Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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Competitive Highlander Heavy Guide
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Hello! This is Kegaman who is a Heavy Weapons Guy main! I know the Heavy is an easy, boring class to play as, but mastering that class is a challenging experience.

I play competitively in UGC League Highlander, and I am still practicing to become a better Heavy player in Team Fortress 2.

In this guide, I will explain tips, tricks, and information on how to play Heavy better in Highlander.
Guide Under Construction
This guide is under construction because there will be changes within it.The TF Team can change the weapons and the Heavy around within new updates, and they may add new weapon(s) for the Heavy as well.

New texts and information will be added.
The guide may have grammar errors as well.

For your information, I can accept advices and may well put them into this guide...

NOTE: Jungle Inferno came out, so this guide will return to its production and update soon!!!
Overviews on the Heavy and Highlander
Heavy Overview
The Heavy is a large tank class that is armed with a minigun. Within a close range, the minigun can deal out massive damage outputs at a fast pace. He has the largest healthpool of 300 hit points (450 hit points when overhealed). The only downside of the Heavy is his movement speed without any speed boost or weapon that make him move faster.

Heavy's Roles:
  • Tank: can able to soak in damages due to the large healthpool
  • Powerclass: can able to put out massive damages
  • Area Denial: can able to prevent unwanted enemies out from the area of the map
  • Attention Graber: can able to grab enemies' attentions to put damages on you, so your teammates don't take in those damages
  • Combo Class: part of the Combo, which it contains the Medic, Demoman, and the Pyro
  • Bodyguard: can able to protect the Medic and nearby teammates from nearby enemies
  • Healer: can able to heal injured teammates with a sandvich (if it is equipped)

Heavy's Required Important Skills:
  • Tracking with your minigun, so you can focus fire on enemies.
  • Game sense is important to predict the enemies' movements. Game sense and tracking pairs together very well.
  • Being aware of the surrounding, so you can't get yourself killed or being tunnelvision.
  • Watching out your healthpool and ammo.
  • Positions make the Heavy as a good area denial class.
  • Abusing your defending area's healthpack (small or medium) when you are at full HP. You have a sandvich on the ground, a sandvich with you, and a defended healthpack (respawn ten seconds after being picked up). This method makes the Heavy the best sub-healer class along with the Engineer's dispenser.
  • Communication with a headset to speak and listen.

What is Highlander?
Highlander is a competitive gamemode where every nine class (one class per team) fight against the other nine classes to win the match's objective on the map with communications and efforts.

Available Gamemodes in Highlander:
  • Payload:
    • The goal of the BLU Team is to push the bomb cart through the map (to capture control points) until reaching to the RED Team's final control point. The RED's objective is to stop the BLU Team from pushing the bomb cart and capturing the control points. When BLU captures RED's control points (excluding the final control point), the team will receive more round time and forward spawn(s) to push the cart.
    • NOTE: In a round, RED's respawn time can actually get longer per death while BLU has faster respawn time.
    • In BLU, the team must push the cart through the map at a fast pace. When a round ended and the teams are switched into sides, the opposing team as BLU must beat the opponents by pushing the cart to capture the control points at a faster time before the match time runs out.
    • In the official match of the UGC League Highlander, two matches are played to make the result.
  • King of the Hill:
    • The teams are fighting against each other to capture and hold a single control point for the longest time until one team win the round. For a team to fully gain the control point in order to win the round, the hold time is around three minutes until it is finally theirs when the time reach to zero. Overtime will happen when the opposing team is attempting to capture the control point before their opponents officially win the round.
    • When a team is holding and defending the claimed control point, their respawn time is slower while the opposing team's respawn time is faster.
    • In the official match of the UGC League Highlander, the first team to win four rounds is the winner. There are usually 2 halves for the match.
  • Attack/Defend:
    • It is similar to Payload, but there is no cart in it.
    • The goal of the BLU Team is to capture control points until reaching to the RED Team's final control point. The RED's objective is to stop the BLU Team from capturing their control points.
    • When BLU captures RED's control points (excluding the final control point), the team will receive more round time.
    • In BLU, the team must capture the control points at a fast pace. When a round ended and the teams are switched into sides, the opposing team as BLU must beat the opponents by capturing the control points at a faster time before the match time runs out.
    • NOTE: In a round, RED's respawn time can actually get longer per death while BLU has faster respawn time.
    • A good Attack/Defend map for Highlander is cp_steel. In this map, the RED Team has five control points to defend, and their final control point can actually be capped by the BLU Team. It may be difficult for BLU to cap the RED's final control point due to less amount of control points they capped, also its capture rate is extremely slow. When BLU captured Point C, bridges will slowly come out for them to walk to the final control point (Point E) to capture it (railings will be added slowly for the bridges if BLU captured Point D). If BLU captures Point A through Point D, then they will have an easy time to capture Point E. This makes RED a hard time to defend Point E, because RED second spawn room's doors to Point E will be blocked so they have to go through the other doors and alternate ways which it can take seconds to finally arrive there to defend.
    • In the official match of the UGC League Highlander, two matches are played to make the result.
  • Control Points:
    • The teams are fighting against each other to capture all five control points so that team can win.
    • At the start of a round, both teams have their own two control points while the middle control point is unclaimed.
    • NOTE: In a round, both teams' respawn time can actually get longer per death.
    • NOTE: When a team claimed three or four control points, that team will have foward spawns.
    • Both teams can win as much round as they want (the maxium is five wins) until the match time runs out.
    • In the official match of the UGC League Highlander, the team who win the most rounds is the winner.

      Control Point
      Capture Rate
      Team's Semi-Final
      Team's Final

      The maxed multiplier for the control points' capture rate: 1-4
Heavy in a Highlander Team (or How to be a Heavy Main)
Asking Some Questions to Yourself
Why the Heavy is in TF2?
The Heavy exists because he can soak incoming damages and shoot at the enemies with his minigun at the same time.

Who is Better at Being a Bodyguard for the Medic, the Scout, the Soldier, the Pyro, the Demoman, or the Heavy?
  • When a Medic heals a Scout, his movement speed will match the Scout's speed. The Scout cannot take on multiple enemies and unable to receive heavy damages. The best situation is that the Medic heals the Scout, so that both players can get out from the fight. The Scout is usually paired with the Soldier to form the Flank Combo.
  • In 6v6 and 4v4, we know that the Soldier is a good bodyguard to protect the Medic. In Highlander, the Soldier is usually a roamer to bomb the Sniper or the Medic for his team's opennings. The Soldier is usually paired with the Scout to form the Flank Combo.
  • The Pyro can protect the Medic by airblasting projectiles and enemies away from the Medic to buy time for the healer to escape, but the Pyro is weak on long-ranged damage outputs.
  • The Demoman is a great class to Über, so he can spam out a ton of damages on the enemies. The weaknesses of the Demoman: getting too close to the enemies, unable to tank enough big damages, and it does take times for his explosives to be reloaded.
  • The Heavy is the ultimate bodyguard for the Medic. When the Medic is hurted, the Heavy just feed him a sandvich.
The winner to be the Medic's bodyguard is... the Heavy! DUMMKOPFS!

Why the Heavy is the Part of the Combo?
The Heavy is the glue of the combo and your team, so the team won't fall apart. Also, he can get rid off unwanted enemies who are near the Combo.

Why the Heavy Needs to Protect the Medic?
The Medic is the main healing class of the team who keep his teammates healthy and be overhealed. Also, the Medic is a powerful class to Übercharge his heal target when his medi gun is at 100%. Without him during the fight in a round, your team would be really relied on healthpacks around the map, your Engineer's dispenser, their weapons which allow them to be self-healed passively or by damaging with them, and your sandviches.
So, protect the Medic from any sort of danger at all cost!

Where the [Insert the F Word] is My Medic?!
The Medic probably respawns and is coming back into the battle to heal up you and other teammates. Do not expect that the Medic gives you all the heals, because he has to heal up other teammates as well. Do not expect that the Medic gives you all the Übers, because an Übered Demoman is a better tactic to wipe out the opposing team with explosives. The Heavy usually follow the Medic and the Combo, not the Medic follows the Heavy unless it is important to do so in order to win a fight.

Is there an accurated right way to be a better Heavy main?
There is, but there are multiple ways to be a better Heavy main which it is based on your play style and thinking. Developing your play style to positively help your team does require a long time depending on your learning process. You can listen to other competitive Heavy mains who are giving you advices on how to improve on Heavy. You can play on Casual Matchmaking and community servers to practice on your game senses, positions, and tracking with your minigun. You can play on TF2Center/TF2Stadium lobbies to communicate and practice your Heavy skills against other players at the same time. There is no wrong way to become a competitve Heavy main in Team Fortress 2.

This is Important!
When you are lost and don't know where you need to go, you got to...
Stay With Your Medic

Turn Your Negativity into Positivity
When you died or you lost a round during a match as the Heavy (or as another class), you always feel upset, frustrated, and disappointed. The only way to solve these bad feelings is to turn them into good feelings which allow you to learn your mistakes and adjust your play style. Why? Because, there is always endless hope to be a better Heavy main with a lot of practices.

What to Think and Say
Angrily Yell and Think
Morally Think and Say to Youself or the Team

  • Died to the Spy
    - Pyro! #%$@ing spy check you @#&$%&$!
    + Mmm... I need to spy check to keep my back and my team's backs safe. :)
    + Callout where the spy went or at.
  • Got headshot by the Sniper
    - Why the @#$%ing sniper is there!
    + I shouldn't peak my head in that area again. I better stay in my position when I respawn and until that enemy Sniper is dead.
    + Calling out where the Sniper is at.
  • Died to a Demoman, Scout, Soldier, or combat Engineer
    - Medic! You didn't $#@%ing heal me!
    + Darn... I should keep my tracking on that enemy player. Well, when I respawn, I will be aware of that player.
    + I should have gone out from the fight when my HP is low earlier.
    + Callout where the enemy player is at.
  • Died to an opposing sentry gun (excluding mini sentry)
    - Why the #@$% is there a sentry!
    + Callout where the sentry is at.
    + I should have waited to make a push or an Über push with my team to take on that sentry.

What to blame on:
  • Yourself: You sometimes make mistakes during a match.
  • Your Teammates: They sometimes make mistakes during a match. So, don't get upset with them, because they may willing to improve themselves to get better at their mains unless they are actually bad.
  • Your Gaming PC/Laptop: Fix that problem or buy a better gaming computer with your savings soon.
  • Your Wifi and Ping Problem: Fix your wifi router or buy a new better wifi router. Fix your Internet so you can game smoothly. Turn your unused electronic devices to airplane mode. Also, yell and tell to your people to turn their unused electronic devices to airplane mode or make them to get off from the Internet so you can game better.

How to Communicate Well?
Communication is an important element in Competitive, so it can help your team to know the information in order to win the match. The team communication can sometimes get ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, so call out what the team needs to know in a calm specific way. Also, make the calls short and clear for your teammates.

To know the map callouts or need to make those map call outs of certain areas on that map, the team must get together to learn and make callouts on that map, so the team can communicate well during the scrims or the official matches.


What to Say
What NOT to Say/Yell
Spy on Combo/China
Sniper on China/Ramp/Bat
They Übered! Get back!
Über/Pop on me!
Get on point!
Know Your Maps
Before you even play on any map for your match or scrim, you must know the map by exploring around it and learning the map callouts.

Map reviews are important for your team, because your team can able to know the areas' names and the holding positions. They can use new or used strategies to know how to play throughout the maps. Map reviews are usually scheduled as long as the team members are avaible, notificed by the team leader, and aware of the team meet up.

Map callouts
Map callouts are used to define the maps' areas by naming them. During the match or scrim, the callouts have to be short so they won't cluster the calls. There are other teams or other teammates that can call out the areas as different names. So, it is best to gather up so everyone can be on the same page to make the map callouts.

Examples of calling out with the map callouts:
  • Soldier is bombing into Playground
  • We are heading to Upper
  • Their Combo is in Lower
  • Sentry in the Sentry Nest/Upper
  • Sniper is on their China/Cliff
  • Spy is in House
  • The Flanks are on our Concrete
  • Their Heavy is on their Rock

In both offense and defense, positions are key elemets for the team to control any area of the map. There are maps with covers in each area. As a Heavy main, it is best to abuse those certain covers in order to cover up your large hitboxes and hide your head fom the opposing sniper.

Players are assigned in their places to hold down an area (control point) as a team. A leveled Sentry Gun (Mini Sentry is usually used for KOTH and 5CP maps) is able to add more defenses for the team, so it is crucial for the Engineer to know each Sentry and other buildings' placement on every holding area per map. Whenever the defending team lost some players, it is best for the remaining players to retreat to the next area to hold. If the defending team managed to hold down an area since the offensive team lost too much players to make a push, then the defending team can able to restart to their original positions.

As the Heavy, you are assigned as an area denialer and a bodyguard. When you are in an useful position as the Heavy, you are giving your team more defense as a Sentry would have. In each Heavy's defending position, there is usually a small/meduim healthpack area near you. When you have full HP and you don't have nothing to shoot at yet, it is best to drop your current sandvich and then grab a healthpack to create a new sandvich to hold on, and repeat this process when one of your teammates (enemies if they managed to eat it up) eat up your sandvich. This method can help out your team's crit healing to be back at full HP with overheal.

Players are assigned in their places to hold down an certain area before making a push as a team. Being on an area as a team can able to make an effective push to gain control of the defending area. If the offensive team lost many players while doing a push, it is best to restart in the original positions before making a better push.

As the Heavy, you are assigned as an area denialer, a bodyguard, and the team major pusher. Even though the Heavy is slow, he can manage to make a push more effective by targeting down nearby or weaken enemies while the Scout and the Demoman with the Medic can make an opening to gain more ground of the defending's area.
Working with Your Combo Members
The Combo is the best formed group of powerclasses that can help out the team's Flank, Engineer, Sniper, and Spy in order to complete the objectives and win rounds.

The Medic is extremily important player to protect, since he is an effective healing class of the whole team. When the Medic and the Engineer's dispenser need to heal up many teammates as much as possible in a short time, join in the crit healing in order to make the teammates back to full health. If the Medic is injuried, heal him up with your sandvich or protect him as much as possible when your sandvich isn't avaible yet.

SIDE NOTE: Medic do have a passive health regeneration to stay in a fight when the healthpool is below 150.

When your Demoman hit explosives on the enemies or sentry, help him out by doing chip damages or the finishing blows, so the team can proceed far or defend longer. When your team is making an Über push (whenever the opposing Medic has Über or not) as BLU, always focus the nearby enemies and opposing Pyro. In the Über push, the opposing Pyro has to be focused down with your minigun, because that player can delay your Übered Demoman push.

The Pyro will stick to the Combo in order to reflect incoming projectile spams, extinguish burning teammates, and delay an Über push with its compression blasts. There are times that the Pyro cannot stick to the Combo the whole time, so as a Heavy main, you must make sure your Combo are safe from bombing Soldiers, the opposing Combo, and the Spy.

NOTE: Anyone in the team can spycheck, so participate in watching each other's back.
SIDE NOTE: The Pyro and the Heavy are paired together as great spy checkers of the Combo.
Your Counterclasses and How to Deal with Them
Sniper and Spy... Ugh... That is the feeling that you need to deal with them, so you can survive as a Heavy main.

The Scout is a glasscannon, a class who is fragile but can put out massive damages and have the best movement of jumps and speed. As a Heavy against the Scout, you always want to be prepared and use your game sense, prediction, and tracking skills to mow that Scout down, because the opposing Scout want to jump all over you and deal out massive damages at close range. When a opposing Scout is in the air who just used his double, triple, or six jumps, that is a very good opening to kill that midair Scout.
NOTE: Scout's jump limit is restarted when he finally touched the ground or on your head.

The Soldier just wants to bomb you, your Medic, your Combo members, and your sniper, so always be prepared to mow that opposing Soldier down when you have a good range against that player. Make a call or listen to the communication, so your Medic can back up and the opposing Soldier can be dealt.

The Pyro can just push you back with his compression blast, so just kill that opposing Pyro right away when you have a good range against that player. The Pyro will usually keep its distance away from you, so that player may spam flares at you.

The Demoman is a scary class to fight against when you aren't in a good range against that opposing player. The Demoman can just spam arching grenade pills at you, and each direct grenade pill will deal 100 damages, so avoid soaking too much damages from that opposing player. The Demoman's stickybombs can destory the Heavy's heathpool, so avoid that trap by checking that area cafefully. The opposing Demoman (may be paired by the Kritzkrieg Medic) just want to spam explosives at you to break your tanky healthpool. So, you really need team supports to fight against the opposing Demoman.

A Heavy main against another Heavy main from the other team? The real winner in a Heavy versus Heavy fight is whoever can put out the most damages against each other (including the teams' suppports). To fight against the opposing Heavy, you always have to be prepared by pre-firing your minigun before you face against that player, because you will have the full-ramped minigun with stable damages and accuracy.

The Sniper is just a school bully that you don't want to face, so just avoid his sight at all cost, until that opposing sniper is dead. Also, you are less likely to kill the Sniper with a minigun in a sneaky way.

The Spy with the insta-back-kill knife will go after you when you aren't aware and watching your back. So, to counter against the Spy, you always be alerted to spy check every surrounding with your fast-shooting minigun. Always respond when your teammate(s) call out that there is a spy going after for your back, so you can turn around to kill that player. Also, you want to double-check if the opposing spy is actually dead. Okay, this is a trick to fight against a Spy, you want the Spy to come for you, so you can kill him, but it has to be well-timed as a mind game.
Your Weapons of Choice (Heavy Loadouts)
There are only few useful weapons that the Heavy can use in Highlander.

Useful Primary Weapons:
  • Minigun
  • Tomislav
Situational Primary Weapons:
  • Natascha
  • Huo-Long Heater
  • Brass Beast
Useful Secondary Weapons:
  • Sandvich
High Risk Secondary Weapon:
  • Buffalo Steak Sandvich
Useful Melee Weapons:
  • Fists of Steel (FoS)
  • Eviction Notice
High Risk & High Reward Melee Weapons (entirely never use them):
  • Gloves of Running Urgently (GRU)
  • Killing Gloves of Boxing (KGB)
  • Holiday Punch
Ineffective Weapons:
  • Shotgun
  • Dalokohs Bar
  • Family Business
  • Panic Attack
  • Fists
  • Default melee weapons (cannot perform a taunt kill)
  • Warrior's Spirit

Making your effective Heavy's Loadouts are based on your playstyle. Remember, your minigun is always your main source to put out massive damages and the sandvich is always used 100% in your loadouts.

Weapon Explaination

  • Minigun: a great weapon of choice to kill everyone on the opposing team, but it isn't effective when you aren't in a good range to shoot at your enemies.

  • Tomislav: a great weapon to shoot at the defending enemies while keeping your distance away from them due to the 20% more accurate, but the problem is that the Tomislav cannot put out enough damages as the minigun would do due to the 20% slower firing speed. Also, the Tomislav is great to quickly shoot at enemies due to the 20% faster spin up time.

  • Natascha: a weapon that has an ability to slow down enemies depending on the distance. The Slowdown-on-hit effect is reduced over distance. The downsides of using it are the 25% less damage output and the 30% longer spin-up time. The 20% damage resistance when spun up and health is less than 50% of max does help you out on your survivability while you are fighting, but you are more likely to retreat at low health.

  • Huo-Long Heater: a fire-based minigun that creates a fire ring around the Heavy when it is deployed. It is a gimmick weapon as well, because it deals 25% more damages against burning enemies, even though it has a 10% damage penalty. Since the fire ring consumes ammo (4 per second) from the minigun, you are more likely to stay near the dispenser while spun up and shooting at the same time.

  • Brass Beast:

  • Sandvich: the most powerful edible weapon in the game if used correctly for your need and the team's need. If eaten by the user, the Sandvich heals 300 health over about 4 seconds. if the Sandvich is thrown for teammates (enemies for accident), it becomes a medium-sized healthpack. The sandvich is always good for your team and your Medic to have, so just drop it when one of your important player need it. If your healthpool is full, collecting any healthpack will completely fill the Sandvich recharge bar.

  • Buffalo Steak Sandvich: if eaten, it grants the Heavy 35% faster movement speed and all damage dealth is Mini-Crits for 15 seconds. It still ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ as a medium-sized healthpack if thrown. The two downsides that make it a risky weapon are the damage taken is increased by 25% and the Heavy is restricted to only use melee weapons during that effect period of time. The good, uncommon use of the Buffalo Steak Sandvich is to pair it with the Fists of Steel to ram into a room/choke full of enemies to lead the team. The only problem with that combination of weapons is when a smart player uses melee against the Buffalo Steak Sandvich-effected Fists of Steel Heavy.

  • Dalokohs Bar: it is like a mini Sandvich by healing the user 100 health over about 4 seconds. If the user has full healthpool and eat the Dalokohs Bar, it grants 50 points of overheal. It recharge faster than the Sandvich. If

  • All the shotguns that the Heavy can use: they allow the Heavy to deal damages against enemies within the range when it is late (too late) to deploy the minigun. They can be used to finish off retreating enemies at the Heavy's normal speed. Relying on one of the shotguns will just make the Heavy as the Fat Scout which it kind of hurt your team. As a note, shotguns are not Sandviches.

    My Personal Favorite Heavy Loadouts - Example Loadouts

    • Minigun
    • Sandvich
    • Eviction Notice
    Purpose of this Loadout:
    The sandvich is always good for your team and your Medic to have, so just drop it when one of your important player need it. Eating your sandvich is optional when you need your full health back when your surrounding is safe. The Eviction Notice is like a mini GRU to move 15% faster around the map in a short distance. The best things about the Evicition Notice: it has an universal weapon switch time and the +20% damage vulnerability while active.

    This loadout is best used while defending in Payload and Attack/Defend maps and small KOTH maps.

    Aggressive Heavy of Offense:
    • Tomislav
    • Sandvich
    • Gloves of Running Urgently/Eviction Notice
    Purpose of this Loadout:
    The Gloves of Running Urgently is great to go to far places at the fastest rate (30% faster speed movement) in most Payload and Attack/Defend maps on the attacking side (BLU), and some KOTH maps. The downsides of the GRU are that the user takes mini-crits when weapon is active, and for 3 seconds after switching away and -50% slower switch-from speed. Before arriving at the fight area, it is best to put away the GRU and wait for the debuff to wear off ahead of time before fighting against the enemies.

    This loadout is best used while attacking in Payload and Attack/Defend maps and big KOTH maps.

    Defending Heavy:
    • Minigun/Tomislav
    • Sandvich
    • Fists of Steel
    Purpose of this Loadout:
    The minigun or Tomislav is used on how to approach your enemies by shooting at them.The Fists of Steel is awesome due to the –40% damage from ranged sources while active. It does have the +100% damage vulnerability from melee sources while active, but you are less likely to be melee down by a non-Spy class from the other team. The only downside of it is the +100% slower switch-from speed.

    This loadout is best used when you use the Fists of Steel to retreat to the next defending area and from a fight that the team cannot win. You may survive from a lost fight due to the Fists of Steel's reduced incoming ranged damages depending on your remaining healthpool.

    Bromance with your Pyro and the Engineer's Dispenser:
    • Huo-Long Heater
    • Sandvich
    • Fists of Steel
    Purpose of this Loadout:
    The Huo-Long Heater is a fire-based minigun that creates a fire ring around the Heavy when it is deployed. It is a gimmick weapon as well, because it deals 25% more damages against burning enemies, even though it has a 10% damage penalty. Since the fire ring consumes ammo (4 per second) from the minigun, you are more likely to stay near the dispenser while spun up and shooting at the same time.

    This loadout is optional and situational at the same time, because you are going to use it in a certain holding area of a certain map. Let's take a look at pl_swiftwater's 2nd point hold in Upper, it is a great holding area for both Combo and Engineer. Also, that area is small and enclosed. There are ways for the enemy team to break through that holding position, but it is tough for them as long as the defenders have players alive and the coodinations.
Heavy's Tips, Tricks, and Facts
Fun Fact about the Miniguns
The Heavy's head shoots out the miniguns' bullets, not from the miniguns' barrels. Because of this, certain blockades and barriers can block the Heavy entirely, only exposing his head while he is shooting.

As the Heavy, crouching down and up is your only fastest movement. Crouching can cause an opposing Sniper to adjust his aim on you, but as a Heavy main, never underestimate the opposing Sniper's aims no matter what. Crouching down may reduce your large hitboxes against an opposing Heavy. The downside of crouching is no able to move when you have your minigun being deployed.

High Ground

As the Heavy, the high grounds on any map are your friends. Being on the high grounds allow you to rain speeding bullets at the enemies who are at the low grounds. The only ways for the enemies to deal with a Heavy who is on the high ground: Demoman spamming explosives at him or a Sniper headshot him at a good angle. On any map, the high grounds usually have covers, so it is best for the Heavy to be on the high ground while backing off or retreating to behind the covers.

Weapon Switching
Most of your weapons (except the switch-from speed of the GRU and FoS) have universal weapon switch time. As a Heavy main, it is important to properly switch your weapons.

You have your melee out, but you need to use your sandvich for yourself or other teammate and have to immediately shoot at the enemy team. First, you switch to the sandvich from your melee. Secondly, you switch to the minigun from your sandvich. And then finally, you switch back to your sandvich from your minigun, so you can use or drop your sandvich and the weapon switch system automatically switches to your minigun.

How to Take Care of your Medic
Protecting the Medic is one of the Heavy mains' important jobs.

Checking your Back at the Random Time
In your mind, you always have a feeling that someone or an enemy (most probably an enemy Spy) is behind your back. This self-awareness can actually save you by turning around to spy check or catch a sneaky enemy off guard. When you feel that an enemy Spy is behind your back, go for it. There is no hesitation when checking your back at the random time.
Sources and Special Thanks
Special Thanks
  • flump - This SFM artist made the thumbnail and artwork for me
    ^ edit of 7/23/19: rip his link so I removed it
48 条留言  [作者] 2023 年 10 月 16 日 下午 2:35 
Well, to be real, it is trash for the time being cuz it is actually now outdated...
Yes, we know NA HL meta has shifted on certain maps...
cvk #YenNeedsCheats 2023 年 10 月 16 日 下午 12:25 
This is trash
jackawa 2022 年 1 月 4 日 下午 12:00 
jackawa 2021 年 1 月 2 日 下午 5:23 
jackawa 2020 年 9 月 17 日 下午 8:47 
Catgirl Gamer 2019 年 6 月 8 日 上午 10:18 
great guide
enjoyed reading it
AtomicSFT 2018 年 7 月 10 日 下午 4:54 
I am lazy on doing something else... srry u guys...
AtomicSFT 2018 年 7 月 10 日 下午 4:41 
Update Plz?
h4pe 2017 年 1 月 24 日 上午 9:53 
"Hello! This is Kegaman who is a Heavy Weapons Guy main!"
(Insert a guy luaghing like crazy)