

(联机海难)岛屿冒险 & Island Adventures
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更新于:2022 年 7 月 23 日 上午 11:23


- Fix crash when pacifying coconut treeguard

更新于:2022 年 7 月 23 日 上午 7:23




- 岛屿和火山的生成现在类于船难DLC
- 添加了海难中缺少的失败的冒险家/陷阱/奇遇(传送零件奇遇没有这些东西)
- 现在世界必然会生成两只渡渡鸟和火山
- 现在奇遇不会再从陆地上分离产生(例如前辈)
- - 来自饥荒联机版的奇遇将不再在海难世界中生成(例如 麦斯威尔的墓地)
- 海难的奇遇现在有一个随机的概率出现在世界上
- 初始岛屿现在总是会在地图的中心生成
- 火山中心的岩浆现在有一个小地图图标
- 行李箱现在也会在海墓生成
- 在船难世界中生成的树苗数量增加(多人联机)
- 修复了火药桶在有洞穴的世界中不可见的问题
- 东西将不再在近岸生成
- 蜂后现在拥有了她的的独特岛屿
- 饥荒联机版中的沉船奇遇现在在大陆岸边而不是月岛生成
- 添加了饥荒单机漂浮物,它每15天在沉船附近生成或在海岸线附近洗刷一次


- 胆汁盖肉现在是一种肥料
- 椰子现在可以在物品栏中被砍刀砍开
- 清理了沃尔夫冈语音文件,添加了缺失的语言
- 修复了能够挖掘海洋地皮的问题
- 修复了货船陷阱不生效的问题
- 修复了在荒野模式下玩岛屿冒险的崩溃
- 修复了章鱼王在启用多人交易配置的情况下晚上不睡觉的问题
- 添加了鹦鹉Wolly的声音
- 中文模组信息翻译修复


1. 现有世界中的熔岩将会被破坏。

更新于:2022 年 7 月 15 日 上午 11:26


New Features:
- Special chest have a chance to spawn when there are less than two Doy Doys in the world which allows to save the species
- You can now self toss meat into ocean to get sharx and crocodogs as it was in SW
- Added config for skipping seaworthy's animations
- Ghosts can now use Seaworthy
- The Seaworther now has a global icon
- A free log raft is now given on resurrection and new spawn when raft config is enabled, but only in SW climate
- New seasonal starting items in SW climate:
- Hurricane: Straw Hat
- Monsoon: Palmleaf Umbrella
- Dry: Fashion Melon

Changes: Several things now have a small chance for special effects when haunted...
- Boat Cannons shoot in random direction (or at the nearest Wes)
- Volcano Staff uses itself
- Slot Machine gives a skulls prize
- Booty Bag spawns a dubloon
- Crocodogs change their type (can turn from normal to water or poison, etc.)
- Shoals disappear
- Gunpowder Barrels ignite and explode
- Ash Trees chop
- Volcano Altar (when active) angers the volcano

Bug Fixes:
- Improved targeting on boats
- Fixed crash when summoning treeguards from palm trees by haunting
- Fixed items from inventory being tossed in one direction during death on boat
- Fixed float splash sound not playing for some items
- Fixed some action distance issues with RoT water and SW boats
- Fixed DST wobsters bugging out on land
- Fixed SW touchstone only giving one limestone instead of two
- Fixed item pickup sfx for water not playing properly
- Fixed a possible crash with disembarking
- Jellyfish migration won't crash if the Volcano is disabled in world settings
- Rainometer and Winterometer work in SW climate
-Crabbits, SW birds and Lobsters can be stunned by Seedshell
- Fixed collisions during seaworthy animation.

更新于:2022 年 7 月 10 日 下午 12:01


- Almost everything in IA can be haunted by ghosts
- Banana Bushes can be blown by wind
- Wind can blow more kinds of things
- Volcano Altar accepts more kinds of items
- Slight treasure changes to make some new treasures seem less out of place
- Fixed crash with puddles
- Fixed crash when a player somehow gets on land with SW boat

更新于:2022 年 7 月 7 日 下午 12:35


- New update compatibility
- Palmcone trees can now be blown by wind
- Fixed items in filters not switching correctly when going near crafting stations
- Fixed Hurricane Tease happening too early

更新于:2022 年 6 月 27 日 下午 11:01


- Added in Hurricane Tease
- Fixed real lightnings not striking down in Hurricane Season
- Lightnings now strike more frequently during storms in Hurricane Season
- Strong Winds now cool you down
- Beach Turf is now a basetile in Island Shards and Volcano Rock Turf is now a basetile in Volcano Shards
- Beach Turf is no longer craftable
- Added config which allows each player to trade with Yaarctopus once per day (enabled by default)
- Added new rain sound in Monsoon Season

- Added new drops to Slot Machine. (configurable, enabled by default)
Good Drops:
- 5 Jellybeans
- Amberosia and 8 Thulecite Pieces (With Amberosia you can appease Volcano for 4 days)
- 4 Thulecite, 8 Thulecite Pieces and 4 Nightmare Fuel
- Moon Caller's Staff, 4 Moonrocks and 4 Moonglass
- Terra Firma Tamper Blueprint, 4 Thulecite and 4 Moonrocks
- Red Gem, Blue Gem, Purple Gem, Orange Gem, Yellow Gem, Green Gem
Ok Drops:
- Vine Bush and 3 Vines
- 3 Marble and 2 Marble Beans
- 5 Barnacles
- 3 Moonrocks and 3 Moonglass
- 5 Salt Rocks
- 5 Figs
- Beeswax and 3 Honey
- Booster Shot and 3 Spider Glands
- 5 Wortox souls
- 5 Bulbous Lightbugs
- Volt Goat Horn and 3 Electric Milks
- 5 Nitre
Bad Drops:
- 3 Sea Striders
- The contents of some existing drops have also been slightly changed when config is enabled

- Fixed Merm Guards not being able to hack
- When Old Warly Config is enabled Chef Pack icon will no longer be missing
- Removed Alt recipe for Walter Freeze and Slow-Down Rounds since Moon Rocks are now easier to get
- Changed Alt recipe for Arboretum Experiment from Evil Petals to Elephant Cactus Spikes

Sweet Potato Fixes & Changes:
- Fixed missing soil under Sweet Potato Plants
- Fixed broken anims of Sweet Potato growing through stages
- Fixed Sweet Potato being invisible on Product Scale and Mighty Gym
- Fixed maximum weight of Sweet Potato being too big
- Fixed visual issue with Sweet Potato spoiling on Mighty Gym
- Giant Sweet Potato now has correct weight on Mighty Gym
- Giant Sweet Potato no longer bugs out when spoiling after being picked
- Sweet Potato now prefers summer instead of winter
- Sweet Potato now consumes 2 lines of manure and restores one line of compost and growth formula instead of consuming two lines of growth formula and restoring only one line of compost
- You can cook Fancy Spiralled Tubers with either Potatoes or Sweet Potatoes
- Added missing icons of Waxed and Rotting Giant Sweet Potato

更新于:2022 年 6 月 14 日 下午 10:49


- Refreshed mod configs layout
- Added config to remove orb and terrarium from treasure chests drops or to remove every custom IA treasure
- Added config to disable additional Yaarctopus trades
- Added config to buff tar lamp (enabled by default), with config on tar lamp:
‣ Provides bigger light,
‣ Lasts longer,
‣ Drops seashell when depleated,
‣ Can be fully refueled with one tar
- Added config to buff tar suit (enabled by default), with config on tar suit:
‣ Lasts twice as long,
‣ Can be repaired with tar for 25%
- Fixed rare crash with fishermerms
- Fixed rare crash with sealnado vacuum attack
- Fixed rare crash when fighting with obsidian tools
- Fixed not being able to pick up Willows lighter when it was hit by falling dragoon egg
- Fixed tar extractor spawning huge amounts of tar when fueled with too much fuel
- Fixed crash with Volcano (spawned by console commands) in non shipwrecked shards

更新于:2022 年 6 月 2 日 上午 8:51


- Fixed not being able to place structures on DST boats

更新于:2022 年 5 月 30 日 上午 9:58


New Features & Changes

- Primeapes no longer steal from befriended players and throw stuff like grass and twigs to them
- Primeapes now turn into shadow version of themselves in ruins
- Tropical Fish now retains its 1 fish value when RoT fish config is disabled


- Skeletons and rocks should no longer appear on water
- Things should no longer spawn near shore
- Tidal pools should no longer spawn on each other
- Resources should no longer respawn on water
- Fixed flood spawning on roads

更新于:2022 年 5 月 22 日 上午 7:27


- Can use either bullkelp or seaweed to craft Strident Trident
- Added berry bush setpiece from Shipwrecked
- Most of SW water structures now have proper collision with DST boats
- Lowered sounds of dragoon, palmleaf treeguard and tar extrator
- Lowered damage of jellyfish from 8 to 5 to be the same as in Shipwrecked
- Fixed not being able to activate seaworthy after a rollback
- Fixed spelling in configs
- Fixed being able to put living jellyfishes into fridges
- Fixed possible crash with merms
- Fixed crash when attacking a jellyfish or elephant cactus attacker don't exist (can only happen with mods)
- Fixed rare crash when curing poison
- Fixed being able to pick up spiders as Webber with space