We have implemented some basic analytics to anonymously capture session details (duration, etc.), achievement unlocks, and controller usage, among others. This will allow us to see how players, as a whole, are interacting with the game to allow us to make any adjustments in the future.

Steam Data Suite
When you click on a web advertisement, it is common practice for the advertiser to try and find out if the click leads to a sold product. This is called attribution. To do this on Steam is difficult and requires us to use a third-party tool called Steam Data Suite.

When you start the game for the first time the tool will do a one-time check to see if you've clicked one of our web advertisements before starting the game. This helps us to understand what advertisements find the right audience. For this feature, Steam Data Suite stores a single encrypted identifier.

This identifier can never be traced back to your person, hardware, or Steam account, nor will it be used for anything other than the one-time attribution mechanic described here.

If you wish to learn more about how this works visit

If you wish to see your identifier removed, please contact Steam Data Suite via [email protected].