Privacy - In single-player mode, the game does not connect to any external server and no data is transferred outside of Steam's gameplay services (Cloud saving, Achievements, User Statistics, etc).

Online play: The game connects using Photon Relay Cloud by Exit Games. Your Steam UserID and IP address are used for online networking, and may be stored for debugging and error logging purposes. This data is essential to facilitate networking functionalities within the Photon Cloud infrastructure. This data is compliant with GDPR, CCPA, VCDPA, CPA, CTDPA and UCPA laws. Your Publicly visible account name and connected region is shared between connecting players.

Valorware does not collect or store any personal user data.

This game contains flashing lights. A small percentage of people may experience blackouts or epileptic seizures when exposed to flashing lights or certain lighting patterns.
Immediately stop playing and consult a doctor if you experience any symptoms.
You may reduce risk of nausea and epileptic seizures by playing in a well-lit room, and do not play when you are fatigued or drowsy.