Wurm Unlimited

Wurm Unlimited

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Daray´s Modded Keybind (Fast Keybinds)
By MkWailord

This keybind is a modded adaptation of the original Daray´s Keybind for WO, i loved this keybind because It makes you very practical, you can cut wood fast, mine fast, farm fast and a lot of things more, everything without making clicks, just your keyboard.


Esta keybind es una adaptacion modifica de la original keybind de Daray para WO, ame esta keybind por que te hace muy practico, puedes cortar madera rapido, minar rapido, farmear rapido y un monton de cosas mas, todo sin hacer clicks, solo tu teclado.
Introduction: What makes special this keybind?
This keybind was created by daray, but after we get some updates that makes you save arrangements of toolbelts, so i modded it to make the keybind more friendly use.

So as you know, you can make 10 differents arrangements of tools on your toolbelt.
This keybind has differents modes for every situation on your wurm life:

  • Mine: you will can mine, prospect and mine forward.
  • Dig: you will can dig, pack, flatten or cultivate.
  • Wood: you will can cut down trees, chop up, prune, pick sprout.
  • Farm: you will can sow, farm and harvest
  • Animals: you will can groom and feed.
  • Forage: you will can forage, botanize and pick flowers
  • Mount: you will can drag and lead.
  • Move Things: you will can push, pull and turn
  • Loot: you will can butcher and bury.
  • Imp: you will can imp metal tools, wood tools, leather and cloth things.

So this keybind only affect for works?

No, this keybind also affect for other things like: Climb leaders, open differents bins, praying and fighting and a lot of things more.

How it works?
I say you will only use 2 keys, but that doesnt mean all your keyboard will be binded for all actions.

There are different modes for what you need:

So if you need mine some rocks, press f1 and you will mine with two keys, if you need cut some trees, press f3 and you will cut and chop trees with two keys without making clicks.

Also you will have this other bar:

Guards! : Will work to call guards
Fsleep: Will enable you Sleep Bonus

Sound: Enable or disable the sound.

Distance: Less or more render distance (major affect on trees).

You only need to remember what thing do X, and what thing do C (also shift modes), the top bar will change if you press Shift, Alt, Shift+Ctrl or Alt+Shift

  • Mine: (Overing with mouse a rock, vein, etc tile)
    To enable the mine mod press F1.
    X - Prospect
    C - Mine Forward
    Shift+C - Tunnel

    Also for the toolbelt:
    Shift+ALT+F1 Will save the current tool arrangement of the toolbelt to the slot 0 (Only need to do this one time)
    ALT+F1 Will load the toolbelt 0

  • Dig: (Overing with mouse a dig, peat ,etc tile)
    To enable the dig mod press F2.
    X - Dig
    Shift+X - Flatten
    C - Pack
    Shift+C - Cultivate

    Shift+ALT+F2 - Save toolbelt
    ALT+F2 - Load toolbelt

  • Wood: (Overing with mouse a tree tile)
    To enable the wood mod press F3.
    X - Cut down trees
    Shift+X - Prune
    C - Chop up
    Shift+C - Pick Sprout

    Shift+ALT+F3 - Save toolbelt
    ALT+F3 - Load toolbelt

  • Crops: (Overing with mouse a dirt, grass, reed tile)
    To enable the crops mod press F4.
    X - Sow
    C - Farm
    Shift+C - Harvest

    Shift+ALT+F4 - Save toolbelt
    ALT+F4 - Load toolbelt

  • Animals: (Overing with mouse an animal)
    To enable the animal mod you will press F5.
    X - Groom
    C - Feed

    Shift+ALT+F5 - Save toolbelt
    ALT+F5 - Load toolbelt

  • Forage: (Overing with mouse a grass tile)
    To enable the forage mod you will press F6.
    X - Forage
    C - Botanize
    Shift+C - Pick Flowers

    Shift+ALT+F6 - Save toolbelt
    ALT+F6 - Load toolbelt

  • Mount: (Overing with mouse an animal and having a rope activated)
    To enable the mount mod you will press F7.
    X - Drag
    Shift+X - Stop Draggin
    C - Lead
    Shift+C - Stop Leading

    Shift+ALT+F7 - Save toolbelt
    ALT+F7 - Load toolbelt

  • Move: (Overing with mouse a moveable thing)
    To enable the move mod you will press F8.
    X - Pull
    Shift+X - Turn Counter Clock
    C - Push
    Shift+C - Turn Clock

  • Loot: (Overing with mouse a corpse)
    To enable the loot mod you will press F9.
    X - Butcher
    C - Bury

    Shift+ALT+F8 - Save toolbelt
    ALT+F8 - Load toolbelt

  • Imp and create: Smith, Carp, Cloth, Leather: (Overing with mouse a tool or a leather/cloth thing)
    To enable the lImp mod you will press F10.
    X - Repair
    Shift+X - Continue
    C - Improve
    ♥♥♥♥♥+C - Finish

    Toolbelt: For here only have left 2 toolbelts slots.
    Shift+ALT+F9 - Save toolbelt (SLOT 8)
    ALT+F9 - Load toolbelt (SLOT 8)
    Shift+ALT+F10 - Save toolbelt (SLOT 9)
    ALT+F10 - Load toolbelt (SLOT 9)

  • Items:
    T - Drop
    R - Take
    F - Examine
    V - Open
    Shift+V - Close (for bins, forges, oves, piles, etc)

  • Chat:
    Return - Toggle Chat
    Tab - Next Tab
    Shift+Tab - Previous Tab
    Ctrl+Tab - Next Window
    Ctrl+Shift+Tab - Previous Window

    Move: WASD
    Turn Left: Q Turn Right: E
    Climb up: Alt+W Climb down: Alt+S (for ladders)
    B: Autorun
    Space: Mouselook
    Alt+C: Climb
    Y: Pray
    Ctrl+Shift+F1: Guards
    Ctrl+Shift+F5: Sleep Bonus
    Ctrl+Shift+F8: Sound 0
    Ctrl+Shift+F9: Sound 20
    Ctrl+Shift+F10: Distance short
    Ctrl+Shift+F11: Distance Far
Toolbelt Arrangements
Slot 0 For mining:

-A Pickaxe
-A Low QL Pickaxe (This one is for grind, because in some server you get exp if you spent more time mining, if this is not happening in your server dont use it)

Slot 1 For digging:

-A Shovel
-A Low QL Shove (Same reason as the pickaxe)

Slot 2 For Woodcutting:

-An Axe
-A Low Ql Axe (Same reason as the pickaxe)
-A Sickle

Slot 3 For Crops/Farm:

-A Rake
-A Scythe
-A Sickle
-A Satchel (with seeds in so you will active only the satchel and sow the seeds that are in)
-Maybe a shovel for cultivate packet dirt or to make packet dirt.

Slot 4 For Animals/ Animal Husbandry:

-A Grooming Bush
-Ropes (in some servers you can lead 4 animals)

Slot 5 For Forage:

-A Sickle

Slot 6 For Mount:


Slot 7 For Loot:

-A Butchering Knife
-A Shovel

For toolbelt 8 and 9 you choose between this 4 (if you have a toolbelt 90ql you can put two layouts on only one):


-Water (only put on toolbelt when you will do smith
-Lump (same as the water)


-Carving Knife


-Water (only when you will use it put in)


-Leather Knife

Download and installation
Download: (delete spaces)
http:// //www. mediafire. com/file/ 4txl1cias7da5ys/ Modded_Darays.rar

Just extract it to the default config folder (or the one you use):
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Wurm Unlimited\WurmLauncher\PlayerFiles\configs\default

Latter when you open the game you will see the top bar with the different modes.

Edit: on recent updates, the menu bar is hidden by default, so in order to get it back
do this:
1. Click the options icon
2. Then Hud Settings
3. Now Menu bar

Now, the menu bar is in the top of the screen, open up the console and type this exec base.txt
and your done.
MkWailord  [author] 10 Apr, 2017 @ 2:15pm 
Nice, no one cant share files... ok theres another one, thanks for tell me.
MkWailord  [author] 21 Mar, 2017 @ 10:52am 
I cant put the link, so just erase the spaces bettween // and g and the other one in . and gl.
MkWailord  [author] 21 Mar, 2017 @ 10:48am 
vaxlam 20 Mar, 2017 @ 9:24pm 
Where is the download link?
Incus 19 Dec, 2016 @ 2:08am 
No what I mean is. What .txt to I press so I can get my character sheet up again. As once I have exec an txt file I can never get C to open. All others are great.
MkWailord  [author] 18 Dec, 2016 @ 8:35pm 
Delet base on the config files
Incus 18 Dec, 2016 @ 5:05pm 
How do I select back to default. As I cant get back to it
MkWailord  [author] 18 Dec, 2016 @ 4:59pm 
The default bar is still there, just press shift+f1,f2,f3... Also for the character is C, but that is for default. The keybind is for doing all without clicks, so its better if you see all the defaults keybinds (on config ingame).
Incus 18 Dec, 2016 @ 10:30am 
How do I bring up console now or my character sheet. How the menu to exit the game. Very flawed using F1 and Main menu