Mount & Blade: Warband

Mount & Blade: Warband

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The Great Encyclopedia: How to lead a Line
By [CI] [GD] FirstGod
Hey Guys welcome to another of my Guides Saga called: The Great Encyclopedia: How to lead a Line.
In this time i will try to teach you how to lead sucessful your Line Regiment.
About this Guide:
This is my Most recent guide about Leadership in this guide i will share to all of you all tips that i can bring you. And if you have something to share there is the comments :)
I hope you like this guide and dont forget Like and add it to Favorites.
By: FirstGod (FG)
Before explain you how to lead your Line Infantry Regiment, i gotta say you need to have the followings points:
  • You gotta have all the Administration problems solved [Like Regiment Name, Ranks, Event, Training Server and Etc].
  • A Teamspeak [But other Apps can work, if they can hear you without interference].
  • Another Officer [This Officer will be your Right hand during your command, you gotta have total trust in his Aptitudes and Habilities like Leadership or Melee Skills].
1- Discipline:
The Discipline is not a Quality that you born with [That is good since you can teach it to your men], The Discipline is required for lead sucessful the regiment becouse if they can follow your order withouth doubt, if they can follow you until the death and fight for you until their last breath, then you will have no problem that your tactics works.

Tips to Instruct Discipline to your Men:
1- Never let them speak and yell in the Trainings [Becouse if they do it, they will not have problems in do so in the battle, and if they do it in the battle you will have serious problems since your men will not hear your orders and you might lose your line in the first 10 Minutes of the battle].

2- Teach them how to form properly, becouse if they form perfectly in a training they will form excellent in a event, but if they form ¨acceptable¨ in the trainings they will form terrible in the events and the administrator of the event will warn you, and you will lose credibility with your men.

3- Teach them the Commands orders properly, if they cant know what does the Fire at Will means you will have serious problems in the event for they shoot when you want, usually in the trainings always when you say: Present Arms!, Take Aim! and they you say Stop aiming!, someone will shoot, and if you let it be in the event he might shoot and then other, then other, then other and since 30% of your regiment take shots probably you will say: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ you know what! Everbody Fire!, and you will lose your shots and the enemy will have no problem in take shot in you and you will be more dead than a zombie.

3- Teach them that they should always and when i say always ITS ALWAYS!, follow the officer orders no matter what, but you can always teach them how to give you an opinion in the battle like for example: No, Sir i think its better take that hill and shoot their line even your original order that was directly charge to the artillery may god help us that their line doesnt come at time.

4- Teach your 2nd in Command officer all what you know, becouse if you fell in battle defending your homeland, he will take your line, so as i said teach them all what i have teach you.

5- Dont be a Dictator let them be sometimes if they do a good Job like for example:
Celebrate when they take the enemy´s Artillery.

2- Your Personal Aptitudes
Excellent m8, you have teacht them how to be a Disciplined Soldier, but do you think you are the most capable officer ever lived?.

One good Officer must have the Followings Aptitudes:
1- Be Charismatic: The Charisma is very important becouse if they can feel comfortable with your personality they will feel comfortable when you gave them an order. [Also this avoids desertions].

2- Be a Leader: Let them see your Hero phase, let them see you charge until the last breath, dont run [Sometimes you can obviusly run, we arents russians at stalingrad, right?], let them see you killing 1 or even 10 men in a round, let them see you shooting like a sharpshooting [If you doesnt have enought melee skills or shooting skills you will have serious problems], let them see you doing jokes and laughting with them and LET THEM SEE YOU BE A SOLDIER, you doenst have always to lead right?, sometimes you gotta gave them a time to prosper themself leading like you did when you were a NCO or a Officer.

3- Be a Gentleman: Dont yell like a Kid when you die, dont say its all of you faults i died, dont insult them, your fails as leader is their fail as soldiers so dont vent with them and always be kind with them when they ask you something like 1 round for lead, or the server details, etc.

4- Accept your Faults: Hear them what they gotta say about your leadership, hear them when they say something that they doesnt like, accept that sometimes you are the problem and not them and try to change for the best of your clan.

Note: If you acomplish one of this you are Acceptable as a Officer, if you acomplish with two of the aptitudes you are decent officer, if you acomplish all of this aptitudes you are a good officer and if you doenst acomplish any of this aptitudes, i recommend you for the best of your men and your regiment, quit and let other leader since you are not capable.

This is a Captain who kills enemies and show their men that the OFFICERS are true warrios.
3- In Combat skills
As you might know this is a guide for Line Officers and not Lights, Skirms, Cavalry or Artillery Guide, so lets say the basic Skills for a professional soldier:

1- Cooperation: A soldier must be able to aid their valued comrades when they are threathed and you as a officer must teach them that the most important is the clan, teach them to how to help their mates in a Melee combat, teach them how to flank the enemies to allow the other men fight more comfortable.

2- Melee Skills: This is not a guide who is designed to say the Misticals Tips of the melee, so after saying this lets speak about the melee skills, all men wants to kill all the enemies as they can right?, but they are wrong they 1st gotta know how to not get killed or kill other partners, you as a respectable officer gotta instruct them that is more important block than attack, they must not rush all of them to one enemy becouse if they do so they will probably do a teamkill or teamhit, then teach them how to attack properly.

3- Shooting Skills: You gotta instruct them how to aim properly, how to reload properly, how to shoot properly in line formation and in a charge, but as you might have teach them the cooperation they should not reload in a charge and they should know that they must aid their partner in a charge and dont be a coward behind lines and reload for avoid get killed.

This is the perfect example when a soldier let their comrades die in battle and flee from the battlefield for hugs his mommie and say i dont want to fight :(.
4- What kinds of Stuff speak during the Battle
Well as most of us knows that isnt good have a muted channel the whole event since the people will get bored, this topic of the guide will teach you what kinds of stuff you can speak and how.

I will mention some stuff you can speak and how:

1- Speak whats its actually happen in the battle: Like oh damm our Lights are being massacred by the enemy´s cav, and usually they will comment about it and they will keep the conversation, but remember before gave any order told them: Guys stop!, we are about start our Tactical Movement [Obviusly you can use other words and less formals].

2- Speak about their Personal Life and your Personal Life: You might say i dont care their lifes, but you are wrong you gotta becouse when you speak personals thinks with them that will create a personal connection and will generate empathy that will make them more loyal to you [Dont you care about the loyaly of your men? :P].

3- Speak about something most of them know: Like history or sports but never speaks about something stupid like Hitler becouse that will generate problems in the room and they will not close their mouths becouse everbody wants to say something about him or something that is very difficult subject to deal with simple conversations, so dont speak about that.

This is the Perfect time to speak with them or when they are waiting any order behind a Hill.
5- How to be a Tactician
I know you will probably will not equal the Alexander ¨The Great¨ tactics, but at least you will have a good idea how to face the enemy.

So lets start saying some Tactical Tips:

1- Never march forward agaisnt an Artillery becouse they with 1 shot can take out your whole line.

2- If you are facing some Skirmishers, the best thing you can do is call your Ally Cavalry, Charge them Directly in a Horde becouse doesnt have sence do it in a line, but never engage them in a prlonged shooting becouse of the mechanics of the game you will not have any possibily of getting more men killed than lossed.

3- If you are facing another Line there is no much to do like, take a good spot to shoot, or shoot and then retreat to safeful position or charge them directly if you think you can beat them.

4- If you are facing a Cavalry the best thing you can do is take their lack of firepower to take them good rows of fire, and then form if they charge an Anti-Cavalry Formation for avoid innecesary lossed becouse in this game all men count.

5- Cooperate with others Clans who have any advantage agaisnt the enemy.

6- Use the Hills, Rivers and mountains, becouse they are your friends, they can give your men a good advantage.

This is an Example of an properly Line formation before engage an enemy in the battlefield.
6- How to be a Strategist
What m8, didnt you teach me how to be a tactician? isnt Strategy and Tactics sinonym?. Well not necessarely becouse a Tactics improve your men Advante when they are Shooting or Melee but the Strategy will let your men have a High Morale and they will fight more bravely and trust me inspired men are better soldiers than unispired men.

So i will teach you how to be a Master of the Strategy:

1- The charisma will have your men more comfortable with your leadership and they will fight breavely for their officer.

2- Always shoot from the top of a hill becouse they will be inspired since they have an advantage and they will be more likely to take more time to aim more properly than down a hill.

3- Do sometimes a speech before start the battle.

4- Do a Warcry when you are Charging!!!!, That will boost their morale and they will FIGHT FOR THEIR GLORIOUS LEADER!!!.

This is an Example of a Speech before the Battle.
For Finish this Guides Content lets review whats learned, and all what i teached to you ¨Recently¨ Promoted Officer ready for take the Command of a Company.

Lets start:
1- The Discipline is the Key of a Sucessful Clan.

2- The Leadership is the Key of an Sucessful Officer.

3- The Men must recieve some privileges like speak sometimes during the battle for boost their interested in the clan.

4- The Officer must analize the terrain to conclude the tactics to follow.

5- The Officer must inspire the men before, during and after the battle. Before for you can begin with the right foot, during for they dont lose the hope in their officer and after for they dont lose the hope after the lose or they trust too much next round and get slaughted.

So in conclusion a Proper Officer must balance from the Good to the Evil for control the troopers.
So congratulations Sir!!, You have been Promoted to Officer!!, are you ready for lead your men into the victory?, will you be the next most famous General in the history of the World?, we will never answer this questions if you DONT GET IN A DAMM BATTLE SERVER AND SHOW ME WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED!!!.

Greetings: FG [FirstGod]

I will leave this Wonderful picture of mine for inspire you. :P
I wanted to say thanks to the Following Clans & Steam users for their collaboration with the Community and this Guide.

Thanks!, to the K-KA for the Wonderful picture of their men Formed, you Guys are Great!.

Thanks!, to the 65y for celebrate after take the enemy´s artillery its was a good example of what a leader must do.

Thanks!, to all the clans i have been for let me learn the secrets of a sucessful offficer.


Here you can the Prequel of this Mod:

Its About the Most revelants, iconics and importants mods who have been made for our Glorious Game called Mount & Blade: Warband.

SidePleb 22 Aug, 2017 @ 10:23pm 
Buen trabajo hermando
Travatar 1 Jun, 2017 @ 8:49am 
good guild man. nice job
[CI] [GD] FirstGod  [author] 28 Apr, 2017 @ 6:55pm 
how unfortunately, i wished it was the best one.
Nr.9 Ghostpig 4 Apr, 2017 @ 10:47am 
Not my proudest fap. :Nutcracker:
Jvde 2 Apr, 2017 @ 12:46pm 
wow, a real fucking guide with actual info in it!!! What a sight
[CI] [GD] FirstGod  [author] 2 Apr, 2017 @ 7:50am 
Oh then recruit for the Line :P.
albertztein 2 Apr, 2017 @ 7:41am 
No? The 33rd has line, lights and cav
[CI] [GD] FirstGod  [author] 2 Apr, 2017 @ 6:40am 
The 33rd is a Light Regiment :P. This is a Guide for Lines :P.
albertztein 2 Apr, 2017 @ 6:39am 
join the 33rd
[RR]MarcusBanterelius 1 Apr, 2017 @ 4:52am 
Hey, this me Officer_DervilDog from the Napoleonic Roleplay server. I often play pub officer there.

Might I add that getting a regiment of some size on now days is difficult. That is why I am mostly a pub officer. I simply put adverts in the chat for people to join such and such class and I will be playing officer for it. This guide has some good advice for pub officer and reg officers.

Nice guide +rep