Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

1,241 Bewertungen
Extra Effect Options
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Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Tool
Addon Tags: Build, Fun
4.321 KB
7. Apr. 2017 um 12:54
15. Juli 2021 um 13:12
17 Änderungshinweise (anzeigen)

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Extra Effect Options

Why did I make this? Because no one else seemed to be doing it.

This adds a new settings list to the context menu under a new tab labeled "Effects" to make your life easier and as of Version 1.0 there are new options available in the spawnmenu.

What this addon does:
+Adds menus making it easier to access options already available in the console.

What this addon DOES NOT do:
-Add functions brand new to gmod. if I do make an addon like that it'll proably be separate from this one.

Reflective Props - Toggles whether or not some objects shine and reflect the map a little. (Can cause or fix some visual errors.)

Fullbright - Enable or disable the world's lighting effects.

Fix Character Eyes - Fixes characters eyes being all black or all white and resets them to normal appearances.

Water Fog - Enable or Disable the fog you see while swimming.

Disable World Fog - When this setting is turned on, the fog on any map is disabled.

View Distance Fog - Enables/Disables the second layer of Fog on maps.

Lag Compensation - Compensates for lag. I haven't been able to see what this command does exactly.

Water Settings - All Water-related effects.

Difficulty Settings - (Broken) Choose which of the default 3 Half-life difficulties you'd like to play on.

Blood/Gore Settings - Toggle the blood and gibs of NPCs.

Character Eyes - Enables/Disables whether certain ragdolls, player models, and NPCs have eyes at all.

Draw First-Person Weapon - Toggle your ability to see your weapon in first-person.

Invasion Mode - Makes characters' eyes all black mimicking those of a grey alien. (Can be disabled by clicking "Fix Character Eyes".)

Haunted Mode - Makes characters' eyes all white mimicking those of Minecraft's Herobrine. (Can be disabled by clicking "Fix Character Eyes".)

Classic Weapon Switch - Sets Switching Speed to the Half-life 2 speed. (Does not affect all weapons)

Update List:

Command List:

Command List as a Guide:
222 Kommentare
Aureate Eternal  [Autor] 14. Nov. 2024 um 16:24 
I've been having frame issues too last time I played Gmod, though it definitely seemed to be either another mod or the fact I have too many causing it.
Moh 14. Nov. 2024 um 16:22 
your good aureate i am sorry for causing stress to you
my gmod's been bugging so i have been removing and tweaking alotta code to fix the fps issue
thanks man
Aureate Eternal  [Autor] 14. Nov. 2024 um 16:02 
I am not sure. It should not be doing that at all. Nothing in this mod should alter fps limits... there's literally no code in here to do that.

I can't even troubleshoot the issue much either since I don't have a display capable of going above 60 at this time.
Moh 14. Nov. 2024 um 8:30 
forgive me for the disrespect but for some reason this locks me onto 60 despite being on 144 usually whys that the case?
rajjiasus420 24. Juli 2024 um 7:39 
what this make a more realistic
kinny 19. Apr. 2024 um 19:19 
Yeah I Got it all from a collection that's why i didn't read lmao, still good tho
Aureate Eternal  [Autor] 19. Apr. 2024 um 16:12 
I mean, reading the description of this mod would've probably made it make more sense.

Otherwise, that's just the fault of how I titled those settings. I thought they'd be funny little secret settings or something and I didn't know what to title them.
kinny 19. Apr. 2024 um 16:10 
why was i expecting invasion mode to be like zombie survival lmao, and haunted mode for shit to happen lmaoo
Aureate Eternal  [Autor] 2. Dez. 2023 um 9:26 
I have tested this mod numerous times in both singleplayer and multiplayer and have encountered zero issues either hosting or joining servers . I have also tested compatibility with over 3000 other mods (Not even kidding, I have that many installed.). Unless the lag is being caused by some sort of menu/hud mismatch, I'm pretty sure this mod is not the issue.
Toby270GTX9008 2. Dez. 2023 um 9:20 
i want this to work in a server, i have lag when i play multiplayer and i cant use practically none of this options