Scathe is an intense, blood-soaked FPS where quick reflexes are the key to surviving bullet Hell. Rip through the labyrinth that stands between you and your ascension. Blast your way through the underworld’s deadliest demons solo or with up to three comrades in drop-in/drop-out online co-op.
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31. aug. 2022

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Køb Scathe

HK$ 129.00


The game requires an EPIC account.

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Om dette spil

Blast Your Way Through Bullet Hell!

Scathe is an intense, classic FPS with big guns and bloodthirsty demons. You are Scathe, Enforcer of the Legions of Hell, forged from the earth by the Divine Creator himself. And you, like your fallen kin before you, must prove your worth by navigating a deviously crafted maze, entangled with demonic evil at every twist and turn. Grab your Hell Hammer and get ready to unleash your almighty fury!

Use Scathe’s brute strength and extreme speed to purge your way through Hell’s most grotesque abominations, as you search for the Hellstones and defeat the all-powerful Guardians that protect them.

Online Multiplayer

Scathe supports full Epic Online Crossplay multiplayer where players can drop in and drop out at any time. Already lost deep within the labyrinth? Call upon up to three friends to join the fight. But choose your kin wisely: everyone shares the same pool of lives.

Escape the Maze

Your task is simple; collect the Hellstones and escape the maze. Choose your own path by navigating expertly handcrafted zones - each filled with danger around every corner. Collect runes, uncover secrets, and smite all that stand in your way.

Bullet Hell

Scathe is no ordinary FPS… Take on relentless bullet Hell fuelled combat, with deadly projectiles and countless demons at every turn. Utilise Scathe’s incredible speed to smash through your enemies and incoming fire.

Lock ‘n Unload

Rip through your enemies with Scathe’s insanely powerful arsenal of weapons, each equipped with a devastating secondary fire. Spew hellfire with the Hot Hatch or slice through endless evil with the Bow Blade.

As you explore the labyrinth, you’ll encounter ancient relics guarded by the Fallen Mages. Charge up your arcane energy by crushing your enemies and channel it into potent spells. Heal yourself, summon aid, and wreak havoc on the legions of Hell!

Honour and Glory

New to Scathe: Enforcer Edition includes two new modes and a host of custom modifiers to fine-tune your journey through the underworld.

Run and gun through Guardian gauntlets in Speedrun Mode, or let the red mist descend in arena-based Arcade Mode – nothing but you, your weapons, and a room full of demons.

Prefer a power fantasy? Tear through Scathe with new starting modifiers like invincibility and infinite Demon Mode, or turn up the heat with Demon Overload!

Beskrivelse af voksenindhold

Udviklerne beskriver indholdet således:

Dette spil har muligvis indhold, som ikke er egnet til alle aldre, eller er upassende at se på arbejdspladser: Hyppig vold eller splatter, Diverse indhold med voksent tema


    • Kræver en 64-bit processor og operativsystem
    • Styresystem *: Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 (64-bit)
    • Processor: Intel i5-10400 @ 2.9GHz | AMD Ryzen 5 1500X @ 3.5GHz
    • Hukommelse: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafik: NVIDIA GeForce GT 1030 2GB | AMD R9 280 3GB
    • DirectX: Version 12
    • Netværk: Bredbåndsinternetforbindelse
    • Diskplads: 30 GB tilgængelig plads
    • Lydkort: -
    • Yderligere bemærkninger: Medium Settings.
    • Kræver en 64-bit processor og operativsystem
    • Styresystem *: Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 (64-bit)
    • Processor: Intel i7-6700K @ 4.00GHz | AMD Ryzen 5 2600X @ 3.6GHz
    • Hukommelse: 16 GB RAM
    • Grafik: NVIDIA GTX 1070 8GB | AMD RX 5700 8GB
    • DirectX: Version 12
    • Netværk: Bredbåndsinternetforbindelse
    • Diskplads: 30 GB tilgængelig plads
    • Lydkort: -
    • Yderligere bemærkninger: Epic Settings.
* Fra den 1. januar 2024 understøttes Steam-klienten kun på Windows 10 og senere udgaver.

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