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Please read the following terms and conditions carefully before playing "!AnyWay!". Your use, distribution or installation of this copy of "!AnyWay!" indicates your acceptance of this License.
If you do not agree to any of the terms of this License, then do not buy/install "!AnyWay!".
1.1 Do not modifying the save files and other files that may lead to a violation of the game statistics. For example: Modifying the save files to get the top part in the Steam leaderboards.
1.2 In connection with violation of clause "1.1": The developer has the right to block access to game content in a steam account. Clear your Steam leaderboard statistic.
2.1 You must abide by the rules of the !AnyWay! community on Steam and third-party games of the Steam service.\
If the end user violates the rules of the community, the publisher has the right to block you in the Steam community.
More details can be found in Game Ban FAQs

Last Change Wed, 04 Sep 2019 16:43:48 GMT
Please read the following terms and conditions carefully before playing "!AnyWay!". Your use, distribution or installation of this copy of "!AnyWay!" indicates your acceptance of this License.
If you do not agree to any of the terms of this License, then do not buy/install "!AnyWay!".
1.1 Do not modifying the save files and other files that may lead to a violation of the game statistics. For example: Modifying the save files to get the top part in the Steam leaderboards.
1.2 In connection with violation of clause "1.1": The developer has the right to block access to game content in a steam account. Clear your Steam leaderboard statistic.
2.1 You must abide by the rules of the !AnyWay! community on Steam and third-party games of the Steam service.\
If the end user violates the rules of the community, the publisher has the right to block you in the Steam community.
More details can be found in Game Ban FAQs

Last Change Wed, 04 Sep 2019 16:43:48 GMT