Space Engineers

Space Engineers

41 ratings
KRH Build Standards
By Krahazik
This guide is where I have decided to write down some of the standards I am using with my builds. This is intended mainly as an internal reference for me an my friends when building ships and stations in Space Engineers. The purpose with establishing these standards is to maintain a certain level of consistency with naming conventions and configurations between my ships.
Component Names
Locational Reference
Components which are to be referenced by thier specific location within the ships shall have a suffix added to the end of the component name. This suffix should consist of a dash, a single letter related to the directions reference for the ship followed by another dash.
  • -P- Port/Left Component is located to the left of the ship's center-line.
  • -S- Starboard/Right component is located to the right of the ship's center-line.
  • -C- Center Component is along the center-line or in the center area of the ship.
  • -F- Fore/Forward Component is within the forward area of the ship.
  • -A- Aft Component is within the aft area of the ship.
  • -D- Dorsal Component is located on the top surface of the ship.
  • -V- Ventral Component is located along the bottom surface of the ship.
Sub-Module Prefix
For components wich belong to a detachable module or a support ship intended to dock with a larger command ship, the components within the grid shall be prefixed with a bracketed identifier for the grid. The prefix for all support craft would be just the craft's model number within square brackets []. For parts in a modular system, an additional prefix of [SM] for Ship/Station Module will be added to the front of the module model number and component name.

EXAMPLE of a modular component:
[SM][RE-1] Gyroscope

EXAMPLE of a support ship component:
[DM-1] Gyroscope
External Illumination
This section will cover lights place don the exterior of the ship. A good portion of my exterior lighting follows naval and aviation tradition with occasional modifications for the craft or environment.

Navigation Lights
The navigation lights are solid colored lights placed on the port (left), starboard (right) and aft sides of the ship marking thier respective sides.

Group: External Nav Lights

Red marks the port side of the craft. [R: 255, G: 0, B: 0]

Green marks the starboard side of the craft. [R: 0, G: 255, B: 0]

Yellow marks the aft of the craft. [R: 255, G: 255, B: 0]
White marks the aft of the craft. [R: 255, G: 255, B: 255]

Lights are usually placed with one pair near the front of the craft and one pair near the aft of the craft so that they may be easilly seen from directly head on to the craft and from directly behind the craft. Placement of the pair is usually also done so that they may be seen when viewing the dorsal or ventral sides of the craft as well. If the side lights can not be easilly seen from the above or below the craft, additional lights may be placed on the dorsal and ventral surfaces on the farthest side edge of the craft to mark port and starboard.

Navigation Lights should be set with the following settings:
  • Color dependant on side. See above.
  • Radius 5.0m
  • Falloff 3.0
  • Intensity 5.0
  • Blink Interval 0.0s
  • Blink Length 0.0%
  • Blink Offset 0.0%

Beacon Lights
Becon lights are red flashing lights placed on the dorsal and ventral surfaces, typically along the center line of the craft, at the highest or lowest point on the craft. Usually only one light will be used for the dorsal and ventral surfaces.

Group: External Beacons

Beacons should be set with the following settings:
  • Color R: 255, G: 0, B: 0
  • Radius 10.0m
  • Falloff 2.0
  • Intensity 5.0
  • Blink Interval 1.0s
  • Blink Length 10.0%
  • Blink Offset 0.0%

Engine Effects
These are lights placed on aninterrior area with exposed windows or grates allowing the light to be seen from outside the ship to create a glowing type effect.

Group: Exterior Engine Glow

Beacons should be set with the following settings:
  • Color R: 65, G: 65, B: 255
  • Radius 5.5-10.0m
  • Falloff 1.5
  • Intensity 5.0
  • Blink Interval 0.0s
  • Blink Length 0.0%
  • Blink Offset 0.0%
Display Screens
Display screens are eaither LCD Panels or Text Panels which utilize the Automatic LCDs in-game script written by MMaster to display information about the ship.

Font size is 1.0 in most cases.
Background Color R: 0, G: 0, B: 0
Font Color will be dependant on the type of information being displayed.

Engineering Information
Font Color R: 0, G: 160, B: 255
Information such as Ship Satus, Power Status, Oxygen Levels, Door Status, Block Details, Active Blocks.

Inventroy Information
Font Color R: 0, G: 160, B: 100
Display which shows information about the contents of containers or other inventory holding blocks.

Informational Displays
Font Color R: 170, G: 170, B: 0
These are displays which provide messages from the crew to other crew members or passangers and may be changed. May be utilizing some of the formating code to arrange how the text is displayed or mirroring text from a master display to other displays.
Command Groups
In situations where they are multiple objects to be commanded at once, those objects shall be grouped into the following groups and group sets with a single word prefix identify the group set. In this way certain similar type items can be organized alphabetically and make finding a specific group easier.

This group set is specifically for hardware related to docking the ship to another ship. This will typically consist of Merge Blocks, Connectors and Airtight Hangar Doors used as docking seals.

This set will typically consist of various lighting groups dealing with objects mounted on the exterior of the craft.

This group set consists of groups of items used directly in altering the ship's position in flight either by rotating the ship with gyroscopes or sliding the ship with thrusters. This set will consist of Gyroscopes and various Thruster groups. Additionally, thrusters should be subdivided by thruster type; Ion, Atmo, or H2 (Hydrogen).

This set will comprise of Batteries, Solar Panels and Reactors groups.

This group set is for various ship systems not grouped elsewhere. Consisting of Gravity Generators, Antennas, Oxygen Farms, Sensors, Ore Detector and such.

This set is for groups which are not used often and organized by rooms or zones of the ships. Groups would be of items such as lights within a single room or zone.
Toolbar Setup
This section will cover the typical toolbar configuration for most ships. Generally the first 5 toolbars will be setup depending on the specific ship and station. Toolbars 6-9 are generalized for specific purposes which are common to most ships.

Toolbar 8 Propulsion Systems
Toolbar 8 I use for powering the gyroscopes and various propulsion thrusters used on the ship. Typically this will involve the varioud groups in the Flight group set.
Thrust overide settings are not placed on this toolbar, just on/off switches.

  • 1 = Gyroscopes
  • 2 = Atmospheric Lift Thrusters (Thrusted used to hover in atmosphere)
  • 3 = Atmospheric Thrusters (Thrusters used for moving forward, backward, up, down, left, right)
  • 4 = Ion Thrusters (Thrusters used for moving up, down, left, right)
  • 5 = Ion Braking Thrusters (Thrusters used to halt forward movement and move backwards)
  • 6 = Ion Main Thrusters (Thruster sproviding forward thrust)
  • 7 = Hydrogen Tanks
  • 8 = Hydrogen Braking Thrusters (Thrusters used to halt forward movement)
  • 9 = Hydrogen Main Thrusters (Thruster sproviding forward thrust)

Toolbar 9 Power & Systems
Toolbar 9 I use for power production systems and some general systems found on most ships.
  • 1 = Ore Detector
  • 2 = Radio Antenna
  • 3 = Laser Antenna
  • 4 = Beacon
  • 5 = Medical Bay
  • 6 = Gravity Generators
  • 7 = Reactors
  • 8 = Batteries
  • 9 = Solar Panels
Firebrand 8 Jan, 2021 @ 8:08am 
I've been working on a similar naming scheme, but I like yours enough to just adopt it. Thanks! Well done!
Fuqsik 9 Dec, 2017 @ 11:35pm 
Moon 27 Nov, 2017 @ 2:10pm 
Neat. I might have to use something similar myself.