Dead Rising 4

Dead Rising 4

How to cancel Christmas
由 Subliminal 制作
A short guide on how to turn off the seasonal dlc effects
No more Christmas
If you have purchased the dlc/seasonpass you may have noticed rotting elves, "magical" snowmen, and crazy gingerbread men trying to eat you. Following these few steps and you can cosmeticly turn off any festive dlc.

1. Open Dead Rising 4 or Exit to the main menu if you're currently playing.
2. On the bottom left there should be an option which most likely says: Stocking Stuffer DLC - ON
3. Click/Press the button that's shown next to it until it says: no festive dlc packs are currently active.
(or if you'd like set it to eat your heart out, I won't judge)

4. Enjoy your almost christmasless game/valentines day hybrid.
5 条留言
Keanu Steves 2022 年 8 月 9 日 上午 7:21 
Now if only you could turn off all the christmas lol
The Crescent Hawk 2021 年 6 月 4 日 上午 4:38 
Obvious information...
Gouby 2018 年 8 月 12 日 下午 10:56 
Like I Just bought the game and im like : do I have unknow mid install ?!? Why de fuck all zimbie are dressed as elve are you kidding I tought I buy a zombie game not a trash ass christmas game like wtf they should ask us if we want to enable it ... that dlc clearly ruin my immersion so thank a lot for that guide I dont know what I woulf have done whitout you
Mystical67 2017 年 7 月 16 日 上午 2:06 
nice guide
Mystical67 2017 年 7 月 16 日 上午 2:06