Dungeon Defenders

Dungeon Defenders

The Pit
64 commentaires
GappleGamingTV 26 juil. 2015 à 13h35 
i was lvl 100 i attacket some thing amd it crashed now im lvl 1 again
Duke Feariarch 13 déc. 2014 à 8h32 
i beat it NMHHC, kocktail, the hell you talking about????
chance 12 déc. 2014 à 21h37 
besides the fact that i dont have friends, the map is good

forever alone
The doctor is in  [créateur] 12 déc. 2014 à 20h17 
oh its not that bad with friends
chance 12 déc. 2014 à 20h15 
couldnt even complete it on easy with modded stats and gear
Duke Feariarch 25 juin 2014 à 8h48 
Im gonnna asume its like monster fest, with no crystal? (or its a PVP map -_-)
Ms.Linguine 13 juin 2014 à 2h38 
its really funn
The doctor is in  [créateur] 7 juin 2014 à 5h00 
wow thank! like that you 'all liked it!
Marshadont 7 juin 2014 à 3h33 
KMshade 29 mars 2014 à 13h01 
The doctor is in  [créateur] 23 nov. 2013 à 23h21 
thanks im glad u enjoyed it!
tompy 23 nov. 2013 à 23h19 
xJuanChi 14 sept. 2013 à 15h25 
Aron1612 14 mai 2013 à 13h52 
looks nice
Wilma D 11 mai 2013 à 14h05 
cool and hard
The doctor is in  [créateur] 21 mars 2013 à 19h09 
ah thanks!
Drakkon 21 mars 2013 à 19h04 
Oh, and I had no problems with the finale map because the dragon is at eye level and circles in close enough to get a targeting reticle on him. WOnce I can aim at him, I can hit him. Until I can aim, I can't hit.
Drakkon 21 mars 2013 à 19h03 
No reticle forms on the dragon, so I look up at it, and it just fires straight ahead. The dragon is too high to come into targeting range.
The doctor is in  [créateur] 14 mars 2013 à 18h33 
also what do u mean u cant target, u can always shoot, its hard cause the dragon move around irratically, but cant u shoot it with some weapon android has, keep in mind that quite a number of hits

best of luck and thanks for playing my map
The doctor is in  [créateur] 14 mars 2013 à 18h32 
ah never tried

can u try using android against dragon from finale map

basically its that dragon so if it works there and not for my map then i did something wrong

but if it does not work there then its trendy's bug
Drakkon 14 mars 2013 à 18h22 
The map is impossible for the Andriod to play solo. The Dragon is untargetable and she has no anti-air towers. She is ranged, but she can't seem to target him, so he sits in the air lobbing fireballs at her. Very frustrating on what was otherwise an fun experience. I believe thatDragon appeared in Wave 4 or 5. Unplayable, so won't be able to give this the high rating I'm sure it otherwise deserves.
Lilu Fafner 9 mars 2013 à 15h50 
Voltexx 9 mars 2013 à 10h12 
The doctor is in  [créateur] 19 oct. 2012 à 2h00 
please try the map in different difficulty settings and let me know if you find it too hard or too easy

thanks in advance!
The doctor is in  [créateur] 19 oct. 2012 à 1h38 
new release!

- added more waves and mobs
- added kraken mini boss
- added enhanced ai goblin mech mini boss
- replaced dragon mini boss with enhanced ai dragon mini boss
- replaced turkey mini boss with enhanced ai turkey mini boss
The doctor is in  [créateur] 11 oct. 2012 à 23h43 
new more intelligent mini bosses coming soon!

oh, i'm so scared ;)
lUiU 30 sept. 2012 à 22h10 
I like this..
The doctor is in  [créateur] 27 sept. 2012 à 19h15 
Join the unofficial Dungeon Defenders official Custom Map Fridays community group and play with me and others custom Dungeon Defenders maps each and every Friday from 8 PM - 11 PM EST!

daylily 19 sept. 2012 à 19h22 
Wow, this is exactly what I want in a level. (besides maybe brighter colors.)
Blackburn 19 sept. 2012 à 10h55 
Blackburn 19 sept. 2012 à 10h54 
The doctor is in  [créateur] 18 sept. 2012 à 17h39 
i need help testing this new release in different difficulty settings!

please host and let me know if mobs are too easy, too hard, just right and if build time is enough, too short, or too long

thanks in advance!
zendepheloid 17 sept. 2012 à 14h58 
Unique tactics In a field of awesomeness right here.
The doctor is in  [créateur] 17 sept. 2012 à 9h32 
re: black screen

i tested it (as host) last night before and after releasing, so it should work

are you hosting or joining?

try verify game cache

and if that does not work

try to unsubscribe and then resubscribe in order to redownload this map

and if that does not work

manually remove the pit from

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\dungeon defenders\UDKGame\CookedMods\The_Pit-95247168_Published.upk"

then start the game and make sure it redownloads this map

finally let me know if you still have problems
lolyou230 17 sept. 2012 à 4h32 
black scrren when i join
The doctor is in  [créateur] 16 sept. 2012 à 13h33 
re: can you make it free

its "Free as in Beer"
The Steal-your-meme-inator 16 sept. 2012 à 13h30 
Arktangent 16 sept. 2012 à 6h38 
can you make it free
Loyal Teas 15 sept. 2012 à 11h13 
NinjaDefender 15 sept. 2012 à 5h38 
Zim i think you should make a pvp map. (if you can)
Benny 14 sept. 2012 à 9h23 
fucking awesome
Tukeazes 14 sept. 2012 à 8h07 
q mierda es sta?!
The doctor is in  [créateur] 13 sept. 2012 à 18h24 
if you like it now

wait till you see the next release

and the one after that ;)
Hübi 13 sept. 2012 à 10h49 
echt gut
ϟ 13 sept. 2012 à 10h08 
Like+Fav =D
shrill recorder solo 12 sept. 2012 à 20h36 
The doctor is in  [créateur] 12 sept. 2012 à 20h31 
i just released slightly tougher version

more ogres!
The doctor is in  [créateur] 12 sept. 2012 à 15h38 
stay tune!

new version of the pit is in the works!

i have to get out new released of candy land and then deathly hallows

but afterwards i will be returning to the pit!
shrill recorder solo 12 sept. 2012 à 15h37 
map approved!
The doctor is in  [créateur] 12 sept. 2012 à 15h36 
if you like this map please give it a thumbs up and favorite it!