Change your Character Animation Pose Without 3D Software
โดย baka.cdaz
You don't like your default Charactor Animation Pose but you don't know how to use any 3d Software?
This Tutorial might help you.
Smile Game Builder has a ton of assets for your charactor.
And most of it come with nice animation.

But for some reason you want to change it.
Maybe your character are Basket Ball Player so you want him show Jump animation when they use skill.

Or your character might carry a gun and you think it's weird that he attack enemy with swinging his gun around.

But you don't know how to use Maya 3Dsmax Blender or any 3d Software so you can't edit the files directly.

So swapping Animations Pose might be better choice for you.

Then let's go to the 1st step[ Exporting FBX]
Exporting FBX files
1.Open SGB

2. Click on [Add Assets] on the menu left side of the screen.

3.Go to [Characters] Tab and select your character you want to change their pose

4.Click [Export] button.

5.Select directory for your exported files
ticking on [Open Destination Folder] Checkbox
and click [Select Folder] button.

6.Now it must bring you to exported folder.
Let's see what it look like

7.There are 2 way to swapping the animation but the choice is not up to you.
It's up to how your exported folder look like.

If it come with [Motion] folder and a lot of FBX files in it.
Let go to [Replaceing files] of this tutorial

But if it come with Single FBX file and a [.DEF] file then go to[Editing [.DEF] file] of this tutorial

Replaceing FBX files
1.Go to your [Motion] folder.
You will see a lot of FBX files here each files has thire own animation pose in it.

Then you has to choose that you want to replace which pose with which one.
For example I want to show [Skill] pose when him attacking enemy.
Thant mean I want to replace[mot012_o_attack.fbx] with [mot015_o_skill.fbx]

2.Copy the pose you want to replace(not the one you want to replaced) to another folder
For me I just copy [mot015_o_skill.fbx] to main folder of exported files

3. Right Click on the files you copy and select[Rename]

4.Named it after the pose you want to replaced
For me I change [mot015_o_skill.fbx] to [mot012_o_attack.fbx]

5.Copy it to [Motion]folder windows will ask you if you really want to replace it.
Click yes if you ready for it.

6.Rename you main FBX file to make it easy to remember

7.Go back to SGB and go to Add Assets menu.
Click on Add button select the main FBX files you exported and click [Add].

8. Now your files will be imported with the new name and new pose.
your imported Character will not replaced original one it will show as new character on the list. The imported file will show be with green icon so it not hard to find.

Go and check if animation pose has been changed.

Editing [.DEF] file
1.Right click on DEF file and opening it in Wordpad or Notepad.
You will see a lot of lines of code.
Every single line begin with Pose Name

2.Then you has to choose that you want to replace which pose with which one.
For example I want to show [Skill] pose when him attacking enemy.
Thant mean I want to replace[attack] with [skill]

3. Go to the line you want to replace(not the one you want to replaced).
Copy everyting in that line except Pose name.

In this case I will go to the line that begin with [skill] and then copy [1121 1261]

4. Go to the line that begin with the pose you want to replaced and then replace everything in that line except the name

In my case I go to the line that begin with [attack] and then replaced[901 961 loop] with[1121 1261]

5.Save and overwrite DEF file

6. Rename file to make it easy to remember.
And don't forget to rename DEF file after FBX file or it will not work.

7.Go back to SGB and go to Add Assets menu.
Click on Add button select the main FBX files you exported and click [Add].

8. Now your files will be imported with the new name and new pose.
your imported Character will not replaced original one it will show as new character on the list. The imported file will show be with green icon so it not hard to find.

Go and check if animation pose has been changed.
6 ความเห็น
Notchrisfarrell3 3 ธ.ค. 2019 @ 8: 23pm 
is it possible to change animations for 3D objects because I know of this certain gate from a certain DLC that doesn't have any closing or opening animations..... :steamsalty:
Fates-Champion 1 ธ.ค. 2018 @ 7: 17am 
I want to use WereratMage ExB for my main charecter but theres no KO animation, for when he's in party and his life is reduced to zero. Is there anyway to add one?
Amestris 11 มิ.ย. 2017 @ 8: 53am 
@baka.cdaz thank you i really appreciate your answer, then i think im going to buy the engine tomorrow :)
baka.cdaz  [ผู้สร้าง] 10 มิ.ย. 2017 @ 11: 10pm 

The number is animation frame which frame you want to play on this pose.

1121 1161 is mean this pose [Skill] will play from frame 1121 to 1161 without loop

chair 701 790 loop = When character on [chair]Pose play animation from frame 701 to frame 790 with looped(reapeat after animation end)

bed 801 890 loop = play animation from frame 801 -890 with looped.
attack 901 961 = play animation from frame 901-961 one time.

You welcome ,please feel free to ask if you don't understand something.
Amestris 10 มิ.ย. 2017 @ 10: 12pm 
may i ask what mean the numbers on the file? "[skill] and then copy [1121 1261]" <---- this numbers... maybe is a dumb...very dumb question, but i want to know everything and if i dont ask ill never will know, thx in advance
DScythe 11 มี.ค. 2017 @ 6: 16am 
Thank you very much!!