Dominions 6

Dominions 6

18 Komentar
Mormacil  [pembuat] 15 jam yang lalu 
I have a feedback thread, you can post it there. That also easier to keep around than a Steam chatlog. Or find me on discord I guess, that also works.
somebodynobody10 20 jam yang lalu 
... Ah, right. You can't actually post anything substantially sized here.

Hmm. You OK if I post it to you directly on via PM's? Since bloating this place with rapid-fire posts seems quite not what Steam would like.
somebodynobody10 20 jam yang lalu 
Honestly, most ideas I come up with them are more of expansions and what-ifs to the stuff Melitta's bees are already doing.

For instance, another idea for a Pretender was a ghost/ethereal undead Pretender Melitta which, depending on my current mood, was either a former Potnia, former melidote or a former Praxidike, either cursed by the Pantokrator more directly than the rest of her kin or accidentally getting shifted because she delved too deep past the gates of the Underworld.

Like so, please tolerate my amateur lore bloop:
somebodynobody10 22 jam yang lalu 
Could have bunch of bombos defenders?
Mormacil  [pembuat] 22 jam yang lalu 
A huge sentient flower bed isn't a bad idea, I might be able to make that work, spawning astral pearls each turn. Gotta draw a bunch of flowers though...
somebodynobody10 13 Jan @ 7:19am 
Mythological basis? Hmm, I could I suppose try to find something on that regard.

Seriously though my initial idea was to make/suggest an Immobile giant flower/flower arrangement that has come alive after acting as the primary garden/harvesting spot for the ruling queens of the Melitta.

So less of their own specific myth but more leaning on the lore/myths of the Melitta and their astron collecting, similar to the many basic Immobiles that often are just stuff people worshiped until it actually started to react to the prayers.

S/N path access, usual Immobile things, weakness to fire. Maybe with some reasonable level of gold creation or free-spawn bees as their more unique bonus to differentiate them from the other immobiles.
- Could perhaps start-of-battle cast Swarm without cost as it releases the normal insects living on its soil, if it has no freespawn or doesn't have guards like the queens have.
Mormacil  [pembuat] 13 Jan @ 7:05am 
Sure, if you got a mythological basis for one feel free to drop any suggestions.
somebodynobody10 13 Jan @ 6:42am 
Out of interest, are you open to ideas for custom/nation-specific gods?
somebodynobody10 11 Jan @ 10:25am 
Yeah, it feels like it would feel thematic that fields *surround* forts rather than are on forts. Maybe they could be slightly made likelier to spawn outside your forts to compensate for not being totally fort-claimed?

Also I checked using the Dom inspector and it does seem that the inspector at least agrees that meadows shouldn't spawn where there are already meadows so, I don't think the spawning event is faulty.
Very confusing.
Mormacil  [pembuat] 11 Jan @ 10:23am 
They don't but that's not a bad idea.
somebodynobody10 11 Jan @ 10:09am 
... Do medows despawn if a Fort is built on top of them? I know most sites don't care, but it feels somewhat powerful if one can put a fort on top of a meadow and then gain the hive bonus on top?
Mormacil  [pembuat] 11 Jan @ 7:54am 
That should not be possible, it feels like req_site 0 isn't working properly at this point.
somebodynobody10 11 Jan @ 6:44am 
Love the free site spawns. ...

Are multiple Meadows suppose to be able to appear on the same province, though? Not same turn spawn or anything, just seems oddly powerful as a production province if there is if multiple provinces become stacked Meadows.
somebodynobody10 9 Jan @ 2:35pm 
Noting here BTW that I absolutely adore this nation. :)
Mormacil  [pembuat] 17 Jul 2024 @ 5:42am 
Glad you like it. Greek myths surrounding bees have been the main inspiration so that means Demeter, her daughter and the story of bees being born from corpses. Hence a heavy focus on the underworld and the seasons.

Not sure the queens are worth the investment of a bless. But if you can make it work, cool.
Minibotas 17 Jul 2024 @ 2:58am 
I just started a game to try them out but they seem interesting already. Already got a queen that spawns fire-resistant troops and I'm moving her to a second fort so she can start spawning them until she dies of old age. A longevity blessing seems to be the most recommendable bless for now to maximize queen lifespan.

Also, I love how they're related to the duality between spring and winter.
seanbon 1 Apr 2024 @ 2:10pm 
this has been the most interesting modded nation i have found, i love the gameplay it's quite immersive and the amount of unique spells and events give it some good replay ability. would recommend in a heartbeat
The Swarmlord 15 Feb 2024 @ 6:35pm 
Awesome Mod!