Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

Halo 4: Female Spartans - Ragolls/NPCs/PMs
117 comentários
desertsifter 17 jul. 2024 às 13:04 
would you be okay if these got ported to UMP
Jimmy 2 jul. 2024 às 5:11 
aw man thats sad....people can be dicks.
Delta 20 nov. 2022 às 22:42 
Group 1 is missing from my files
Delta 20 nov. 2022 às 22:36 
Why do the reload anims for these work just fine but the male ones are totally broken? Why do the male ones not get any fucking attention to even be fixed?
OldPoncho 14 mai. 2022 às 7:15 
SupremeDrip 31 jan. 2022 às 18:35 
add bigger ass and bigger boobs
M3M3LuRd 8 abr. 2021 às 14:23 
Uhh hey you can support these again, it has 4 stars and over 500 ratings
OmniPollyon 14 dez. 2020 às 5:26 
Yes! Undersuits! Just what I needed! And the see models are pretty good in general, so I'll definitely make great use of them, thank you so much, whether or not you'll see this idk, but thanks!
Fdr1027 7 ago. 2020 às 2:22 
Can they still work without the required items?
ПΛПО Dragoon 14 jun. 2019 às 19:01 
I like them. I do have a issue for some reason I only see one friendly and hositle npc, so I don't have access to all of the models if I want to spawn them as npcs. I tried using the dupe but if I bonemerg them to npcs, when the npc dies there nothing.
Orion 12 jan. 2019 às 12:43 
The haters may just not like Halo 4, but as a content creator. To me. You would be expected to take hate and deal with it, perhaps go through the comments to see why they hate it or ask them to describe what they hate about it, and try to improve what they hate, or just ignore them and block them. Either way, it's a good addon. Don't let somebody's opinion stop you from doing mods.
Vainer 10 nov. 2018 às 11:49 
I love both the Male and Female versions of these. Lots of work had gone into these and I don't see why people dislike them.
Illvminqries 3 ago. 2018 às 13:37 
No do not remove this. Halo is one of my favorite games and i have a ton of halo addons and this will be another added to it i love halo and i can use this in some of my screenshots in gmod
Mister Anubis 26 jun. 2018 às 22:42 
hey frosty you may not care to read this but whenever i download this it never shows up in my files in the q menu, but it says i subbed to it and its in my subbed addons but it wont show up ingame, i dunno what to do, i kept unsub and resubbing but nothing worked at all, any ideas?
autobotDALEK 18 jul. 2017 às 22:34 
i really like the models both male and female versions but would it be possible to make it change colors in the pm menu? like the way you color the ragdolls with color gun that one color that changes. that way people would have to make and bonemerge the model every time they start a game.
Sahdin Lever 30 jun. 2017 às 1:24 
i would love to get the sfm version.
Mar Games 8 mai. 2017 às 14:31 
Okay, I know this may be out of date and you may not even see this lol. But you think you could add them back onto SFM? I kinda need them lol. Or maybe point me in the direction of some female Halo 4 Spartan models?
cvshe2 23 abr. 2017 às 16:10 
pic 7 is a unicorn
Spartan 23 abr. 2017 às 16:10 
how do you customize them ;(
ШЕФ ♡ 20 mar. 2017 às 7:46 
Odz 15 mar. 2017 às 15:22 
Dude dude dude, dont worry man, your awesome. Ignore the assholes. I like the models alot.
Phet 4 mar. 2017 às 8:18 
You dont mind addin faces when they take off the helmets ?
Antiviel 12 dez. 2016 às 0:49 
Honestly a extremely good model pack.
Starscream (They/Them) 17 nov. 2016 às 11:26 
I think you underestimate how many people do like these. 4/5 stars is 4/5 people liking it. Or, if you rather, 400/500 people who have enjoyed this mod. That's a lot of people.
trihelixgameservers 14 out. 2016 às 15:20 
One of our owners added to her personal addon, she made sure to credit you.
Reinier dash 11 out. 2016 às 5:21 
my model t pose when i sit
trihelixgameservers 10 out. 2016 às 1:48 
Alright thank you!
Frosty Dr.  [autor] 9 out. 2016 às 1:32 
@trihelixgameservers, One more thing is that I'd appreciate that you would state in the description that you do have my permission. I know someone who might notify me if they see it, because I've had people steal my addons before (without permission). So, to avoid anyone thinking it's a stolen "re-upload" I do suggest you put that there (that you got permission from me).

(Also, don't forget credits, and perhaps link to this addon if people are interested otherwise, link isn't necessary, but I do require credits)
Frosty Dr.  [autor] 8 out. 2016 às 22:07 
Path: "materials\halo4\spartans\group01\"

Material names:

trihelixgameservers 8 out. 2016 às 20:39 
What is the path and specific file names for the materials for the hands, not just the model.
Frosty Dr.  [autor] 8 out. 2016 às 18:30 
@trihelixgameservers, I don't know, because I don't care about these anymore and I've stopped supporting them (meaning if they have problems, I'm not giving updates to fix those).

I guess you could, if you remember to give credits, and perhaps link this addon in the description (so people don't start asking you for the rest of the Female spartans because they failed to notice that this addon exists). Hand models path: models\halo4\weapons\spartans\
trihelixgameservers 8 out. 2016 às 18:16 
Would I be able to repack one specific model from the pack for use so I dont have all of them being downloaded for my server, also what is the specific file path for the hand models? There would be no proof that the item is used in the pack as per no one would be downloading for the sole player model and there would be no monetization on the model.
EmSeeSquared 1 ago. 2016 às 0:58 
Some of these models have a bodygroup called "skin", but when I cycle through them, I don't see any visible change. What is this?
☠ Xenith Xenaku ☠ 29 jun. 2016 às 0:57 
100MB.... :steamfacepalm:
Three words: Too. F**king. HUGE!
Dead3r 31 mai. 2016 às 3:34 
Don't stop supporting this addon. At least most of the community likes the models (I think.)
NatDuo 16 abr. 2016 às 0:04 
Hehe your fingers break when you use Fists hehe SERIOUSLY FIX IT
lil carmine 14 abr. 2016 às 11:57 
do male sparatans plz
GossipGuy 2 abr. 2016 às 10:12 
Btw, i found away to color these player models. If anyone wants to, Just get pac3 and choose a player color.
wombit 2 abr. 2016 às 2:26 
But I'm sorry for my mistake, Lady.
wombit 2 abr. 2016 às 2:26 
Wow, That was a fast reply, I was thinking it would take days for my comment to be replied to, Like normally.
Frosty Dr.  [autor] 2 abr. 2016 às 2:25 
Nope, it is not:

And if this is because I haven't done the male npc/pms yet...for goodness sake people, read the FAQ.
wombit 2 abr. 2016 às 2:23 
asgolds88 27 mar. 2016 às 12:12 
Could you ever port the marines from halo 3 I know there are some on the workshop but they don't have the females and not all of the body groups (sleeves, helmets, gloves, bandages) would you be able to do it?
Havoc 25 mar. 2016 às 13:35 
Amazing mod, Can't wait until you finish the male models 10/10
Rafeku 5 mar. 2016 às 9:33 
Phantom, I've died many times and didn't lost them...what can happen is if you click "clean up everything". yeah sadly you need to disable shadows else they get cramped. But to solve the losing parts problem, just dupe a(or the parts you wish) t-posed ragdoll. If there's another pieces, just weld them and dupe. done.
Frosty Dr.  [autor] 4 mar. 2016 às 21:59 
Follow my guide now for colorablility with Playermodels.

Thanks to Rafeku for that. But you'll evidently lose them, and bonemerged armor when you die. Recommended on servers with your friends.
Mango3st 22 jan. 2016 às 17:20 
Phanto, Who's Making Halo 4 PMS?
GossipGuy 17 jan. 2016 às 10:05 
Ash he said not to ask him about this. it just annoys him, and i understand why. right now just be patient. he might do them one day
Rafeku 13 jan. 2016 às 10:35 
PEOPLE I've found a solution to self coloring, and it's in THIS [] wiremod E2 Chip. Or you can color the ragdolls and apply them as bodygroups
CrabJeans 13 jan. 2016 às 6:45 
can there be males?