Arma 3
Phalanx Downfall
64 commentaires
Shiver Me Timbers 24 nov. 2024 à 12h27 
I absolutely hate arma's vanilla uniforms, love seeing mods that make the base factions look normal. CSAT uniforms in particular look retarded.
Anthrax  [créateur] 8 juil. 2024 à 14h01 
Global Mobilization is *absolutely* required

SOG Praire fire is *optional*
SUPREMAWARGOD36 6 juil. 2024 à 18h47 
is the CLDC required or will it just remove some stuff
Hannibal 10 avr. 2024 à 11h37 
Man this stuff looks epic. Cant decide which to start with.
Sunbather 4 févr. 2024 à 12h53 
I am gonna try it out. Thanks!

If anyone else knows of a mod that hides all modern objects of a map (solar panels, wind turbines) when the map is loaded up, please tell.
Anthrax  [créateur] 3 févr. 2024 à 16h26 
hide terrain object module
Sunbather 3 févr. 2024 à 8h17 
How would one get an Altis map that is more in line with the timeline of the factions (i.e. no solar panels or wind turbines)?
Tactictard 9 janv. 2024 à 23h12 
If only someone made a KP Liberation scenario with this mod, it'd be awesome.
Anthrax  [créateur] 1 janv. 2024 à 13h18 
Yes. There is an integrated vindicta submod that will only activate if you have Vindicta loaded.
daniel805 1 janv. 2024 à 6h16 
Does this mean i can use this mod's factions in vindicta?
Gonzo-GT 15 déc. 2023 à 13h20 
Just a very small thing but your in-game mod description is bugged (when you click the mod's logo in game, in the main menu, for info), it is because you used the letter & when refering to the use of S&S mod, and for some reason when it's used the rest of the mod's description stops showing.
NorweigenKilla1982 6 déc. 2023 à 18h00 
i just thought id ask cuz i do retro stuff and i got curious with the gear cuz half the stuff that these guys wear are from the 80's, i did see some modern gear along with it but id just thought id ask out of curiosity
Anthrax  [créateur] 6 déc. 2023 à 10h13 
2000's-2010's. Bearing in mind that my take on the factions is that they're significantly poorer. But you can easily extrapolate it to the 2020's.
NorweigenKilla1982 5 déc. 2023 à 19h38 
what eras are these factions from? year wise
Anthrax  [créateur] 21 nov. 2023 à 16h28 
Got a bug report on the discord too. Issue fixed.
Anthrax  [créateur] 21 nov. 2023 à 8h56 
I don't think I've removed any units from the SOG submod. Could you specify?
deeznuts99525 21 nov. 2023 à 4h31 
Some unit from sog dlc is gone, any chance they will be coming back?
Anthrax  [créateur] 10 nov. 2023 à 10h11 
@CTPEJLOK: Thanks for the report. I'll change the display names. classnames however will for the sake of my sanity and any missions made remain the same however.
CTPEJLOK 9 nov. 2023 à 0h48 
All other factions are correct, Mine specialist presented as "Demoliton" or "Minelayer"
CTPEJLOK 9 nov. 2023 à 0h46 
Great mod, but i found a little mistake
FIA has Medic and Engineer and IED/Mine Specialist, but he is presented like "Bonesetter", which means "Field Medic" among illegal armed groups (Like Marauders, Talibs, and etc)
Any fixes about that?
TheTurkey1 31 oct. 2023 à 16h08 
Farcry 4
Timmy Chalamorgles 17 oct. 2023 à 11h42 
Golden Path was also the name for the freedom fighters from Far Cry 3, pretty sick.
Anthrax  [créateur] 25 aout 2023 à 13h23 
If its a GM vehicle then its probably available RAM.
A100percentBEEF 25 aout 2023 à 6h35 
Getting crashes when I get close to some of the vehicles in EDEN. No idea what's causing it as it wasn't an issue until today (I've had mod since release) and modlist hasn't changed.
Anthrax  [créateur] 17 aout 2023 à 14h29 
Please tell me you have global mobilization active in your loadorder. DLC tab of launcher
Henry of Skalitz 17 aout 2023 à 13h55 
are they supposed to spawn without any weapons?
Hauker~ 15 aout 2023 à 23h20 
Love it!
Thomas Francis Eagleton 29 juil. 2023 à 11h14 
Hall5660TTV 29 juil. 2023 à 10h54 
FANTASTIC MOD !! , stellar job dude .
Ararinha Azul 25 juil. 2023 à 22h16 
oh sorry xD
WendiGoose<3 25 juil. 2023 à 20h01 
Anthrax  [créateur] 25 juil. 2023 à 19h11 
I Appreciate the enthusiasm but please read the notes section. I release mods in what i consider to be a finished state.
Ararinha Azul 25 juil. 2023 à 16h37 
i mean a update on the mod itself, adding more vehicles.
Ararinha Azul 25 juil. 2023 à 16h20 
Awesome, would love more rhs retextures and more aaf uniforms
mongchat 25 juil. 2023 à 7h29 
awesome shit as usual man :ALTIS::AAF: always the best for GM stuff
some chinlet who cares 25 juil. 2023 à 3h32 
awesome, we get to see the Altian Spartans in their prime
Hill 25 juil. 2023 à 2h28 
Elite_ΑΛΤΙΑΝ_Sniper 25 juil. 2023 à 1h51 
Nice job keep up the great work !!!!!!:ALTIS::AAF::ALTIS::steamthis:
Krytera 24 juil. 2023 à 20h21 
Whatever you did did the job, vests are showin up now
Anthrax  [créateur] 24 juil. 2023 à 15h13 
Released, check changenotes for information.
Anthrax  [créateur] 24 juil. 2023 à 15h00 
Gonna release what *should* be a hotfix (i cant replicate the issue) by manually defining the scope of my vests instead of inheriting them.
Anthrax  [créateur] 24 juil. 2023 à 14h52 
@Krytera its gotta be your screenshot preset. I havent got this issue on my end nor people I know who are taking screenshots. tentatively i'd say make sure S&S New Wave is enabled but thats all I got for that issue.
Krytera 24 juil. 2023 à 14h01 
Dunno if its cause I got my screenshot making preset on (200+ mods) but you can't see the vests in both the ACE Arsenal and the BI Arsenal, uniforms and helmets/hats show up though
Dep 24 juil. 2023 à 13h31 
very good mod
Gonzo-GT 24 juil. 2023 à 12h18 
Oh, okay. My fault.
Anthrax  [créateur] 24 juil. 2023 à 12h16 
Its listed in the submod information section.
Gonzo-GT 24 juil. 2023 à 12h14 
What RHS mods do add RHS extras? The four?
Anthrax  [créateur] 24 juil. 2023 à 12h04 
2010's-2020's, left ambiguous
BERKUS 24 juil. 2023 à 11h58 
What year is this mod set in?
OrangeJuice_ 24 juil. 2023 à 11h43 
this is amazing