ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

Extra ARK (Open Source)
11-19/19개 항목을 표시 중
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업데이트: 2017년 6월 19일 @ 오후 11시 23분

- Removed old hidden doors (Set double door to hidden, this setting is a WIP)

업데이트: 2017년 6월 19일 @ 오후 6시 17분

(The update that broke things)
- New open direction setting for doors
- New hidden door setting for doors including trapdoors [WIP]
- Various UI Adjustments
- Fixed Glass Hatchframe Icon
- Fixed various Tek engram issues
- Added basic Settings Tool. RCLICK Toggles Mode, LCLICK to activate. [WIP]
- Restored fridges to only use electricity
- Removed Wood Hidden Doors engram. (Set your double door to hidden)
- Adjusted structure names & descriptions.

업데이트: 2017년 6월 10일 @ 오후 11시 25분

- Added new options to modular storage box settings
- Added new speed and range options to doors
- Fixed Modular storage boxes not placing correctly
- Fixed Large Metal Modular Box resource requirement
- Fixed unlearnable cloning chamber
- Fixed Modular boxes not saving their name
- Modified Structure Settings UI
- Fixed fridges not auto activating

업데이트: 2017년 6월 6일 @ 오후 9시 33분

- Added Metal Modular Storage Boxes
- Added Small Grinder
- Added Small Tek Cloning Chamber
- Added option to toggle between Electric/Gas powered structures
- Added Settings UI for various structures. Accessed from the radial menu
- Fixed modular storage not dropping inventory when destroyed
- Fixed modular storage snap issues
- Fixed Metal Stairs damage settings
- Fixed Metal Stair Rail damage settings
- Fixed Modular storage damage settings
- Fixed Stone Hidden Door frame placement issue
- Removed Labels. Apply Labels directly inside the settings UI
- Changed Small Industrial Forge weight & stack amount
- Cabinets can be painted
- Modular Storage boxes Label text size, color and position can be adjusted.

업데이트: 2017년 5월 28일 @ 오후 10시 28분

- Changed modular storage box mesh
- Adjusted modular storage box snaps
- Fixed modular storage box colorization
- Added Labels - Snaps to Cabinets, modular storage etc. Hold E for settings.
- Various fixes.

업데이트: 2017년 5월 24일 @ 오후 8시 16분

- Fixed Adobe Stair engram
- Fixed Adobe Double Door Frame Icon
- Fixed Stone Stairs engram
- Fixed Thatch Double Doors placement
- Fixed Modular Storage resource requirements
- Removed crafting station requirement from inventory BP
- Removed all destructible mesh
- Added Thatch Double Door Frame & Doors Icons

업데이트: 2017년 5월 23일 @ 오전 2시 03분

- Fixed Metal Half Stair Engram
- Fixed Adobe Door placement
- Fixed Stair rail shinanigans
- Doors can be placed in other material frames
- Added Small, Medium & Large Modular Wood Storage Boxes that snap together

업데이트: 2017년 5월 22일 @ 오전 5시 29분

- Changed automatic door system
- Changed Stone Door Frame Mesh
- Changed Behemoth Hatch Frame & Doors mesh
- Changed Stone Half Wall mesh (removed wood)
- Added Adobe Double Door Frame & Doors
- Added Tek Double Door Frame & Doors
- Added missing Mortar engrams
- Added suffix (- EA) to all structures
- Added Adobe Stairs
- Added Stone hidden door & Frame
- Fixed various collision issues
- Increased Cabinet storage
- Increased Forge speed
- Increased Mortar speed
- Small Behemoth Gateways now snap ontop of eachother
- Adjusted behemoth hatch snap points
- Removed engram cost & level requirement of all structures
- Can craft structures in inventory & crafting Bench
& Many more fixes and improvements!

업데이트: 2016년 3월 31일 @ 오전 10시 33분

- Reintroduced engrams. Everything crafted inside the crafting station.
- Electrics glow default color
- New door system, much more responsive
- New crafting station mesh
- Resource costs increased
- Adjusted various structure's health
- Wall storage now snap to walls

- Small Generator
- Small Mortar and Pestle
- Small Wall Fridge
- Small industrial Cooker
- Fancy Fence
- Cages from CageXL Mod
- Doors from Extra ARK: Doors Mod ( hidden doors, glass and thatch tier etc)
- Stair Support / foundation: Placed under stairs to connect pillars
- Reinforced Cabinet: Stone Tier Cabinet
- Metal Wall Vault: larger wall storage but only two fit on 1 wall (150 Slots)
- Half walls

- Snap points dramatically improved
- Some structures unable to place / interact
- Missing mesh for some structures

These are just parts of whats new. Let me know if you run into any bugs. Thanks!