ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

MX-E Ark Shop UI
81 kommentarer
ULTIMATE ARK 22 aug @ 14:57 
Dont get me wrong Lethal but you would be doing better mod than this
Sordros 13 aug @ 14:36 
when trying to make kits there is no info for items or dinos without doing so individualy which is a pain due to the amount to input
Sordros 12 aug @ 19:50 
isnt there a way to see a list of the items n dinos available to put into the kits when ur setting them up?? this needing to add each item is for the birds n makes this mod not very likable or usable!!
Zyrak 11 mar @ 12:06 
I too have this problem. I do not use mysql server i just set the dbpathoverride to a file. Asked in the discord for help, the only reply i received back was not useful while the "owner" was also answering other questions.
SwitchCode 10 mar @ 17:15 
ok so used to use the arkapi shop but since I installed your mod I get this 03/11/24 00:06 [ArkShop][error] (C:\Ark-Server-Plugins\ArkShop\ArkShop\Private\Database\SqlLiteDB.h SqlLite::GetPoints) Unexpected DB error not all rows extracted
123 27 nov, 2023 @ 16:20 
How do you configure this mod on the server? I didn't understand anything.
What other mod do you need? where can I get these .ini? Do you have the links?
Azraǝl 21 okt, 2023 @ 15:04 
Buen mod para el comercio
MzGamezy 11 okt, 2023 @ 11:27 
How can i add the mod to my server
Bipolarbear 27 sep, 2023 @ 17:06 
Can i as a player on a server with this mod change the keybind for the shop?
123 30 jul, 2023 @ 22:24 
how open the shop
renegade27tx 17 jul, 2023 @ 18:00 
how do i open MX-E Ark Shop UI ingame ?
Cyndra 14 jul, 2023 @ 11:35 
Anyone know why my ark shop won't stop showing "Loading..." in game
the most i did was a roll back and now my shop won't work, i even tried reinstalling the mod
Bubba 12 jul, 2023 @ 23:21 
@TechnoViking Yes
Unknown_clan 29 jun, 2023 @ 1:19 
how do i get it to work on my server ?
TeͥchͣnͫoViking 10 jun, 2023 @ 14:39 
is this mod working for an GPortal server?
KoZZe 1 jun, 2023 @ 3:18 
how do i get this on a nitrado server
King Nightmare 8 maj, 2023 @ 9:09 
@Lethal how do i add the possibilty of the stryder in the shop
Cezog 29 apr, 2023 @ 11:51 
@Lethel since your last updade it doesn't work. Can't buy anything ingame, all plugin is updade .... can't buy
Lethal  [skapare] 27 apr, 2023 @ 12:20 
I've updated the "Requirements" above.

Support is provided on discord because comments here do not work well for support.

ArkShop Support (text based ArkShop required for the UI to work)

ArkShopUI Support (UI addon to interface with text ArkShop)
ANILPUNANI 25 apr, 2023 @ 10:43 
How to set up?
Kaldiras 22 feb, 2023 @ 8:30 
i'm not seeing the arkshop ui plugin config.. .where is it?
[KR]Get The Fuck Up 13 dec, 2022 @ 4:41 
not sell...??

"SellItems": {
"가솔린": {
"Amount": 100,
"Blueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Resources/PrimalItemResource_Gasoline.PrimalItemResource_Gasoline'",
"Description": "가솔린 100개",
"Price": 500,
"Type": "item"
"가죽": {
"Amount": 100,
"Blueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Resources/PrimalItemResource_Hide.PrimalItemResource_Hide'",
"Description": "가죽 100개",
"Price": 50,
"Type": "item"
[KR]Get The Fuck Up 13 dec, 2022 @ 3:53 
There seems to be something like a player's rating. How do I set a player's rating?
Depending on the grade, it seems that you can adjust the amount you get per minute.?
AvaAvitar 19 sep, 2022 @ 17:46 
I don't like this mod at all. My current server is using it and it is so much more difficult to use than the Auction House we were using. It also doesn't give you information about the dinos being purchased like Auction house. Whether that dino has mutations is important!!! but that info is not available. I just want to go back to the Auction House. It is too hard to get your coins out of this mod.:steamthumbsdown:
iTZz Suso 3 aug, 2022 @ 13:35 
@STOIN do you have all the dependeces needed for the mod, i'm using it correctly, maybe you got an old version of arkshop
STOIN 25 jul, 2022 @ 16:43 
This mod/plugin set is not working for us at all, either. Running on Fjordur. Nonresponsive to F1, F2, and /shop.
Kemistry 21 jul, 2022 @ 7:11 
is it possilbe for this mod to be used with Servers opened from nitrado server?
商墨卿 18 jul, 2022 @ 8:01 
Can you add category tags
YEN_YEN 15 jul, 2022 @ 9:13 
name, blueprint false, quality, amount ,price, free, min-level, max-level, reward, redeem Can these information be localized?
Cipher 14 jul, 2022 @ 14:25 
Trying to figure out what mod when getting hit with hlna skin on she talks and recreates herself.Anyone having the issue here?
WafflePlaysFps 28 jun, 2022 @ 3:02 
does this work with gportal servers please? i cant seem to get it working :(
ArhiDruid 11 jun, 2022 @ 13:24 
I press the shortcut key to open the store interface but nothing happens. At the bottom, the shop buff icon is highlighted. Mod installed, plugins installed. In the config file, I tried different shortcut keys, but still nothing happens. /shop command does't work too. What could I have done wrong?
ShakalMonster 10 jun, 2022 @ 21:26 
How i use that mod in host/solo ?
123 21 maj, 2022 @ 2:48 
Can I pay some price to replace a background interface and text
gthiel7370 14 maj, 2022 @ 10:59 
As someone with old eyes, the lack of contrast between background and lettering makes it very hard to read.
Nighty (SAGA) 3 maj, 2022 @ 5:37 
How do I setup the shop in ark or through the JSON file, if JSON please can someone direct me to a database for quick setup... I dont mind the ingame method as I can test as I load.
iTZz Suso 1 maj, 2022 @ 8:57 
S n d y. I'm having the same issue, all my players having the mod mismatch and i'm getting an error when updating server side, i'm now downloading with anonymous credentials maybe this fix the issue
MyrcX シ  [skapare] 30 apr, 2022 @ 8:33 
This is not an issue with the mod or ark. Its just that the version of your mod does not match with the version installed on the server you are playing. Hence "mismatch". You have to update the mod on your server and also on your client
。 ゚☾ 𝒮𝒶𝒾𝓏𝓊 30 apr, 2022 @ 7:42 
Getting a mod mismatch compatability since ARK Patch 345.22 - Have to take everything offline and remove the mod. Somebody?
仙子本仙 9 apr, 2022 @ 6:18 
I hope I can urge the shop plugin author to add a second currency to the plugin. Optionally, you want to add various permissions to the privilege level.
LOFI 28 mar, 2022 @ 9:53 
Does this work with Nitrado hosted servers?
仙子本仙 20 mar, 2022 @ 23:43 
This UI is really hip compared to the author's previous one. The UI layout is simple and has too few features. Most importantly, there is no way to add items to the UI. It seems to be a decoration
恐龙爱亲嘴 18 mar, 2022 @ 21:13 
Press the shortcut key to open the store interface
zwiNeR 19 feb, 2022 @ 3:28 
how i cann use the shop interface ?
KabalElitte 14 feb, 2022 @ 17:02 
Estou disposto a pagar para que me ensine a configurar o shop.
仙子本仙 29 jan, 2022 @ 5:07 
I still wish the author had allowed us to do some simple things on the UI like adding items, UI layout, etc. Not all in the background.
123 28 jan, 2022 @ 23:36 
This is a great mod. Unfortunately, loading the store is so laggy. By the way, this can be a great mod for Ark. it's a pity
123 28 jan, 2022 @ 23:33 
Just default all items, 100+K, very stuck
Lethal  [skapare] 28 jan, 2022 @ 5:55 
It is all free but we accept donations :)
50 27 jan, 2022 @ 18:26 
This is great, but I have a question: It's not going to be charged