ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

3,768 次評價
Automated Ark
Content Types: Mod, Rebalancing
218.152 MB
2016 年 12 月 4 日 下午 7:32
2023 年 10 月 25 日 上午 5:03
152 項更新註記 (檢視)

Automated Ark

Have Questions about the mod, bug reports, or want to keep up on the latest mod news? Join the mod discord here I do NOT monitor the comments or discussions here on steam due to the number of mods I have published. So if you have a question, ask in discord.

Check the Discussions section for info on what each item in the mod does and how to use them.

Welcome to the new Automated Ark

This version is a lightweight, vanilla themed mod with almost no custom models or textures designed for those that want function over form. If you want Automated Ark with custom structures, RP Theming and visual polish, check out the modular version of AA on my Steam Workshop.

Automated Ark is made to take some of the more mundane tasks in Ark and make them enjoyable so you can jump straight into the fun stuff. Automated Ark will not play the game for you, like some mods, but rather make the game more fun for you.

If you\'re looking for the server host with the best value for your dollar is They host Ark: Survival Evolved, Rust, and 7 Days to Die with hosting for Minecraft coming soon! With one click mod installs, Event Scheduling, GUI based settings, and Automatic Mod Updating its a set it and forget solution to server management!

[ark server hosting] ->
[rust server hosting] ->
[7 days to die server hosting] ->

Have Questions about the mod, bug reports, or want to keep up on the latest mod news? Join the mod discord here

Help support this and future mods by supporting me on Patreon! I would love to be able to afford some better models and save time to make more mods!

**If you would like to help fund future support of this mod and/or future mods, then please consider heading on over to my Patreon and helping out with a small monthly donation.

For info on how to use each structure in the mod click the discussions tab and look for the thread for each structure.
熱門討論 檢視全部(383)
2021 年 12 月 24 日 下午 8:09
Ideas and Suggestions.
2023 年 10 月 24 日 下午 10:48
置頂: Servers Using This Mod
2024 年 3 月 3 日 上午 1:58
Control console keeps filling with Poop..
3,942 則留言
dingletoe 2 月 15 日 上午 9:55 
the egg crate is collecting eggs and turning them into dodo eggs somehow and the industrial cooker only lets me make kibble with a ton of any kin of dinosaur egg, is that intended??
Icelus 2024 年 12 月 1 日 上午 11:51 
Hi! Is there a way to prevent the pulling from mannequin loadout inventory? The marking bar can be excluded but not the inventory
Geek_Loco 2024 年 9 月 12 日 上午 10:18 
@Dan92 Ever since the author started updating this mod again, what you've described has happened to me and my clan mates on some of our servers and SP maps. So I have been switching what I can back to SS (Super Structures) or other mods for the same functionality. We really wished he never came and messed with because it's been more problems than it's worth, sadly. I know it's not his fault and I don't blame him. I think if he knew this would happen to some of us he would have possibly not changed anything. It points to more issues with Ark and the SDK to me. Hope you don't have any more issues.
Dan92 2024 年 9 月 11 日 上午 12:32 
I use the ark server manager and I have been able to use it, but there has been a big problem, placed structures have disappeared, along with the objects they had inside. Does anyone know how to solve this problem?
LosEggz 2024 年 8 月 17 日 上午 12:03 
okay so my comment below, i figured it out. instead of managing the mods automatically with -automanagedmods; just subscribe here, and copy paste the fold and file from the single play mods folder, to the server mods folder
LosEggz 2024 年 8 月 16 日 下午 10:49 
is this still working? i have started 3 different servers, been trying this for 2 days and it is not working. the only mod I am using is this one, -automanagedmods is in the command line and i have the mod id in the gamusersettings.ini .. when the server starts, the aa mod folder downloads, but incomplete, it only shows AAAntHill and AAControlConsole folders downloaded, nothing else. in game, engrams show up, but i cannot learn them.
dragonsni 2024 年 7 月 22 日 下午 5:01 
The Veggie Crate is classified as the OCD Metal Vault and will not pull veggies from it
CuginoRap 2024 年 6 月 18 日 下午 4:34 
is there a way to make the console stronger?
100 hp are too less, one wild dino destroy it in one it and u have to re-setting it again.
maybe a stronger one at an higher level
SKI 2024 年 6 月 14 日 下午 5:50 
Is there a way to make the Control Console not pull metal from my anky without disabling pulling from the anky completely? Because i want to have the AA indust forge pull the metal but instead the control console pulls it and doesnt put it into the forge. I Tried manual sort and everything. Raw metal is not on the pull list for any of my storage either. And i know you can disable pulling from dinos for the control console but I would like it to still pull stone from doed and wood from mammoth etc. Any Advice would be greatly appreciated.
Ketobby 2024 年 4 月 11 日 下午 9:47 
@TechnoMechanicus 812655342 you can see it in the page url