Rivals of Aether

Rivals of Aether

Mostrando 1-10 de 23 aportaciones
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Actualización: 10 ENE 2021 a las 6:24 p. m.


-- BUGFIX --
- Fixed a bug that allowed you to use charged USPECIAL with the special stick without having to drop your charge. You now cannot be holding down while doing a charged USPECIAL (unless you are also holding up, to add leniency to keyboard users - keep in mind holding up drops your charge, so be quick if you do this method.)
* If you do not use special stick, this should not affect you.

Actualización: 9 ENE 2021 a las 3:18 p. m.


-- REWORK --
- Keyboard players can no longer hold both directions at the same time
to maintain a charge.
- Horizontally, this freezes your charge at whatever it was at while you hold
both. This is due to the nature of needing to go left and right frequently,
it can't have the same logic as vertically. This is partially a side-effect
to some code cleanup done internally, but the effect is intuitive so I don't
- Vertically, holding up while downward charging stops your charging entirely.
* This is done because keyboard players had a clear and unfair advantage
over controller players. This wasn't a tech that was easier on keyboard -
rather, it was something that was downright impossible on controller.
* This allowed you to simply charge down and mash uspecial in disadvantage
to hit opponents with charged USPECIAL pretty much for free, which tended
to water down games and was an unintentional option
* You can, of course, still do this - but now keyboard players have to time
it in the same way as controller players. It is still easier on keyboard,
due to not wasting any time needing to flick the stick up.
+ DSPECIAL with a held sweatwhirl can now be thrown with special and down on
tilt stick, in addition to down strong and the attack button which were
previously the only ways to throw it.

+ USPECIAL charged hit Knockback Scaling increased (1.17 --> 1.2)
* This is a small but definitely noticeable buff, that was done to compensate
for no longer being able to mash it in disadvantage as easily. The move
has freedom to be stronger without that utility, as it's usage becomes
slightly more niche.

-- BUGFIX --
+ Some code was made a bit more optimized (more still on the way, probably).
This should improve performance slightly on lower-end PCs, but issues directly
related to the graphics of the steam trails have not been addressed.
+ Hodan's USPECIAL and DSPECIAL are no longer cancelled if he uses them the
frame he touches the ground.

Actualización: 22 DIC 2020 a las 1:36 p. m.


+ As a celebration of being in the RCS workshop roster, Hodan now has a champion skin!

Actualización: 14 DIC 2020 a las 2:31 p. m.

v3.0 - Definitive Edition

-- REWORK --
* Hodan's DSTRONG parry has been changed to a 'Red Parry'. This means it can no
longer parry projectiles. Instead, it 'eats' them, converting them into a
sweatwhirl that doesn't count towards his total sweatwhirl count. This will
never cause a player to go into stun, no matter what the projectile's properties are.
+ DSTRONG no longer has double whifflag on charge.
- Instead, the 'splash' only appears on a successful parry. A charged DSTRONG that doesn't land
the parry is effectively the same as a regular DSTRONG.
+ The splash caused by DSTRONG has been changed to a sweat explosion, which has two levels of
effectiveness. All of the 'layers' of the sweat explosion do the same Base Knockback (8.5),
though they have different levels of scaling. The circle closest to the middle does 1.05 knockback scaling,
and the circle closer to the edge does 0.95 knockback scaling. This should assure that successfully
parrying an opponent is far less likely to whiff, with the exception of extremely
far-reaching normals. Since a parry does not count as a successful hit, if DSTRONG does whiff the sweat explosion,
the player that got parried and Hodan should exit lag at around the same time. Hodan's invincibility cuts out if he
ends DSTRONG endlag here, and he has a parry cooldown. This should end up resetting neutral.

+ 2 brand new skins!
- Golden skin (sparkles!)
- Ambi's tournament winner skin! (has a custom taunt!)
+ Various small visual polish fixes, mostly to movement options.
+ Hodan now has a splash effect when using specials while grounded
+ Hodan now shows the burning bros. in his victory portrait if he wins with them

- USPECIAL charged hit Knockback Scaling decreased (1.3 --> 1.17)
+ DAIR sourspot Knockback Scaling increased (0.55 --> 0.6)
+ DAIR startup reduced (18F --> 16F)
- DAIR sweetspot Base Knockback reduced (10 --> 6)
+ DAIR sweetspot Knockback Scaling increased (0.6 --> 0.65)
* DAIR hitpause increased in both sour and sweetspot
+ FAIR uncharged Knockback Scaling increased (0.4 --> 0.45)
* FAIR hitpause on non-charged variant increased
- FAIR charged hit Base Knockback reduced (8 --> 6)
+ FAIR charged hit Knockback Scaling increased (0.6 --> 0.7)
+ FAIR charged hit angle increased (270 --> 290)
- FAIR charged hit hitpause increased to match new knockback
+ FAIR charged hit size increased
+ UAIR size increased
+ FTILT startup reduced (19F --> 17F)
- FSTRONG sweetspot size slightly reduced and moved forward
- FSTRONG sourspot length reduced (5F --> 3F)

-- BUGFIX --
+ Desyncs should be fixed
- Hodan no longer creates sweatspirits on death
- Hodan no longer obliterates opponents if he is kicked out of USTRONG for any reason.
+ USTRONG's last frame of endlag now properly plays
- Taunt no longer has whifflag lmao, it functions exactly the same, I just
thought that was funny

Actualización: 24 AGO 2020 a las 8:06 p. m.


+ This is technically a bugfix, but it impact balance, so I'm putting it here. Hodan now properly throws sweatwhirl if he grabs it on the way down with USPECIAL, which, of course, removes pratfall on USPECIAL.
+ This is more of a polish fix, but it applies to balance, so I'm putting it here. Hodan's sweatwhirl throw in DSPECIAL and USPECIAL now aligns properly with his hand regardless of speed.

-- BUGFIX --
+ Hodan now properly loses a held sweatwhirl on prat landing.
+ Hodan now has a SFX when he is hit while holding a sweatwhirl. (It wasn't playing correctly before)

Actualización: 24 AGO 2020 a las 8:02 p. m.


Check next patch note, double patched due to immediate finding of bug.

Actualización: 2 AGO 2020 a las 1:30 p. m.


-- BUGFIX --
+ Rune C now properly stops Hodan from going into pratfall.

Actualización: 31 JUL 2020 a las 8:02 p. m.


+ DSPECIAL can now be walljump-cancelled if it is going downwards.
+ USPECIAL now has reduced startup (10F --> 8F).
- USPECIAL now sends Hodan into pratfall.

+ DSPECIAL no longer consumes USPECIAL. You can USPECIAL after DSPECIALing off stage. Be free, my beautiful Hodans. Recover to your heart's content. You will finally be able to survive edgeguard scenarios.

Actualización: 27 JUL 2020 a las 5:54 p. m.


+ FAIR knockback angle reduced (361° --> 40°)
+ DAIR sourspot knockback scaling increased (0.5 --> 0.55)
+ DSPECIAL grounded startup reduced (12 --> 9) (DSPECIAL aerial startup has been untouched)
- All sweat hitboxes (tilts, NAIR splash) have been normalized (and globally reduced) to 1.5x hitstun. DSTRONG is excluded, still doing 2x hitstun.
- DSTRONG splash hitbox has been reverted to only working on grounded opponents.
+ DSTRONG hitbox size nerf reverted since you can just space the parry now anyways.
+ DSTRONG endlag reduced (19F --> 18F)
+ NSPECIAL sends out slightly farther before freezing in the air.
+ NAIR startup reduced (11F --> 7F), minimum active frames increased (7F --> 11F)
+ Sweatwhirl charged and levelled hitboxes can no longer be influenced by SDI - they should follow into the main hit significantly easier
+ Sweatwhirl charged hitbox size is much bigger
+ Sweatwhirl levelled hits can no longer be teched
+ Level 2 Sweatwhirl hitbox size slightly increased

-- BUGFIX --
+ Sweatwhirl timer doesn't get reset on hit with levelled hits, meaning it won't infinitely airstall you anymore if hit offstage by a falling NSPECIAL
+ DSTRONG splash FX is back on charge.

Actualización: 26 JUL 2020 a las 3:33 p. m.


+ DSTRONG parry armour in rune M now takes after the faster, uncharged parry. It can still be charged, but charging it does not slow it down, and simply adds the splash hitbox.