216 ratings
Rakuen Acheivements 101
By Charee
Your go to guide for Rakuen achievements! For extra help, check out the Official Rakuen Walkthrough, linked in the intro. Be sure to let me know if anything is missing or incorrect, and I'll fix it as soon as I can.
Hey everyone, how's your cryfest Rakuen? Are your tear ducts dry as the Sahara desert yet? Well I didn't cry, because I'm heartless!

I know, I know. It's looking pretty appealing right?

Anyway, through your LITERAL WATERFALL OF TEARS you probably saw that this game has achievements! Sooooo... let's get to it.

A few things to know:


There are also a few items on Star Night, which will be missed if you dont get them there.

A lot of this information came from two places: my own playthrough and developer Laura Shigihara's walkthrough. Go there for general help on getting through the game or if something needs more explanation. It is a great and highly organized tool to have. While it does have a list of where you can find items, it doesn't really have an achievement section nor are the items organized by pet or track etc.


With that out of the way, let's start!
Main Story Acheivements
This is to let you achievement hunters know what you don't need to be on the lookout for because you'll get it anyway if you complete the main game. I'm not going to detail how to complete main story parts. Check out the walkthrough for help there.

Runestone: Light

Occurs in the main story after you complete Winston's story and learn his song.

Runestone: Family

Occurs in the main story after you complete Tony's story and learn his song.

Runestone: Love
Occurs in the main story after you complete Kisaburo's story and learn his song.

Runestone: Friendship

Occurs in the main story when you complete Sue's story and learn her song.

Runestone: Night

Occurs in the main story, and it's semi spoilers, so I'm not going to say who it is. Complete part 5 and the song.


Complete the game. It's pretty self explanatory.
Clear the Air

After finding the Radshroom Protection Society, exit the room south and go up the stairs, exit East (you'll walk past a foot), until you reach the Onion's room. Step on all the badshrooms in the room to get the acheivement. No wonder he was so cranky!

Become Radical

To get this achievement, after finding the RPS, go through all rooms and step on all badshrooms and avoid each radshroom. Badshrooms add "radical points" and radshrooms take them away. By the way, 20+ points are required to buy from the RPS's store. If all rooms are unlocked and you still haven't gotten it, go through them all again, making sure no radshrooms have been stepped on. (Other then the one at the entrance of the RPS.)

There's Nothing Wrong with a Security Bean Bag

Go to the space near Winston's tent and walk down the dirt patch next to the patch of farmland. This area is only accessible only you get a pickaxe from Jacky. Break the rocks and walk down into the new area. You'll see a sign in front of a cave hopping up and down. Talk to it and it'll tell you that it's Sign Day and it's been forced to guard the festivites. Even worse, they've taken their security beanbag! The sign will send you in to get it. Walk past the twirling signs and forward where a cutscene plays out. The guard signs will leave. Grab the beanbag and bring it to the sign. They will give it to you as a gift. It is an item you can place in the Patient Lounge.

The Leeble Protection Agency

Go into the well near Christina's cave. Once inside, hop across the rocks (get the chest while you're there) and go down through the tunnel on the room's left side. You'll walk through a room of those striped guys, keep going and end up in a room with 2 striped guys, stones, and a ladder. Pop across the stones, go up the ladder and you're there. (A second way Is blocked by a Sketchy Leeble. They won't move until you go in through the well. -Estragon) Go to the cherry blossom where the dog spirit waits and go south down a dirt path. In the new room, go east and you're there. Both routes unlock sometime during Tony's story. Be sure to visit this area if you're trying to get all the pets and Patient Lounge items, as one pet and one item are here.

Connoissuer of the Monsieur

When in Monsieur Bud's mansion, look at any picture of him you can get to, including Lil' Budz "art". I'm not sure if this counts, but check it out anyway. I won't include paintings you can't reach in my list, and do remember it is each UNIQUE painting, so don't stress.

Mansion Painting Locations:

Leeble Cora's Cottage On an easel in her hut. This does count even though it's not in the mansion. (Estragon)

-Party Room 2 ( Farthest from the Tea Room, has Monsieur Bud.) Right above the deserts at the end of the room.There is also one by the room's entrance. There is a statue you can examine, and it does count. (Awkins)

- Party Room 1 (Closest to Tea Room.) There is one above the couch that is not blocked
(a Lil' Budz original).

-Tea Room (Has the tea, connects to Party Room 1, dorms, and a few others) There is a painting near the entrance to Party Room 1.

-Sugarbaby's Room ( bottom left room in the dorms) It's above the short brown nightstand.

-Ruperts Room (upper right room in the dorms) Above the blue chest, or in between the cabinet and nightstand with fruit.

Collection Acheivements

Since all of these things are needed for the Patient Lounge (Towel Cape Heroes acheivement) ... I'm making a special Collection Section. Seriously, Towel Cape Heroes is like the king of all acheivements in this game.

For all items, pets, and tracks you must use them in your inventory to place in the Patient Lounge. You know you can enter the patient lounge when Cora is no longer next to Jacky's spot, but at the top near the vending machine.

Also, Star Night exclusives MUST be nabbed on Star Night. Be sure to get them then.

Tiny Planets
Return all of Sue's marbles. These don't count to the Towel Cape Heroes quest, but it is a collection quest so it gets to keep this spot. Here are their locations...

Cat's Eye Marble- Once you get Jacky to make you an axe, he'll have you test it out on his boarded up door. Never a good thing to have. Break it, open the chest, and you'll get this marble.

Amber Marble- If you have an axe, go to Uma's room and break down the boarded up door inside to find a chest containing the marble.

Rainbow Marble- Occurs in the main story, Tony gives this to you in exchange for your help.

Flower Marble- Left of Leeble Village, where Sue waits for you, go to the Beanstalk (if it's plant counterpart has been watered) amd climb up. Keep going left on the bridges. Once you get to the mansion, go to the bottom left sector and enter the cave. The chest inside should have the marble.

Celestial Marble- Sugarbaby gives this to you after you solve the Crumble Mystery. Occurs in the main story.

Play It Louder, Man!
Collect all the music tracks. Here are their locations...

Tiny Planets CD- Go south of Winston's tent. Head on the dirt path and past the onion. On the next screen, walk past the little guy on the log. Walk foward on the next screen with petals flying and talk to the dancing Leeble in front of the tent. His name is Steven.

Spirit Envoy CD- Water the plant in the hospital that corresponds to the orange potted plant near Winston's hut. The hospital room connecting to Midnight Tea Shop has the counterpart. Climb up and open the chest you see on the island.

Lil' Budz Remix CD- The hospital room you can get through using the door inside Midnight Tea Shop.

The Keepers CD- Go beneath the well in Leeble town.

Ao Boshi Matsuri CD- Yet another Star Night exclusive.Talk to the dancing Leebles. One named Dale will give you the tape.

Mom, Can I Keep 'Em?

Adopt each and every pet. Find them a forever home... TODAY!
...Oh yeah, here are the locations.

Ogee the Cat- This pet, an orange cat, is in Tony's house. Once you leave and get to the cutscene with the song, you cannot get this pet. If you're trying to get all pets, do not leave without ensuring you have him. He's in the parent's bedroom closet on floor 2. It's fathest right. (The light sequence is blue off, red on, yellow on. -Estragon)
The key is in the guest room on the first floor at the top of the screen. Enter the bathroom and you'll find it in the laundry basket.

Bird- At the Leeble Protection Agency. See the Leeble Protection Agency (in the Achievements section) to see how to get there. Near a plot of farmland, talk to a leeble nameed SuperRoo who explains how he's trying to get his bird adopted since he can't care for her. Offer to take her and he'll happily let you adopt her.

Pet Fish- Another Star Night exclusive. Play Winston's game at his booth. If you win, you get the Pet Goldfish. It may take a try or two.

Pet Frog- In Morizora's cave, left of the pig, is an area blocked by bamboo. Chop it down, go in, and... there's your frog! Just hoppin' around.

Towel Cape Heroes

The king of Rakuen's acheivements. This list won't feature the pets or music since it's right above but keep in mind it is needed. If an item costs money, I will mention the cost.
Heck yeah, let's do this! Hands, prepare yourselves.

Onion Air Freshener- Found in Leeble Village in a chest in the upper right corner, blocked by rocks.

Fun Wall Stickers- Next to Winston's hut, in a chest blocked by rocks.

Sila Berry Beanbag- Given to you by the Sign you help on Sign Day. See "There's Nothing Wrong with a Security Beanbag" in the Achievements section for a guide.

Golem Child Doll- There is a cave in the room where you meet the fanasty world's Sue. It's blocked by bamboo. Cut that down, enter, and you'll find this cute plush in a chest. Plus, it's grape scented!

Cora Doll- Talk to Human Danielle in the cafeteria and she'll give it to you. Note: Apparently, you can only get it from her once you've completed part three of the song. Thanks to Little Star and Veliante for helping me figure that out!

No Holds Bard Concert Poster- A chest in Lil Budz room in Monsieur Bud's mansion. His is the upper left room in the dorms.

Airplane Sky Scene- In Leeble Village, right below where a.. purple thing... roams around is where you need to go. Until you talk to Morizora's helpers, a sign blocks your path. Once, you've spoken to them, it'll move. Go in. Walk south, and then up onto the plaform the purple creature is on. Walk right, then south again until some rocks are in your way. Once you have a pickaxe, break them. Walk forward and you'll see the chests. Needs to be placed when in Tony's Room.

Panky Doll- A Star night exclusive. Buy it from Leeble Danielle's booth. (10g)

Monsiuer Bud Painting- Sold by Kreyg (40g), see Leeble Protection Association in Achievements for directions. He's at the bar in the Tavern.

Skybud Tea Set- Sold by Leeble Artisan (50g) Climb the beanstalk north of the village, go to the island on the left. Go inside the hut to buy your items.

Korshal Pillow- Sold by the Leeble Artisan (25g)

Book/Boardgame Shelf- Sold by Cora (30g)*

Little Indoor Trees-Sold by Cora (20g)

Chess Set- Sold by Cora (15g)

Children's Television- Sold by Mike (30g)

Jukebox- Sold by Mike (15g)

Watermelon Beanbag- Sold by Mike (50g)

Fancy Desserts- Sold By Tan (25g)

Samurai Helmet- Sold by Tan (10g)

Tanabata Tree- Sold by Tan (35g)

Shimeji Doll- Sold by King Shroom (10g)**

Glowshroom Lamp- Sold by King Shroom (30g)

Wallshroom Lights- Sold by King Shroom (40g)

*Tan, Mike, and Cora are all in the same place, near the vending machines at the hospital.
**To buy from King Shroom, you must have 20 or more Rad Points.

Tips and Tricks
Here are some tips that might help you out... :D

Always keep your bucket full. This saves on backtracking. (Estragon)

Water every plant as soon as you can, so when you run into it's beanstalk counterpart you don't have to go search for it. This will save lots of time.

Try to make only a few trips to the hospital (unless it's a main story trip for a character's backstory.) you can help it. For example, instead of only watering one plant per visit, just do them all in one.

Only buy the Peanut Chew Chews once. Sue will supply you with the others you need. You also only need to buy the Hot Coffee once for Tony after you finish Winston's story.

You are unable to buy anything twice. (Estragon)

I recommend, after finishing Winston's story, go to the hospital right away to water plants, give Tony coffee, collect his music box, and break any wooden obstacles with the axe.

When you get a new tool (especially with the axe) make sure to check everywhere for new areas you can access. Even the rooms of the hospital where you chase Uma have some blocked off doors you can now get to. Especially make sure to check Morizora's cave.

I think that's all I've got for now!
Phew. That took forever! Hope this guide helped you out!

Your help in correcting mistakes and missed information makes this guide better!

Little Star
Burmecian Soldier Dan

Please let me know if...

-Anything is incorrect
-Something is unclear
-Spelling and Grammar mistakes (Let's not get crazy though)
-Walkthrough Link issues
-Just something you want to bring to my attention
-Tips for next time

Thank you!

okeys 6 Apr, 2024 @ 6:46pm 
I missed the cat 😩
Gator 3 Jan, 2024 @ 12:01pm 
i stepped on only the badshrooms but i still cant buy from king spore? anyone know how to fix that? i have gone through the cave several times and i have stepped on all of them except the rad ones so idk what to do
ChanseyChan 20 Apr, 2023 @ 8:52am 
I missed the cat... Oh, the pain. T_T
Cierroth 19 Feb, 2023 @ 7:38pm 
Oh man...! I only mised the Cat...! looks like I have to replay the game to get the last two achievements!
falloutdude83 28 Jan, 2023 @ 4:12am 
if you stepped on every mushroom (like I did as I didn't pay attention) you will miss the "Radical" achievment, plus you cannot get "Towel Cape Hero" as you will not be able to buy items from King Spore, if you dont have enough karma. you only gain karma if you step on the bad mushrooms.
Kastuk 1 Jan, 2022 @ 7:40am 
Yep, Oggie cat is major missing piece.
Anne Sibyl 11 Mar, 2021 @ 5:51am 
Fun Wall Stickers appear in Sue's room. The rainbow wall-art in the Patient Lounge is there by default. Thanks for the guide!
QwanGetMad 1 Mar, 2021 @ 10:35am 
I've checked every painting in the teahouse but I can't get my achievement. is it broken? Happened in my first play through too.
VodkaStrats 11 Aug, 2019 @ 8:55pm 
@Neoneria, aren't there enough mushrooms to overcompensate?
Neoneria 11 May, 2019 @ 7:59am 
So I made the mistake of stepping on all mushrooms because I didn't pay enough attention and now i'm screwed, I have all the stuff except the stuff from the King so I guess I have to replay the whole game to fill the room at the hospital and to get "Radical" :')