Cities: Skylines
48 คะแนน
DB 218 Push-Pull Regional Train
Assets: Vehicle
6.938 MB
28 ต.ค. 2016 @ 11: 05am
6 ธ.ค. 2016 @ 4: 40am
4 หมายเหตุการเปลี่ยนแปลง ( ดู )

DB 218 Push-Pull Regional Train

This item resembles a basic regional train from the 1960s to 80s (Nahverkehrs-/Eilzug) for push-pull operation. The train consists of a class 218 diesel engine with four n-Wagen[] cars in their original silver livery. To enable pushing operation, the train features a first-gen n-Wagen control car (straight from the factory, thus not as weathered as the other cars ;-).

Four cars fit quite well into the default station length, combined with the control car, this makes it a good alternative to DMUs/EMUs on terminal lines.

Destination signs reflect line color. Support for Vehicle Effects mod (optional), enabling diesel smoke and sound, a third headlight for the engine and direction-dependent headlights for the control car.

New: If you subscribe to both, Vehicle Effects and Extra Vehicle Effects, you get:
  • Turbo-diesel sound effect with delayed turbo rpm, simulating turbine inertia (video and video)
  • Functional rear lights
  • Rolling stock sounds for passenger and cargo trains (video)
  • Braking sound, speed dependent
  • Wheel flange grinding/squealing in curves (depending on radius and speed)
  • Door closing sounds

Speed: 120 km/h (default)
Passenger Capacity: 35 (default)
Quads: 560 (engine), 335 (trailers)

If you appreciate my work and want to increase release frequency, you can donate here:
[] Thanks!

Historical photo: Manfred Kopka, CC-BY-SA 4.0,
12 ความเห็น
crylive 10 ธ.ค. 2016 @ 8: 43am 
Big thanks, Like
GT8686 23 พ.ย. 2016 @ 2: 37pm 
Thaok  [ผู้สร้าง] 22 พ.ย. 2016 @ 6: 44am 
I think it's better to upload them e.g. here [].
GT8686 22 พ.ย. 2016 @ 6: 02am 
@Thaok Okay I'll do that do you have a mail adress where I can send you the photos?
Thaok  [ผู้สร้าง] 21 พ.ย. 2016 @ 1: 47am 
Photographs of drawings can easily get distorted. Try to keep some distance and the drawing in the image center. Also, if you have access to a real vehicle, some photographs orthogonal from each side could speed up the texturing process. Ideally, you would use a tele lens from a greater distance (say 30 to 50 m) to minimize perspective distortion.
GT8686 20 พ.ย. 2016 @ 1: 18pm 
@Thaok, I think I saw a book at the libary about the Trams and there was a couple of blueprints of the GT4 in it. I could try to find it and send the blueprints to you, if you want
Thaok  [ผู้สร้าง] 20 พ.ย. 2016 @ 9: 41am 
Ideally a complete blueprint including views from each direction.
GT8686 20 พ.ย. 2016 @ 9: 09am 
@Thaok the GT6 also would be awsome.
Also, what kind of pictures do you need?
Thaok  [ผู้สร้าง] 19 พ.ย. 2016 @ 8: 51am 
How about a Duewag GT6 or 8? For those I could at least find some side and top views. But probably not anytime soon, too many projects and less and less time...
GT8686 18 พ.ย. 2016 @ 5: 55pm 
Hey, Thaok could you please make a german tram from that epoch? (Like the GT4 for example) Becouse theres no (good looking) tram from the 60s-90s here on the Workshop.