Four Last Things

Four Last Things

162 ratings
Four Last Things Walkthrough
By Joe Richardson
A sin-by-sin guide to completing Four Last Things.
Eat the dang apple, chump.
Hint: Talk to the Land Owners...

Solution: Talk to the Land Owners. Ask if you can join them. Lie in the mud with the Landowners for 'a day and a night' (about 20 seconds).

Hint: Talk to the Man with Pipe in the pub...

Solution: Talk to the Man with Pipe in the pub. Admit to being envious of the couples, the children/dog or the Man with Pipe.

Hint: The statue outside the pub could do with updating...

Solution: To alter that statue outside the pub, retrieve the Mallet and Chisel from atop the barrels near the slightly-old-looking vegetable stall. Before you can use the mallet and chisel you need to take them to the Blacksmith, in the ally, for sharpening. (If you have no money at this stage, do a sexy dance for the blacksmith in lieu of payment.) You can now alter the statue outside the pub. In order to craft a statue of yourself you need some reference material. Get this from the Blind Portrait Painter near the Pie King. (If you don't have money, tell him that you have already paid.) Request a portrait and describe yourself (options 1, 1, 1, 1). Take the resulting portrait to the statue. You can now craft a statue of yourself.

Hint: Talk to the Creepy Lawyer in the light/dark room...

Solution: Talk to the Creepy Lawyer in the light/dark room. Ask 'What's all this then?', then offer to help. The Creepy Lawyer will ask you to retrieve the Official Treachery, Deceit and Extortion Regulation. This can be found in the Chief Clerk's office next door. Talk to the Suspicious-Looking Gentleman by the door. When asked for documents, he will pose a riddle. The answer to the riddle is found in the gallery. The painting labelled 'A Painting of a Man With a Strangely Familiar Face' is the painting the main characters head is taken from (his body is from the Bosch painting below and to the right). It is painted by Jacob van Utrecht, this is the answer to the riddle. Once you've answered the Suspicious-Looking Gentleman's riddle, he will give you the documents you are looking for. Take these to the Creepy Lawyer.

Hint: To beat the Pie King you'll need access to the doctors goodies. The Unhealthy-Looking Drunkard outside the pub is the key to attaining these...

Solution: First you need to get passed the monkey alarm in the doctors office. Do so by stealing some slightly-old-looking vegetables from the stall in town and feeding them to the monkey. Next, retrieve the Empty Jug from near the Land Owners, fill it with ale from the tap in the pub, and feed this to the Unhealthy-Looking Drunkard outside. After drinking he will go to urinate. Follow him into the ally, and use the now empty jug to collect a urine sample. Give this to the doctor and he will grant you unlimited access to his supplies. Take the poison (not the Appetite Suppressants, as you might expect). Now talk to the Pie King. Ask about the rules, then challenge him. You will lose. Now talk to the Pie King again. Select the randomised 'look behind you' line. While the Pie King is looking away slip the poison into the pie, then challenge him again. Once the pie king is death you will be free to gorge yourself on the remaining pies. Eat 6 of them.

Hint: The Beautiful Woman in the window near the town gate likes poetry... Especially poetry about her...

Solution: To get a portrait vaguely resembling the Beautiful Woman in the window near the town gate, describe her to the Blind Portrait Painter (options 2, 3, 1, 4). Swap the resulting portrait with the Painting of a Seductive Young Lady, at the far right of the gallery. Now give this stolen painting to the poet. He will take inspiration from it and write a sexy poem, which you will promptly steal. Give the sexy poem to the Beautiful Woman.

After committing all 7 sins, return to the church. You will now be allowed to enter and speak to Heavenly Peter...
After completing the game, you may still be missing the following achievements;

Jam Session
Use the lute on the Sinister-Looking Lutist in the ally to initiate a jam session.

Charitable Donation
Give all your possessions to the beggar in the church.

Drink 3 jugs of ale.

Master Sculptor
Use the chisel and mallet to craft 'an expression of your inner turmoil'.

Art Critic
Examine 40 paintings in the gallery.
Estuans Interius 6 Aug, 2023 @ 3:44am 
Thanks! I would never get the jug of beer, because missed the keg.
>waffle_king 👑 29 Dec, 2022 @ 6:12am 
Ty for this fine guide :BL3Thumbsup:
Btw you have to add an Alcoholism note in the Achievement "Gluttony/Wrath". You have to drink the ale first before this achievement because the jugs :olut: disapear after you giving it to the doc and you have to start a new game
Jimicino 28 Aug, 2020 @ 10:27am 
Thanks for the guide, much appreciated :HentaiGirlLinda_like:
cookiemancer 30 Jun, 2020 @ 3:15am 
Is there a way to communicate with the sad dog?
I wish I could give him/her some food :steamsad:
↟~☣VARIO☣~↟ 20 Dec, 2019 @ 2:35pm 
One of the best guides on steam, great job dude!
harlequen2 13 Oct, 2019 @ 6:32pm 
YAY! It wasn't really that bad, didn't have to play the whole game :) I continue in the church where I did a mistake and only had to give the money to the beggar, but I had to give Her everything, so I got that Ach. :) so I started a new game, went right away for the Jug and got the 3 jugs of beer for Ach. then I only had to inspect all the 40 Painting and Voila, got the last Ach. Easy-Peasy :))) Thanks again for the great guide :albedothumbsup:
harlequen2 13 Oct, 2019 @ 5:27pm 
Thanks for the guide, Sorry not to have seen Lylat's comment before, now I have to replay the whole game since I missed 3 Ach. It would be good to tell people to drink 3 Jugs of beer before Yiu give the Ale to the drunk, since You will lose the Jug afterward, and will not be able to find another one :(
AlconburyBlues 27 Jul, 2019 @ 1:08am 
This is like playing something out of Monty Python. (For those of us old enough to remember.)
lylat 19 Jul, 2019 @ 12:35pm 
Thanks for the guide, and thanks Sir Digby for lute location.
Btw, I recommend getting all the missable achievements (except for Charitable Donation) before entering the church, else you'll have to do another playthrough.
junkevil 2 Dec, 2018 @ 10:38pm 
The lute is found in the house with the creepy lawyer, but you have to get it by going to the window right behind the sinister looking lute player.