Portal 2

Portal 2

Sender & catcher
15 kommentarer
The Sojourner  [ophavsmand] 25. jan. 2015 kl. 20:23 
@swigartba you probably need BEEMOD v2 (or just BEE2) installed for it to work.
swigartba 16. jan. 2015 kl. 17:55 
i could not see the sendificator but i know what it looks like because i played sendificate part 1
HMW 26. juli 2014 kl. 11:50 
Nice test! The way of activating the machine is very interesting. I had not thought of that :)

The room does seem to be a lot bigger than it needs to be, I think. (But maybe that is for preventing exploits...)
Hazellius 12. juli 2014 kl. 2:42 
I also managed to solve it without jumping from the wall like that, which most likely should be the intended way as I used every element. Good and enjoyable test chamber :)
The Sojourner  [ophavsmand] 11. juli 2014 kl. 20:50 
@wildgoosespeeder, yeah, BEE2 has made those GLaDOS lines become stale :P
The Sojourner  [ophavsmand] 11. juli 2014 kl. 20:45 
...and just fixed. Thanks for clarifying the problem, Toothless2603.
wildgoosespeeder 11. juli 2014 kl. 20:44 
Also, so many chambers do this now, shitty or decent, we hear GLaDOS speak. I have heard that "deadly lasers" dialog so many times.
wildgoosespeeder 11. juli 2014 kl. 20:41 
As Toothless2603 stated, I was initially concerned with that kind of exploit but never mentioned it. I thought it was too far tucked in but apparently not...

Good find Toothless2603.
The Sojourner  [ophavsmand] 11. juli 2014 kl. 20:39 
I tried that move myself, and I couldn't reach the platform. Anyway, will fix....
Hazellius 11. juli 2014 kl. 16:20 
I guess this exploit is already mentioned by Jade BGE but I guess you haven't gotten the time to fix it or forgot: http://youtu.be/KjShTh1nHMU
The Sojourner  [ophavsmand] 10. juli 2014 kl. 20:59 
lol and this is even on the easy end of thinking with sendies :P
wildgoosespeeder 10. juli 2014 kl. 20:43 
Man, I got to start thinking with Sendificators. This one took a longer than I'd like to admit. :P
| \_/ () 29. juni 2014 kl. 12:26 
The Sojourner  [ophavsmand] 6. juni 2014 kl. 14:03 
Thanks for playing.
1) The piston platform in the corner was only there for viewing purposes. It's not there in the advanced versions.
2) Gonna fix that now...
Jade BGE 6. juni 2014 kl. 11:32 
I finished this test but it made no sence for what was in there.
1. I did not use the piston platform.
2. I did not use the sender nor did I see that it was even enabled.