Modern PM (Makarov) by CrazyRus29
86 comentarios
CrazyRus29  [autor] 5 SEP 2019 a las 10:18 a. m. 
@DARCSTAR I've done these skins long time ago, i have no idea how things work now, so i can't help you, sadly. They could update models or anything else that could do that skin malfunctioning.
DARCSTAR 4 SEP 2019 a las 2:45 p. m. 
@CrazyRus29 i need help with it
DARCSTAR 28 AGO 2019 a las 6:08 a. m. 
i need help the mod isnt working so i tried deleting it but dont really know how
Taran_191 18 MAR 2018 a las 12:10 p. m. 
My makarov doesn't look like a toy gun now, thanks
76561198214280533 4 FEB 2018 a las 11:39 a. m. 
Just what I need.
别急啊 我拉凤凰 16 AGO 2017 a las 4:19 a. m. 
UshankaMan 12 MAY 2017 a las 6:44 a. m. 
tovarish Novus Ordo, real life pistols are supposed to be like that! the bullet goes a bit up than where ur front sight is. idk why its like this blyat. or u know ppl might have lied to me so im wrong in which case im a complete durak
Lynx 29 DIC 2016 a las 5:49 a. m. 
Not sure if you're aware, haven't downloaded yet, but the vanilla Mak and most workshop mods put the front sight slightly too low for the point of aim. Is that corrected for here?
Tatonka 22 JUL 2016 a las 8:33 a. m. 
Very nice! Only negitive is the safety is engaged. On a real mak the safety is down to fire.
Cheney 5 ENE 2016 a las 6:27 p. m. 
best mak this side of the mason cockson. 5 NOV 2015 a las 12:30 p. m. 
Super nice skin. Nice night sights
Dino Dick 14 MAR 2015 a las 2:29 p. m. 
Hey, this one's not on safety
Taka. 𒉭 28 ENE 2015 a las 9:13 a. m. 
Nice skin but it just looks so plain. I have your AK-74N and the RPK skins and they are fantastic but this PM(makarov) is just plain :/ i will still use it but just a heads up (Keep up the great work!)
[ARG] Cesar 3 ENE 2015 a las 2:20 a. m. 
my sights doesnt glow... why?
PoobyStinkleferb 29 DIC 2014 a las 7:23 p. m. 
Hey, why does the flashlight look bad on this gun. This is the same for my m1911 for some reason
tg @coolstepan 27 DIC 2014 a las 2:38 a. m. 
Спасибо автору за этот скин к макарову!Очень натурально и красиво.Отдельное спасибо автору за наличие отсутствующих фибероптических нитей, ведь они облегчают наведение на цель в темноте!
CrazyRus29  [autor] 26 DIC 2014 a las 8:13 a. m. 
@Caleb Thanks! Just after some good sleep.
Ciulla 26 DIC 2014 a las 7:39 a. m. 
@Crazy Friendly reminder to do this on MrBrightside's USP animations.
Ciulla 14 DIC 2014 a las 4:43 p. m. 
@Crazy Alright, will do.
CrazyRus29  [autor] 14 DIC 2014 a las 4:27 p. m. 
@Caleb Remind me about that if you can. My university session ends at 26th, so i'll be free for two weeks after that.
Ciulla 14 DIC 2014 a las 4:25 p. m. 
@CrazyRus29 Really? Thank you! I'll be looking forward to it.
CrazyRus29  [autor] 14 DIC 2014 a las 4:23 p. m. 
@Caleb Well, i can do it after catholic Christmas.
Ciulla 14 DIC 2014 a las 4:20 p. m. 
@CrazyRus29 There's nothing wrong with the base animations Insurgency has per se, I just like the feel of MrBrightside's animations more.
CrazyRus29  [autor] 14 DIC 2014 a las 4:11 p. m. 
@Caleb But what's wrong with current animations?
Ciulla 14 DIC 2014 a las 3:51 p. m. 
CrazyRus, seeing as the 1911 is now in the game, and the FC3 1911 is now ported to both the M45 and 1911, would you care to port this model to MrBrightSide's USP animations? I would be forever grateful if you could.
Chompsky Honk 20 NOV 2014 a las 9:09 a. m. 
Great skin, but I'll have to agree with mister Jurrasic - a bit too shiny. It would be amazing if you could make a more matte version. :)
Riposte 17 NOV 2014 a las 8:16 a. m. 
Really like this! Seems a bit too shiny, though, might be just my graphical settings.
CrazyRus29  [autor] 16 NOV 2014 a las 5:56 p. m. 
@Archont Relax, i'm always open for critical comments, that's normal for feedback, The Beard can write whatever he wants.
Balls of Fury 16 NOV 2014 a las 5:48 p. m. 
C-I-F, you are being childish. Mod author can make what he wants to make. You can use it, or not. That is your prerogative. End of discussion.

Keep good work, bro! It is appreciated.
CrazyRus29  [autor] 15 NOV 2014 a las 8:00 a. m. 
@CrazyRus29 Во-первых, нужны анимации модели, чтоб её скомпилировать в понятный игре формат. Во-вторых, я не настолько прошарен, чтоб запилить модель оружия новую, то что выше - всего лишь текстуры к стандартной модели. В-третьих, антураж не тот.
f1ames0ff 15 NOV 2014 a las 6:48 a. m. 
@CrazyRus29 Почему?
Pistolero 14 NOV 2014 a las 8:45 p. m. 
я не могу сказать, против кого может быть боеспособна часть, в которой из 20 машин на ходу только 4
Corey Trevor 14 NOV 2014 a las 12:24 a. m. 
I am not saying your work is bad. You should just use your talents with realism.
Corey Trevor 13 NOV 2014 a las 9:13 p. m. 
If you don't like feedback go somewhere that isn't centered on feedback noob.
Corey Trevor 13 NOV 2014 a las 9:11 p. m. 
Someones mad. If you don't like it why spend the time reading comments?
[FILTERED] 13 NOV 2014 a las 7:22 p. m. 
hHe's still incessantly bitching, I have the right to tell him to shut the fuck up.
CrazyRus29  [autor] 13 NOV 2014 a las 3:38 p. m. 
@Deathstroke the Terminator Oh, come on, by Constitution of Russian Federation, part 2, he have the right for that opinion :)
[FILTERED] 13 NOV 2014 a las 3:34 p. m. 
Beard, shut the fuck up already.

It's a mod, AKA something that isn't nessecary, you're bitching like a fucking neckbeard manbaby.
Corey Trevor 13 NOV 2014 a las 3:14 p. m. 
Anything that modern would almost deffinately be Iranian or Chinese made and supplied to current Goverment forces.
Corey Trevor 13 NOV 2014 a las 3:13 p. m. 
Most mil-surplus out of Ukraine would be heavily older or. And the stuff they bought from ex-Soviet states may have come out of Ukraine but a lot of it was Romanian, Polish, Czech. All shared, sold and supplied under the Warsaw Pact.
Corey Trevor 13 NOV 2014 a las 3:08 p. m. 
And Iraq bought mostly from the Soviets and China on occasiaon. Mostly Iraq produced a lot of its own small arms anyway. I would say 70% of what Iraqis even bought outside of tanks was Chinese. The Soviets sold them sub-par stuff so Saddam preffered to deal elsewhere. The Soviets never sold him anything remotely modern to what they were using besides T-72's which they still use in reserve units today.
Corey Trevor 13 NOV 2014 a las 3:01 p. m. 
Ukraine was selling its supplies mainly after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
CrazyRus29  [autor] 13 NOV 2014 a las 2:32 p. m. 
@C-I-F The Beard Ukraine was selling its supplies to everyone.
Corey Trevor 13 NOV 2014 a las 2:30 p. m. 
The Soviets aren't The Iraqi's
CrazyRus29  [autor] 13 NOV 2014 a las 1:12 p. m. 
@C-I-F The Beard Synthetic AK-74 was got in service in 1989 in Soviet Army. It isn't modern definitely.
Corey Trevor 13 NOV 2014 a las 12:48 p. m. 
You can't make Night Sights with paint. You can make glowing sights. Night Sight's are plastic that is semi clear and designed to capture light withn the prism of luminating plasitc.
Corey Trevor 13 NOV 2014 a las 12:47 p. m. 
And the Synthetic stock and body AK ? that isn't modern?
CrazyRus29  [autor] 13 NOV 2014 a las 5:48 a. m. 
@C-I-F The Beard Stop Those weapons aren't modern, lol. And glowing sights aren't hard to make with paint, lol.
Corey Trevor 12 NOV 2014 a las 6:28 p. m. 
Leave that for COD and other Army vs Army games, geurillas aren't known for having cutting edge and modern weaponry :oldschool: