Garry's Mod
[ TFA ] [ AT ] Galil Ace
36 bình luận
engineer gaming 2008 16 Thg06, 2024 @ 8:04am 
holy shit thats long
✠ StA☦ned SΩldier ⚒  [tác giả] 4 Thg03, 2024 @ 4:27am 
@Amon now as a resolutive footnote, it comes come within eyeshot that you did atrine upon my retinue of peers as nationalists and steadfast in their own faiths as something that's worth criminalizing, when it's all the contrary to that. and i reiterate; "i would rather be a national syndicalist or national socialist than being a 100% marxist militant or a zionist libertarian with pleonexia as their frame of reference."

this shunky imponderabilia emanates from you, unconscious of the encomiastically time-bent momentousness of the nation you're autochthonous of, of one's country history and feats. that lampoonery of yours unto other people is a siglum of your true colors, quite the risible lager lout that knows posilutely nihility for real and alethophilic tellingness.
✠ StA☦ned SΩldier ⚒  [tác giả] 4 Thg03, 2024 @ 3:00am 
@Amon like when you mordaciously posted children being violated and all of that hebephilic yuckiness and averments in defense of these deliriated artists and production of a game subsidized by jewish emporiums cause they were "drawings", and not foreseeing any repercussion of your actions, like i clued you in, you were forewarmed by me and others, but since you're "on the right side of history", what could have detained you from being on the hop with this resoluteness?

like my friend disauce attempted to cram into your mind, you should actually imputationally do some soul-searching, you're not to be debated with regarding morals or ethics.
✠ StA☦ned SΩldier ⚒  [tác giả] 4 Thg03, 2024 @ 2:59am 
@Amon in layman's terms, hush the f*** up wannabe of a talmudic jew, Abraham would writhe in his own grave for what his sacrifice and effort for their people has wound up becoming (imagine transforming into the anathema to christians and muslims)... even where you were born, the majority of them were and are christians, it's lamentably insulse that you act like a zionist jew when you aren't even one, your roots and lineage were colonized and taught in the christian faith. but yeah, this acting of yours is all for the sake of trolling, right?
✠ StA☦ned SΩldier ⚒  [tác giả] 4 Thg03, 2024 @ 2:38am 
@Amon although, forsooth, it's become far more than verbatim that your facinorously and hetairistically comportment is a congé to reality per se, and those fibs you were hypocoristically ragouted in droves are the very crasis of such sitches we're in now... it was this attitude of yours and the inexcusably putrefactive prudification of your persona that has changed my mind over, not only were the lolis, but this hypocritical and man-child course of action of yours.

what would nek and others ponder on you if they saw you amplitudinously colluding with people that they somewhat get their hackles up about upon the pellucid evincement of such elitism and self-pollution from what these people used to be (especially, shadow_run, i wish no misfortune on him nor on stalol even in light of their actions)?
✠ StA☦ned SΩldier ⚒  [tác giả] 4 Thg03, 2024 @ 2:38am 
@Amon besides that, you atstut in spinning a yarn from a maverickly abracadabrant bergh as to the time i could've ever splinteringly nooked in my server, it was throughout my internship and important things in life that were the most of withgoing for me to do so as i did apprise you of back yonder, neither i was amenable to modding or was in the capability of being pietistically devoted to other of my volitional convictions.
✠ StA☦ned SΩldier ⚒  [tác giả] 4 Thg03, 2024 @ 2:37am 
@Amon i've overextendingly squirrelled away an incunabular collectanea of pics of you "ablutionarily" being proeguminal to the pyramided commencement of these stunts, which to some degree, poured fuel to the fire that there was to it in my server. it all was brought into motion due to what had transpired with bruh john pizza's 2 years ago, from that moment i discerned you couldn't bear with a smile the reasoning and thoughts hailing from the ingenuity of others.
✠ StA☦ned SΩldier ⚒  [tác giả] 4 Thg03, 2024 @ 2:37am 
@Amon it could never be synecdochically abnegative that some of my hoi polloi did envenom my condominium of a discord server long ago, but they did apologize and atone for their chicaneries to me forbye, and i oneirically chrysalissed into a more democratic and permissive phizog to my people thenceforth, in place of being an abreactively Punic hollier-than-thou that renitently tells people who they should play out as you did with mike for a doxastically puisne jest apropos of one of your friends' mods, and with a smorgasbord of other members for their "puritan" tendencies.
✠ StA☦ned SΩldier ⚒  [tác giả] 29 Thg02, 2024 @ 8:56am 
@Amon but, what could you ever resort to when you're this rootlessly resented unto my personage for something that transpired almost a year ago? stalol, you, and many others share in the same resentment that deceitfully arises from elitism and woeful sanctimoniousness (especially with you). you don't falter at calling people "harebrained peons" for not knowing or having the same wherewithal that you guys have in certain arts, or "puritans" for not putting up with children being violated even if it's a drawing. it's nobbut disgraceful, you're the one here rotting from the inside out, while i'm having a spiritual and formalistic convalescence.
✠ StA☦ned SΩldier ⚒  [tác giả] 29 Thg02, 2024 @ 8:55am 
@Amon besides that, many of the things shadow_run has mewed up in his averments are entirely false, i have never ever chased after anyone for not accrediting me with decorum of my actions regarding modding and the whole caboodle of that. au contraire, they themselves did slap down many mods that were using their textures and stuff without their explicit consent, you're being stuffed with fibs, as per usual.
✠ StA☦ned SΩldier ⚒  [tác giả] 29 Thg02, 2024 @ 8:42am 
@Amon i did apprise you of the consequences, and i shored you up even foreknowing them greatly. the so-called befouling of my persona wasn't due to my "clientele" or "community", it was just a sociopolitical change that it was dawned upon after many months apropos of whether i was being myself or not as to what happened in your case (i also had a word with those who beleaguered you, and had them atone for their wrongdoings), i apologized for everything i didn't ride herd upon flawlessly, yet you side with those who are elitists and unforgiving. i don't spew out big words, i spew out what was my standpoint like after just being bished pejoratives and blank feedback from people i thought were supportive of me. no one is perfect, but partaking in such a witch-hunt for something like that, it's not the correct course of action.
✠ StA☦ned SΩldier ⚒  [tác giả] 29 Thg02, 2024 @ 8:41am 
@Amon i don't have my comment section open due to harassment i was dished up in a past, and i'm still being dished up for that matter. you velociously were in cahoots with others you anteriorly pilloried for their allagrugous elitism and whatnot. although, if i had ego, i would have never been echt with anyone, unlike you that you gave rise to this whole bangarang for not being allowed to post lolis and other stuff without any repercussion from people of differing believes.
✠ StA☦ned SΩldier ⚒  [tác giả] 25 Thg02, 2024 @ 4:19am 
@Amon "The most precious possession you have in the world is your own people. And for these people, and for the sake of these people, we will struggle and fight, and never slacken, never tire, never lose courage, and never lose faith. A.H"

John 15:19: “If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.”

Those who march with us will certainly face abuse, misunderstanding, bitter animosity, and possibly the ferocity of struggle and of danger. In return, we can only offer to them the deep belief that they are fighting that a great land may live. Oswald Mosley

Any man or woman worth anything believes in his own family as he believes in his own race, but because you believe in your race or in your own family it doesn’t mean you want to injure other families or other races. Oswald Mosley
✠ StA☦ned SΩldier ⚒  [tác giả] 25 Thg02, 2024 @ 4:18am 
@Amon concludingly, i shall volitively seal this up once and for all with these quotes that i identify with:
✠ StA☦ned SΩldier ⚒  [tác giả] 25 Thg02, 2024 @ 4:18am 
@Amon shunting that aside, it's quite humorous that you attempted to inveigh against me with that i am "fascist", yeah, is there any problem with being so? i would rather be a national syndicalist or national socialist than being a 100% marxist militant or a zionist libertarian with pleonexia as their frame of reference. in addition to that, i recall once you saying it was "based" to be so in my discord server harkening back to 2023. this only adjuvates my point further in the context of you being a pharisaical ignoramus in whatever historical subject you're partaking in.
✠ StA☦ned SΩldier ⚒  [tác giả] 25 Thg02, 2024 @ 4:18am 
@Amon you purposefully deceive your heart, and other people's in a way akin to an approval-seeking talmudic jew, so those people can conflate meanings and unwantedly pit against one another in volubly pyretic strife. with that having been averred, i expect you to reponder your approach and lies about my personage, third position with moderation and with rapprochement unto others is, in my opinion, the way every country should vaunce forth.
✠ StA☦ned SΩldier ⚒  [tác giả] 25 Thg02, 2024 @ 4:17am 
@Amon deviating from your flocculently lacrimogenous stop-gapped witlessness in history and sociopolitical affairs, falange and other political parties of third position are, in effect, for the deracination of islam and other religions that aren't of christian faith. although, i personally don't give a stink eye to Syrians, Iranians or other nationalities that presently gourmandize upon islam, i'm exclusively vituperative apropos of some Moroccans that refluently made their entrances into my country without ever having a forethought of aiding my country in the dilapidated state it is in...
✠ StA☦ned SΩldier ⚒  [tác giả] 25 Thg02, 2024 @ 4:17am 
@Amon there are no nomadologically and ethnomethodologically conscionable whim-whams in what your ideology is all about, no bienséance whatsoever, only Svengalian innuendos that anaphorically exult the shaming of those who are gentiles. in mine and others with ventre à terre differing degrees in economics (national bolsheviks) there are. we, despite our differences, all tropologically and ekistically are in pursuance of divinizing our nations and the cultures/values thereof from the ground up with the decertation against viperous capitalist values and through the uncatastrophic nationalization of banks.
✠ StA☦ned SΩldier ⚒  [tác giả] 25 Thg02, 2024 @ 4:17am 
@Amon on that regard, they also replicatively levanted out of bounds by countenancing sexual intercourse with children of 3 years of age as it was multipliciously stated in the Talmud itself " NIDDAH 44B: A girl who is three years and one day old, whose father arranged her betrothal, is betrothed through intercourse, as the halakhic status of intercourse with her is that of intercourse in all halakhic senses.".
✠ StA☦ned SΩldier ⚒  [tác giả] 25 Thg02, 2024 @ 4:16am 
@Amon addedly, i don't loathe all the jews, i'm not that fond of generalizing peoples. for instance, the Karaite jews could kinda sojourn in passivizing peace and harmony with other persuassions as they don't take the Talmud as their sacred book. nonetheless, the contretemps that happens to be here is that, the Talmud and what they preach in that book isn't signatory of anything comparatively and ethically patible, rather it is currently proselytizing jews into hidating christians and muslims for their own benefit and into showing the cloven foot.
✠ StA☦ned SΩldier ⚒  [tác giả] 25 Thg02, 2024 @ 4:16am 
@Amon first and foremost, i'm not portuguese, i'm spanish and never did i impulsively undergird any "terrorist organization", especially the taliban. i'm understatedly of the thinking that dermarches that hamas is an extremist organization, not a terrorist one (even though, their deeds that they perseveringly acted upon are really inverecund unto innocent jewish families that may not be zionist themselves) also, yeah i do buy into third position, not like any of your accidious internationalisms and flim-flams that zionism unflinchingly have everyone be pluckily poured down their gullets somewhat hagiographically.
thE_ANIMe_Is_GAY_EasySkins_com 30 Thg05, 2023 @ 11:18am 
wow its look like cs2 galil
RomeO 30 Thg01, 2023 @ 3:16pm 
When I try to reload in third person there is no animation. I hate updates.
RABE 19 Thg05, 2021 @ 6:59am 
What is that map (sorry for my english :))) )
Murka 25 Thg09, 2020 @ 10:41pm 
✠ StA☦ned SΩldier ⚒  [tác giả] 21 Thg09, 2020 @ 5:54am 
@网恋教父 · mata川 wow
孙笑川258 21 Thg09, 2020 @ 3:29am 
no pics no click
eggs dee 9 Thg07, 2020 @ 8:30pm 
its really fucked ngl, when you reload the clips, both normal and drum, go thru the galil, also grip is absolutely huge, and also, most of the scopes go thru the ironsight :spycon:
SPINE 18 Thg06, 2020 @ 5:39am 
lakatarrr 23 Thg03, 2020 @ 11:44am 
Now in Insurgency sandstormXD
Go remake)
Anthony_2024 13 Thg01, 2020 @ 10:28am 
u could make a ruger22/11
Sheen Boah 1 Thg10, 2019 @ 12:27am 
The foregrip is too big during reload lol.
corby 27 Thg07, 2019 @ 7:56pm 
what is the playermodel?
Сomrade Vilenor 28 Thg06, 2019 @ 2:28pm 
More attachments
Cuckerooni 28 Thg06, 2019 @ 9:11am 
Maybe this is just me, but I've noticed that during the reload animation for this particular gun, the vertical grip grows larger, then reverts back to normal size when the reload is finished.