ARK: Survival Evolved
81–90 из 242
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Обновление: 14 мая. 2022 г. в 9:04



Обновление: 14 мая. 2022 г. в 3:50



Обновление: 25 апр. 2022 г. в 12:17


- Horses can now eat more of the ingredients found in the wild
- Tunic pants fix
- Magician gloves fix
- Cats can now randomly catch fish
- Druid cat night vision ability
- Druid cat tweaked camera
- Druid cat better jump animation
- Druid cat search ability
- Small wyvern passive breath smaller
- Small wyvern won\'t roar in the air or when moving
- Small wyvern better attacks
- Rabbit sound fix...?
- Crow more food consumption during turret mode (10x to 40x)
- Breaking down bones is EASY now
- Better bone breaking yield
- New commissioned maid outfit & jester outfit
- New commissioned outfit
- Several new masquerade masks (with more coming)
- Golden Sands Banner
- Wardrobe from 75 to 150

Обновление: 25 апр. 2022 г. в 12:15


- Horses can now eat more of the ingredients found in the wild
- Tunic pants fix
- Magician gloves fix
- Cats can now randomly catch fish
- Druid cat night vision ability
- Druid cat tweaked camera
- Druid cat better jump animation
- Druid cat search ability
- Small wyvern passive breath smaller
- Small wyvern won\'t roar in the air or when moving
- Small wyvern better attacks
- Rabbit sound fix...?
- Crow more food consumption during turret mode (10x to 40x)
- Breaking down bones is EASY now
- Better bone breaking yield
- New commissioned maid outfit & jester outfit
- New commissioned outfit
- Several new masquerade masks (with more coming)
- Golden Sands Banner
- Wardrobe from 75 to 150

Обновление: 15 апр. 2022 г. в 10:28


- some stuff see discord

Обновление: 14 апр. 2022 г. в 13:43


- Changed most, if not all, wardrobe insulation ratings to fit more
Will do the same for all armour tiers, and future additions
- 1 new commissioned wardrobe clothing and robes
- New top and boots in wardrobe
- Potion crafting from 60 seconds to 5-12 seconds
- Small wyvern babies now start at double the scale
- New food satchel for druids and serfs to keep fold cold in inventory
- Caroline collar fixed
- New easter egg bag
Has 2 new unique items; rabbit banner and carrot spear
- Werewolves don\'t collect victim items now
- King Cyclops & co tweaked slightly
- Increased amount of items shown in the armour traders
From 60 to 140

Обновление: 8 апр. 2022 г. в 13:59

- Armoured bandit hood fixed(?)
- Flashing fern crop fixed
- Two new commission tops in the wardrobe
- New fan axe weapon
- Convex lens crafting fix
- Cyclops running no sound fix
- Spooky secret things

Обновление: 6 апр. 2022 г. в 14:01

- Growable glow grapes and flashing ferns
- New scoped musket
- Increased dura damage for most black powder weapons
- Two new commission headpieces in the wardrobe
- Three new horsetypes
- Ceremonial horse armor icon fix
- Eastern clad robes now in the armour shop
- Vampires now become weaker (Stam drains quicker and take more damage) the lower the food is but do more damage.
- Vampires now cannot back to back invisibility if they are a rouge.
- Increased Cooldowns on rouges and Vampire invisibility.
- Taking enough damage will now remove invisibility.
- Added crows (Not wild spawn)
- Dungeon server lag reliability check fix (Admins to test)

Обновление: 3 апр. 2022 г. в 10:09

- Player werewolf buffed.
- Werewolf don\'t harvest corpses.
- Khopesh can now be hit while running.
- Werewolves will feel a feral instinct flow throw there blood. Its calling for them.
- Fix for the april fools joke.

Обновление: 1 апр. 2022 г. в 9:04

- Soup and shakes now help more with temps
- Khopesh added to arena
- Cart moving sound not as loud
- Random chests spawns fixed(?)
- Re-introduced the bug for player refresh to help with server performance

Experimental changes:
- Added Aramore books of boxes of loot to the general trader
- Khopesh now gathers arms from players, rendering them useless in PvP for the rest of the season
- Maces now stun for 100%
- Fishes now added to the map