Stronghold Legends

Stronghold Legends

93 ratings
Stronghold Legends Achievement Guide
By Quetzalcoatl
This is a short guide to explain the achievements system in this game, and contains some hints on how to obtain them.
Gaining Achievements
Achievements in this game are a bit tricky, as they are unlocked only with their equivalent trophy, and trophies are unlocked only after the end of a match (it doesn’t matter if you are victorious or not).
So, to put it simply, if you actually manage to conjure fifteen dragons in one game, but decide to quit to the menu and not end the match, you'll get no achievement, and will find that you've wasted a huge amount of time, so be careful!

Also, note that every achievement except those exclusive to skirmishes/multiplayer can be gained in every mode, so if you want an easy time, play a free-build map, keep track of your progress, and let your Lord die to an invasion to obtain the achievement.

In general, the achievements for this game are pretty easy, and do not require particular efforts, just a lot of patience.
Completion Achievements
King of Camelot
Awarded for completing the King Arthur campaign.

Champion of the North
Awarded for completing the Ice campaign.

Lord of Darkness
Awarded for completing the Evil campaign.

Valley of Flowers
Awarded for completing all missions on the Easy Legends Trail.

The Long March
Awarded for completing all missions on the Medium Legends Trail.

The Road to Hell
Awarded for completing all missions on the Hard Legends Trail.

Arthurs Challenge
Awarded for completing all missions on the Bonus Legends Trail.

Those achievements are pretty self-explanatory: just complete the Campaigns and the four Trials in single player to obtain them.
Victory Achievements
Awarded for winning a 'Deathmatch' in either Single Player Skirmish, or a Multiplayer game.

King of the Hill
Awarded for winning a game of 'King of the Hill' in either Single player Skirmish, or a Multiplayer game.

Capture The Flag
Awarded for winning a game of 'Capture the Flag' in Multiplayer.

Economic War
Awarded for winning a game of 'Economic War' in Multiplayer.

Skirmish Warlord
Awarded for winning 50 Skirmish games against the AI.

Multiplayer Warlord
Awarded for winning 50 Multiplayer games.

Small Skirmish Streak
Awarded for winning 2 skirmish games in a row.

Big Skirmish Streak
Awarded for winning 5 skirmish games in a row.

Huge skirmish Streak
Awarded for winning 15 skirmish games in a row.

Small Multiplayer Streak
Awarded for winning 2 multiplayer games in a row.

Big multiplayer Streak
Awarded for winning 5 multiplayer games in a row.

Huge multiplayer streak
Awarded for winning 15 multiplayer games in a row.

If your opponent quits during a multiplayer game, it actually counts as a victory.
Also, you can easily get the achievements related to the single-player skirmish by saving your game just before the enemy lord dies and reloading multiple times (thanks to El Chaffinch for the tip).

“Destroyer" Achievements
AI Destroyer
Awarded for defeating all 3 AI opponents during a skirmish game.

Human Destroyer
Awarded for defeating all 3 Human opponents during a multiplayer game.

It’s not required to play 3vs1: you can also play ad free for all, but be sure to land the killing hits to the enemy Lords.
Also, unlike other multiplayer achievements, for Human Destroyer, it is required to actually kill all the enemy lords, so even if one of them quits, you’ll miss the achievement.

Skirmish/Multiplayer only Achievements
Melee Hero
Awarded for winning a multiplayer or skirmish game while producing only melee units (No ranged units).

Ranged Hero
Awarded for winning a multiplayer or skirmish game while producing only ranged units (No melee units).

Melee units are: Man-at-arms, Maceman, Pikeman, Swordsman, Knight, every Knight of the Round Table (So Merlin it’s excluded), Dwarf, White wolf, Polar bear, Frost giant, Shield maiden, Demon Hellhound , Werewolf, Vampiric creeper, Saxon warrior and the Engineer.
Oddly enough, the Stronghold Wiki lists the Ladderman as a melee unit, probably because it punches its enemies (how brave!);

Ranged units are: Archer, Crossbowman, Merlin, White witch, Ice Queen, Bat, Sorcerer and every type of Dragon.
Siege engines are not listed in these categories (apart for the Ladderman), so you can actually use them.

Awarded for winning a multiplayer or skirmish game while producing no siege equipment.

To avoid errors, do not build the Siege Camp entirely and use the Ice faction, as Frost giants and Polar bears are more than capable substitutes to the siege engines. Although less economic, you can also use a Dragon to kill the enemy Lord, but it is probably not worth the hassle.

Chivalry Award
Awarded for winning a skirmish or multiplayer game while only using knights.

Fanboys Award
Awarded for winning a skirmish or multiplayer game while only using one unit type.

You can do these at the same time. Note that “one unit type” actually means one type of unit, and not the melee/ranged categories, so, for example, if you build a bunch of Man-at-arms to repel an early rush, you are stuck with them for the rest of the match. As for Melee/Ranged Hero, you can build siege equipment freely.

Unit Lover
Awarded for winning a skirmish or multiplayer game without building any castle pieces.

You can do this easily by playing the "Too close for comfort" map, which has already builded walls, by playing against Dietrich or Arthur, the weakest enemy lords.

Note:if you want a REALLY easy time, play a King of the Hill map against Dietrich or Arthur: you can easily win by producing only one unit type for match and obtain all the Achievements above in, at most, three matches.

Economic King
Awarded for winning a multiplayer or skirmish game while collecting 1000 gold or more without buying or selling any goods.

Simpler than it sounds, obtaining 1000 units of gold trough taxes and estate property is rather easy, albeit boring. The only difficulty you can find is a full Stockpile halting your production, so you might need more than one. Note that as every stockpile after the first costs 500 gold, you can use them to keep track of the gold gained.

Total Destruction
Win a skirmish or multiplayer game while killing at least 500 enemy units, but maintaining a 20:1 kill to death ratio.

This is a lot easier on the map Island War, versus three AIs: set up your walls next to the bridge on your island, build a lot of towers filled with Archers, and wait for the enemy to be slaughtered against your walls. Before finishing the match, remember to check the total amount of troops killed and troops lost in the Glory panel.
Note that units dismissed are not lost, so if you dismiss every unit low on healt, you can minimize your losses. This is true only for normal units (Archers, Knights ect.), the units summoned at Round Table/Ice Tower/Sorcerer's Tower are killed when disbanded. Dragons count as killed even if their timer expires, so be careful if you intend to use them.
If you want to avoid excessive grinding, you can also try my map:

Factions related Achievements
King Arthur
Awarded for owning all Arthurian units at one time during a game.

Awarded for owning all Ice units at one time during a game.

Vlad the Impaler
Awarded for owning all Evil units at one time during a game.

The units you need to possess are the ones created from the Special Building of your faction, minus the Dragons, as it follows:

Round Table
Merlin, Sir Lancelot, Sir Bedivere, Sir Percival, Sir Galahad, Sir Gareth, Sir Gawain
Ice Tower
White Witch, Frost Giant, Polar Bear, White Wolf, Dwarf, Shield Maiden
Sorcerer's Tower
Werewolf, Hell Hound, Demon, Vampiric Creeper, Giant Demonic Bat, Saxon Warrior

Arthur Dedication
Awarded for playing 25 skirmish or multiplayer games as King Arthur.

Ice Dedication
Awarded for playing 25 skirmish or multiplayer games as Dietrich.

Evil Dedication
Awarded for playing 25 skirmish or multiplayer games as Vlad the Impaler.

You only have to play as Arthur/Dietrich/Vlad, victory is not mandatory.
You can also save your game just before the enemy Lord dies and reload multiple times to get the achievements (thanks to El Chaffinch for the tip).
Achievements that require grinding in a single match
Dragon Summoner
Awarded for creating 3 Dragons in a single game.

Grand Dragon Summoner
Awarded for creating 15 Dragons in a single game.

Here's a great tip by -=] AoFA [=- Not The Best:
You don't need to play 2 hours for the "Grand Dragon Summoner" achievement, as you don't actually need to hatch and summon 15 dragons, you just need to "pay for them". You can do it in 10 minutes, by playing any of the "Fantasy Dragon" workshop maps with some statues in your corner of the map, by simply building a round table/ice tower/sorcerer's tower, buy a dragon, delete the building, build a new one, buy a dragon and so on. I just realized recently, that my "total units produced" goes up 1 when I buy the dragon in the tower already.

Glory Seeker
Awarded for placing 30 statues in one game.

To build statues, you need glory, and glory is obtained by attacking enemy troops with your melee troops (ranged troops and traps do not obtain glory, so forget waiting for enemy’s suicidal attacks against your walls); every statue costs 100 glory, so you will need 3000 glory, or many, many suicidal attacks against the enemy walls. For this reason, it’s a wise idea to try this achievement along with the Military King one.

Finance King
Awarded for gathering 350,000 gold during a game.

You need to have 350,000 gold at once, so arm yourself with patience and get plenty of candles, beer and food to raise taxes to the maximum; on the bright side, you can sell as many goods as you want to obtain this astronomic amount.

Military King
Awarded for producing 1500 military units during a game.

You only need to produce this amount of troops, not have them at once: to check how many units you’ve produced so far, click on the Glory panel. It is a good choice to attempt this achievement with Glory Seeker, sending many units to their doom, as there is a certain amount of troops you can have simultaneously.

Creeper Award
Awarded for converting 150 units during one game.

The best map to obtain this achievement is the fourth mission of the Medium Trail: to the east of your keep, there an estate full of blue troops; here, you'll find a small gorge. From this gorge, from time to time, you'll be attacked by small packs of Lancers and Archers: two Crepeers can easily convert them, repelling the menace and adding fresh troops to your ranks.

Drunk's Award
Awarded for having your peasants drink 300 barrels of ale during one game.

Priest's Award
Awarded for having a priest bless 150 peasants during one game.

These two achievements are rather easy, and it’s highly likely you’ll obtain them without trying: maximize beer consumption and Masses frequency (along with ale and candle production) to be sure of obtaining them.

Feaster's Award
Awarded for collecting 3000 honour from feasting.

This is rather grindy, but you can actually keep track of the amount of honour gained from feasting in the honour tab. Note that Ice and Evil faction lack the Vineyard, so they gain honour slower than Arthur.

Greed Award
Awarded for collecting 15000 gold through taxes in one game.

Generosity award
Awarded for losing 15000 gold through bribes in one game.

Note: “Bribes” are the donations you can set in the keep to raise your villagers’ happiness.
While the first one in rather easy, and will come naturally in a medium length match, the latter it’s quite time consuming and can put you in danger, so it’s best to try it when you have total map control. Since there is no way to keeping track of the gold lost on donations, you’ll have to keep track by yourself, so it’s best to gain a certain amount of gold beforehand, than set donations to the maximum and not gain/spend gold in any other way before losing the 15000 units required.

Granary Filler
Awarded for having 10000 food in your granary at one time during a game.

In order to obtain this achievement, you must set ration distribution to zero, so a high production of beer and/or donations are required to maintain positive popularity. You can buy as many food as you want, but a strong food production certainly helps: for this reason, this achievement synergises well with Ultimate Farmer.

Defensive Master
Awarded for owning 40 types of defensive weapons at one time during a game.

Defensive weapons have a dedicated section in the construction panel. However, despite being placed there, the Moat and the Pitch Ditch do not count towards this achievement, since they are no weapons; the easiest way to gain this achievement is to play Evil and place Man Traps, the cheapest defensive weapon in the game: I suggest doing this in the second part of the mission “Revenge” of the Vlad Campaign.

Castle Builder
Awarded for owning 50 types of castle pieces at one time during a game.

Despite being listed as Castle Pieces, walls don’t count towards this achievement, only towers and gatehouses do, so arm yourself with patience and stone, and build a lot of Type 1 Towers, the cheapest of them all.

Ultimate Castle
Awarded for owning every single structure at one time during a game.

Note that, obviously, you need to build all the structures that are available to your faction, so, if you are playing Ice, you don’t need to build Wheat Farms, which you don’t have.

The Ultimate Farmer
Awarded for owning 60 or more farms at one time during a game.

The Ultimate Worker
Awarded for owning 60 or more workshops at one time during a game.

Those achievements are pretty straight-forward: Wheat Farms, Apple Farms, Pig Farms and Hop Farms are considered Farms, while Armourer’s Workshop, Blacksmith’s Workshop, Chandler’s Workshop, Fletcher’s Workshop, Poleturner’s Workshop and Tanner’s Workshop count toward the Workshops total.

The Ultimate Lord
Awarded for killing another Lord using your own Lord.

The best way to do this is to play the last mission in Arthur’s Campaign, Mordred: if you set up a good defence, you can easily repel every attack and prepare your army to attack the enemy hold. After killing every unit, lure Mordred in the open by hitting him with some Archers: he will follow them, if they are near enough, and become an easy target for your own Lord. BE SURE to weaken him first, so that he does not kill your Lord. Also mind that, like every Lord, he can conjure units, in his case, five Werewolves.

I strongly recommend this mission to obtain many of the other grinding achievements, as the enemy attacks are easily defeated and you have unlimited time to play.
Achievements that require grinding trough multyple matches
You'll only need to win/lose in order to gain the actual achievements listed below, but if you quit a game, your total count of, for example, troops killed will be updated nevertheless.

True Dedication
Award for playing Stronghold Legends for 10 or more days.

Grand Designer
Awarded for using the Stronghold Legend's Map Editor for 10 or more hours.

Probably among the last you’ll get, those achievements require to play (so idling in menu does not count) in game and to use the editor for a certain amount of time: the best thing to do, if you don’t want to actually play for that amount of time, is to leave the game on during the night. For the editor mode, this is easy, as there are no enemies attacking you, but for True Dedication you’ll need a mission in which the enemy will not disturb you unless provoked, such as the first mission in the Arthur’s (Arthur) or Vlad’s (Revenge, but only after killing the enemy wandering Archers) Campaigns, or the last in Ice’s (Janibas). Note that with every other achievement, you’ll need to complete a game to obtain the trophy and the achievement.

Dragon Slayer
Awarded for killing 25 Dragons through the course of your game time.

Grand Dragon Slayer
Awarded for killing 200 Dragons through the course of your game time.

Another pair of hard achievements. Perhaps the best way to farm Dragon kills is to play the mission “Virginal, Ice Queen of Tyrol”: there is always a Dragon that spawns with every enemy’s attack and three of them that spawn periodically after the enemy hold is damaged enough. The best way to kill those Dragons is to lure them into your keep: the Ice Queen provided at the start of the mission is, in fact, capable of freezing them, leaving easy work for your Archers.
You can check how many Dragons you've killed so far in the Stats menu.

Note:if you are really impatient about these achievements, you can try my map, Dragon Farming:

Estate Stealer
Awarded for Capturing 300 estates during the entire course of your game time.

Estates lost and recaptured count towards this achievement, but it's probably easier to load a map with many Estates, like Opposite Hills, capture every estate and quit.
Note:Again, if you don't want to grind that much, give my map a try:

Body Count
Awarded for killing 50,000 enemy units during the course of your game time.

Another achievement that will require a lot of time: other than trough normal gameplay, you can try to create some maps with huge amount of troops surrounded by towers full of Archers.
Note that I've tried to create a map to ease this achievement, but I found out that is quite difficult to group more that 5000 units on the map without incourring in heavy CPU usage, even on a powerful PC, so I gave up.

Awarded for collecting all of the trophies! You are a true legend!

This WILL BE your last achievement! Congratulations, you’ve earned it!
File History
02/10/2016: Guide created. v. 1.0
03/10/2016: Added images for Completion Achievements.
04/10/2016: Added images for Victory Achievements, added missing "Estate Stealer" achievement in the "Achievements that require grinding trough multyple games" section along with a brief description.
05/10/2016: Added images for "Destroyer" Achievements and Skirmish/Multyplayer only Achievements.
06/10/2016: General fixes, added images for Achievements that require grinding in a single game, added "Currently bugged Achievements" section (manly for formatting reasons).
07/10/2016: "Currently bugged Achievements" renamed as "Faction related Achievements", added missing images, modified tip for the Creeper award. v. 2.0
08/10/2016: Modified tip for "Total Destruction".
09/10/2016: Added link to "Dragon Farming" map for the Dragon Slayer Achievements.
11/10/2016: Modified some tips.
18/10/2016: Modified some tips.
30/10/2016: Added "Total Destruction" map.
03/11/2016: Added "Estate Stealer" map.
10/12/2016: Added El Chaffinch tip.
25/11/2019: Added -=] AoFA [=- Not The Best tip.
08/01/2022: Changed guide name.
geo261395 19 Jul, 2024 @ 9:32am 
hello. need the achievment winning 3 humans at multiplayer. anyone can help?
𝓙𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒔 ᠌𝒰𝒂 28 Mar, 2024 @ 2:35am 
add me for multiplayer achjevements
WAYNE 3 Jul, 2023 @ 11:09am 
add me for multiplayer achjevements
Jansen 5 Feb, 2023 @ 5:39am 
I need help with the multiplayer achievements, does anybody need it too?
Moncano 14 Sep, 2022 @ 3:43am 
who can help with multiplayer achievements
MaddHatter 2 Sep, 2022 @ 10:44pm 
I managed to get the Ultimate Lord achievement without playing through Mordred again. Here's what I did:
I went into Skirmish mode on a close up map (I think it was Too Close For Comfort?) as Dietrich against Lancelot and high starting everything and no starting troops Then I placed ice tower and used all the honor left to buy Frost Giants, which I sent at the enemy to keep them weak and make sure they couldn't really do anything. As I slowly regained honor thanks to placements of food and kitchen farms, I bought a few White Witches and sent them to start to weaken Lancelot. Once they were doing some decent damage, I sent Dietrich in and used his Shield Maiden spawn to weaken Lancelot further and force him to use his Knight summon. Once the knights were gone, I sent Dietrich up to the keep to finish him off.
Overall, it's a much quicker way to get the achievement, but if you're going for a lot of the grind heavy achievements, definitely do as suggested and play Mordred. Have fun!
OP GameTime 16 Jun, 2022 @ 10:58am 
Im just gonna comment to save this lol
Quetzalcoatl  [author] 19 May, 2022 @ 8:15am 
I'm sorry I couldn't help you.
Shadow™ 19 May, 2022 @ 8:06am 
Ok, thank you (
Quetzalcoatl  [author] 19 May, 2022 @ 7:58am 
I have no profiles available anymore, just the standard one with two minutes of game time.