplayer arena.”

Hvad er den nuværende tilstand for versionen med tidlig adgang?

“At this point, the game will have a full set of features indicated in the "About this" section. But with a small amount of content that will increase in the process.

Now implemented in the game:
- 4 starting weapons
- 8 random weapons
- 4 orbs to enhance weapons
- Incredible number of characters
- Inventory where you can see resources, chests, weapons
- Portal where you can see the available characters
- 3 chapters
- The game can be played using mouse, keyboard, controller, and/or touch screen.
- a small number of achievements
- a small number of challenges
- 1 secret weapon
- Lots of daily quests with rewards
- a hub with NPCs (4 characters), which is called the "guild" in the game
- improvement of the NPC in the guild
- weapon upgrade
- improving characters
- crafting orbs for weapons
- permanent and temporary buffs
- economy
- player statistics”

Ændrer spillets pris sig under og efter tidlig adgang?

“We plan to gradually raise the price as new content and features are added.

Once we reach a critical mass of production, the price will stop rising.”

Hvordan har I tænkt jer at involvere fællesskabet i jeres udviklingsproces?

“The main source of feedback will be discord and Steam forums. We treat every player with respect. We are making games for people. The main thing is that people like it. It is also possible that we did not foresee everything and people will offer something unimaginably cool!”
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HK$ 33.00

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Indeholder 2 emner: Sharded World, Machi: Above Void

HK$ 77.70
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Om dette spil

Let the Battle Begin!

Destroy millions of various monsters and collect all the fragments of the main character's soul! Sharded World is a fantasy casual action game with rogue-lite elements where your every action affects the outcome of the battle! Here you are the main character!

Fight against millions of monsters in a fierce battle!

In the games you will meet a variety of monsters with different abilities and appearance. Among them there will also be captains and bosses. Monsters are creatures of evil, so don't feel sorry for them!

Collect Rewards!

You will receive rewards for killing every monster, boss, and even completing chapter side quests.

Explore the Surroundings Of the Guild!

In the vicinity of the guild, you can meet different characters. You can do a lot with them together.

  • Upgrade Weapons
  • Upgrade Weapon Components
  • Upgrade Characters
  • Receive permanent and temporary buffs or new features
  • Get rewards for completing achievements

and Many More...

News and Alerts!

Subscribe to our twitter for news and all sorts of additional content. On twitter we post comics about our universe.

Communication and support!

Come to our discord server. There you can share your achievements, create a support ticket, give advice or suggest your great ideas to our developers.


SteamOS + Linux
    • Styresystem *: Windows 7 64bit
    • Processor: Intel Pentium 4 processor or later that's SSE2 capable
    • Hukommelse: 8 GB RAM
    • DirectX: Version 10
    • Diskplads: 5 GB tilgængelig plads
    • Styresystem: Windows 10 64bit
    • Processor: Intel Pentium 4 processor or later that's SSE2 capable
    • Hukommelse: 8 GB RAM
    • DirectX: Version 10
    • Diskplads: 15 GB tilgængelig plads
* Fra den 1. januar 2024 understøttes Steam-klienten kun på Windows 10 og senere udgaver.
    • Styresystem: Ubuntu 12.04+
    • Processor: Intel Pentium 4 processor or later that's SSE2 capable
    • Hukommelse: 8 GB RAM
    • Diskplads: 5 GB tilgængelig plads
    • Styresystem: Ubuntu 12.04+
    • Processor: Intel Pentium 4 processor or later that's SSE2 capable
    • Hukommelse: 16 GB RAM
    • Diskplads: 15 GB tilgængelig plads

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