Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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Quickly Connect to Your Favorite Server
Vytvořil: Sudden
This guide will show you how to quickly connect to your favorite [community] server. Also works for non-community servers!
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Since the Meet Your Match update to TF2 the UI has changed. Connecting to servers has become a little more complicated. Now it takes an extra step to connect to your favorite [community] server. While this may seem trivial to some, others may find it as an annoyance. Fear not! There is a much quicker way to connect!
Find the server's IP
Finding the server's IP can be done a few ways. The two easiest methods are as follows:
1) Right click the server in your favorites or history, Click view server info, and copy the IP.

2) While on the server type status in the console, then copy the IP.
***Note: Both the IP and Public IP will work.***
Create a CFG file
Once you have the server IP open up your favorite notepad software.
Type in: echo "connect [server ip]".
Name your file and remember to type the .cfg file extension.
Change Save as type to "All Files".
Save in Steam\SteamApps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\cfg
Add custom CFG to autorun CFG
Find autoexec.cfg in Steam\SteamApps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\cfg
If you don't have one, create one just like you did in the previous step.
Add "exec [file name].cfg" to autoexec and save (remember to Save As .cfg).
Start the Game
Copy, Paste, Enter
Copy the IP from the console.
Paste the IP into the console.
Press Enter key.
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Počet komentářů: 4
Sudden  [autor] 30. pro. 2016 v 23.54 
I made ANOTHER new guide, check it out!
Sudden  [autor] 8. pro. 2016 v 21.25 
True, but this is still faster. Also useful if you have a ton of servers in your favorites but you have one that you frequent the most. Can also be used for any other type of information you want to access from the console upon game startup.
Land 8. pro. 2016 v 18.58 
2 clicks to get to the community servers list
live laugh love 27. srp. 2016 v 17.56 
+use_action_slot_item; wait 100; lol