Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

40 ratings
Nova Shotgun
By RaviN
How to use the nova shotgun :)
The Nova
"The Nova's rock-bottom price tag makes it a great ambush weapon for a cash-strapped team."

╔►The Nova can be bought on both the Terrorist and Counter-Terrorist team and costs $1050.
╠►Shoots 9 bullets in 1 shot (26 damage EACH = 26x9)
╠►$900 per kill
╚►Lowest armor penetration of all shotguns.
How To Use

╔►Dont rush and take your time
╠ *If you do rush and you shoot an enemy, either miss or hit - just wait him out untill he peaks
╠ *If you do want to peak, use A&D to pop in and out of cover - dont just run out
╠ *Be silent, "SHIFT" other people can hear your footsteps and know when you are near!
╠►Aim for the head! ONLY shoot if your aim is on the head - you need that first headshot!
╠ *Body shots will do damage but you want to practice that aim - dont just shoot yolo
╠ *Placement is key, 1 vs 5 can be an easy clutch if you know where to go and where to aim
╠ *Be mindfull of lag and movement speed - let enimies run into your crosshair - best to practice this
╠ *You want to be able to hear footsteps and noises, this is an ambush weapon!
╠ *If you have loud, speaking differant language, toxic players in your team - mute them instantly
╠ *Take your time - dont just run around like chicken!
╠►Dont try and shoot through boxs/doors
╠ *Nova cannot wallbang. At all.
╠ *Giving your position away - you need to be "sneaky beaky like"
╠ *Enimy know they can rush you because you only have a nova
╠►The Nova is good at medium/short range.
╠ *Close range is awesome just take your time with your shots - AIM
╠ *Medium range is great accuracy - aim for the bottom of the head!
╠ *Long range not reccomended but can still kill - The Luck Skill :)
╠►Run and gun
╠ *Almost perfect accuracy when running left (A) or right (D)
╠ *Poor accuracy running forward (W) or backward (S)
╚ *Avoid jumpshots - if you do aim for their balls :)

The best rank ive managed to get is MG2 just using just the nova shotgun.
All the kills you see on my nova are from MM.. I only play Dust 2, I like it but haters gona hate...

If you want a few tips ingame, feel free to add me and ill show you my playstyle - but i am not pr0 :)

If i have helped you any donations will be awesome, feel free to send a Trade Offer

Monty Burger 31 Oct, 2016 @ 5:37am 
Thanks! the nova has been my favourite weapon and its nice to see someone educate people on how to use it!