Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Vanilla Blank Roads
2 Yorum
maraganina 5 Tem 2022 @ 4:35 
Could you make the roads from NE2 blank as well?
CazTanto 28 May 2021 @ 4:36 
These look super useful. I haven't even subscribed to any yet, but have liked and favourited so I can get them if and when the need arises.

I was hoping network skins could do this, as it removes arrows and crossings. But so far in the situations I've wanted to do this it turned out to be better to add a false intersection node and use node controller to define it as "custom" which clears all the markings any how. However, that's only because it was relatively small sections on which I wanted very specific lane management, which I could then do with TM:PE.

Having just said all that, I actually have effectively done this in my industrial area because I've used NE2's industrial road; which has no markings. However I'm not overly keen on the kind of janky broken concrete texture, but I am now rather attached to having yellow centre lines and double reds along the road edge as my industrial road theme. So in-fact I will take one of your roads... Immediate!